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Analog Sensor

Robocon IIT Kanpur

The IR analog sensor consists of: Transmitter- An Infra Red emitting diode Receiver-A Phototransistor (also referred as photodiode)

It is better to keep R2 as a variac to vary the sensitivity. The output varies from 0V to 5V depending upon the amount of IR it receives, hence the name analog. The output can be taken to a microcontroller either to its ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) or LM 339 can be used as a comparator.
Ankur Agrawal IIT Kanpur

Digital IR Sensor - TSOP Sensor:

Robocon IIT Kanpur

TSOP 1738 Sensor is a digital IR Sensor; It is logic 1 (+5V) when IR below a threshold is falling on it and logic 0 (0V) when it receives IR above threshold. It does not respond to any stray IR, it only responds to IR falling on it at a pulse rate of 38KHz. Hence we have a major advantage of high immunity against ambient light. No comparator is required and the range of the sensor can be varied by varying the intensity of the IR emitting diode (the variac in figure).

Ankur Agrawal

IIT Kanpur

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