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Kate Vreeswijk Chef APB Due: Monday, April 9, 2012 FOD 2126 060

Recipe Journal
WEEK 1 CHICKEN CONSOMME FISH STOCK, WHITE WINE SAUCE SOLE DUGLERE TURNED VEGETABLES BOILED POTATOES To turn vegetables, thing of an egg thicker in the middle than the ends. When making a fish stock, do not use all the bones. Some are not great. To debone a fish, use the bones as a guideline and keep your knife angled upward for minimal waste.

WEEK 2 RACK OF LAMB PERSILLADE PARISIENNE POTATOES TOMATOES PROVENCAL/TURNED ZUCCINI To remove the fat off a rack of lamb, tie a string around the bottom of the bone and pull, the fat should come of cleanly. (It takes some practice) If the tomato does not stand up, cut a thin slice from the bottom to make it flat. Use meat glue on the thinner, uneven parts of lamb so they stick together.

WEEK 3 SALMON MOUSSE WITH SCALLOPS AND SHRIMP BLURRE BLANC VEGETABLE TAGLIATELLE SAFFRON RICE PILAF GRILLED SALMON MAITRE D'HOTEL BUTTER How to tell if the salmon is fresh: o Smell it (shouldnt smell overly fishy) o Bright, Clear Eyes (when fish has been frozen eye turns white) o Press the meat with your finger it should remain. o It should have rich Red Gills DO NOT boil the matre D Hotel Butter sauce, because when you add the cream it will separate. When removing bones from salmon, you can either use tweezers or a vegetable peeler. Give two inches on each side when you roll the mousse, and make sure the plastic DOES NOT go underneath the mousse. When completed, twist both sides of the rolled mousse in opposite ways.


Kate Vreeswijk Chef APB Due: Monday, April 9, 2012 FOD 2126 060

To brown the meat more quickly, dry and roll in flour. When pressing spaetzle, the holes should not be excessively large.

WEEK 5 SALADE NICOISE ROAST PORK TENDERLOIN WITH LEEKS MUSTARD SAUCE MASHED POTATOES WITH YAMS BRAISED RED CABBAGE STEAMED ASPARAGUS To dry out olives, coat them with olive oil and cook in oven at low heat. ALWAYS pan sear pork tenderloin

WEEK 6 SEA FOOD CASSEROLE AU GRATIN VELOUTE BASE SAUCE DUCHESS POTATOES SPINACH SAUTE Always poach white fish skin side up. Clams: o Never soak in water (they will die from chlorine) o Tap them or shake them in your hands to make them close. To make shrimp curl nicely, make a small cut along their back

WEEK 7 CHICKEN STOCK BRAISED CHICKEN LEG WITH DUXELLE POTATOES LYONNAISE BUTTERED SNOW PEAS/ CARROTS Use the same amount of stuffing as there was bone removed. Leave the skin on, as it will help keep the stuffing in. Leave the remaining bone, to keep the stuffing in as well.

WEEK 9 ROAST DUCKLING A L'ORANGE DAUPHINE POTATOES PEAS, CARROTS, AND PEARL ONIONS WITH TARRAGON BUTTER Choux paste should be cool before adding eggs, or else they will cook. Dauphine: o choux paste o mashed potatoes To get crispiness, add some cornstarch. Add half an orange, as well as thyme inside the duck for flavor. To stop sugar from burning, squeeze in some of the juice from the orange. If it becomes too sweet, add a little vinegar.

Kate Vreeswijk Chef APB Due: Monday, April 9, 2012 FOD 2126 060

WEEK 10 CANAPES ROAST LEG OF LAMB/ JUS LIE WHITE BEANS BRETONNE/ BUTTERED BRUSSELS SPROUTS Make sure to soak beans overnight, if dried. NEVER add salt to beans, it will make them hard. Put an X of the surface of the Brussels sprouts, to cook evenly. Make sure the canaps are SIMPLE (3-4 flavors) and BITE SIZE

WEEK 11 BROWN STOCK TOURNEDOS/ MADEIRA SAUCE/ TURNED MUSHROOMS ANNA POTATOES GLAZED TURNED CARROTS Scrape root of carrot with the tip of a pairing knife, to remove all the dirt before cooking them.

WEEK 12 CHEESE SOUFFLE NAVARIN OF LAMB-AUX PRIMEURS GRATIN DAUPHINOIS DO NOT flour lamb until AFTER the wine has reduced When making the bchamel for the souffl, ALWAYS ADD roux TO hot milk in order to control the thickness.

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