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Gulliver and Lilliput

Gulliver was a young boy who was very fond of good wholesome food. He ate great meal so he had grown tall and hefty. Young Gulliver loved adventures. He had gone in search of adventures on many occasions. So he had become a very keen sailor as well. One day Gulliver set the sails again. When he reached middle of the ocean, a furious storm arose and his ship sank. Luckily Gulliver saw a plank of wood floating nearby. Soon he was clinging to it and drifting among the waves. Gulliver was all alone. He often thought this voyage would be his last one. Days went by and the waves carried the Gulliver to a beautiful island Lilliput. Landing on the shore, Gulliver was surprised to see that everything was so very small. How amazing! Everything is exceedingly tiny like little tiny ants exclaimed young Gulliver. Gulliver went walking on the island. Suddenly a crowd of midgets surrounded around him. The midgets overpowered him in a instant and tied him fast with the strings so that he could not even move. A large group of guards stood watching closely so that he might not escape. Finding that Gulliver was lying peacefully, the midgets released him and took him to their king. The king said to Gulliver, I will set you free, if you. .. . Sea pirates trouble us a lot. They attack our vessel and coast and do not let us live in peace. You are to get rid of them, said the king. Rest assured sir, I shall deal with them, replied Gulliver. Soon Gulliver went to the sea and caught most of the pirates. He killed them and wrecked their ships. Those who were not caught fled in terror at the sight of Gulliver who was no less than giant for them. After dealing with the pirates, Gulliver returned to Lilliput where he was given warm reception. The midgets celebrated Gullivers victory all over the island. They gave him many valuable presents and exclaimed joyfully. He was immensely happy. He set the Gulliver at liberty and had a very big ship built for him. The midgets gave a hearty send off to Gulliver, though they were very sorry to see him go from their island. After a long voyage, Gulliver reached his homeland quite happy at his adventure indeed.

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