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Milwaukee Childrens Choir Logic Model

MCC Process Theory: In order to effectively change students lives through vocal music instruction, our program will serve youth in K4-1st and 3rd-6th grades by providing in-school instruction for the younger children and afterschool instruction for the older children during one school year. MCC Impact Theory: Learning music develops self-confidence, self-expression and appreciation of the arts.

Input: MCC staff, space provided by Dover School, space rented from Milwaukee Youth Arts Center (MYAC), classroom supplies, snacks, rehearsal hall rent, uniforms, and about $9,000/year for staff and supplies at Dover School

Output: 90-minute class for 3rd-6th grade students, 30-minute inschool classes for K4-1st grade, a mix of low-income and middle-income students, a positive working relationship with MYAC personnel and Dover School staff and teachers, three concerts presented at various venues for the 3rd-6th grade students

Initial Outcomes: 3rd-6th grade students learn four to five new pieces per concert cycle, sing with appropriate tone, enjoy participating in musical activities and maintain vocal health; 80 percent of 3rd-6th grade youth will attend of the after school sessions K4-1st grade students learn 20-30 folk songs, rhymes, and singing games, differentiate among speaking, singing and whisper voices, enjoy participation in musical activities and identify/use their high and low singing voices

Intermediate Outcomes: 3rd-6th grade students develop music literacy by learning solfge notes (do-reme-fa-sol-la-ti) and age-appropriate compositions K4-1st grade students use singing voices accurately and keep a steady beat

Long-term Outcomes: 10 percent of ageeligible 3rd-6th grade students progress to higher levels of MCC performance choirs K4-1st grade students become active members of MCCs introductory and performance choirs when they are ageeligible

MCC Theory of Change: Consistent exceptional choral music instruction produces musically able, creative, and confident students who have a positive impact on the community.

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