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The lecture argues about the bad results of using rewards in companies.

In some enterprises, it explains that some workers that have been rewarded feel like their bosses have lost the respect for them. They also explain that rewards are sometimes translated as manipulating activities because, for example, lets say that there is a worker that has a problem (of any kind) that he wants to talk about whit his boss, but he doesnt do it because of the fear to be punished or that the boss threatens him to anulate or reduce the reward,then, the worker deals with that dilema, it also depends on how much does the worker needs that money. All this has a lot to deal with productivity, much enterprises try to cheach high standars of productivity as a marketong strategy. Companies look for their productivity to rise and also that their workers feel good with teir job so they work harder and better. In spite of what the lecture says, the reading implies that rewards help to increase the productivity, the autor can ensure that a well-motivated worker, Works happly and with more desire. It also says that if the reward system is correctly structured, it is posible to achieve better results, and work harder next time.

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