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4 PRIMARIA / 4TH YEAR 1 Trimestre/1st Term Introduction Unit Meses del ao: January, February, March, April, May,

June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Estaciones del ao: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. Animales salvajes: gorilla, kangaroo, tiger. Elementos del paisaje: mountain, forest, waterfall, palm tree. Ropa: hat, dress, belt, scarf, boots. Comida: chicken, spaghetti, ice cream, meatballs, cake, sausages.

Unit 1 Asignaturas: Music, Maths, Science, P.E., Language, Art, English, Geography. Partes del colegio: gym, playground, classroom, corridor, library, computer room, toilets. Das de la semana

Unit 2 Acciones en PRESENTE CONTINUO: reading a comic, writing a setter, playing cards, drawing a picture, making a cake, doing a jigsaw. Nmeros del 1 al 100 Alfabeto Unit 3 Actividades: washing up, cooking dinner, watching TV, tidying up, listening to music, playing on the computer, studying. Estancias de una casa: bedroom, living room, kitchen, dining room. Verbos: open, close, turn up, turn down, help, give, look, want, go.

Adjetivos: hot, cold, noisy.

2 Trimestre/2nd Term Unit 4 La hora. Comercios: toy shop, bakers, sweet shop, supermarket, butchers, newsagents, greengrocers, pet shop. Alimentos: eggs, sausages, fish, biscuits, sweets, lollipop, cake.

Unit 5 La ciudad: museum, hospital, library, cinema, town hall, bus station, statue, school, park. Los meses Los nmeros ordinales Los nmeros cardinales Unit 6 Animales: frog, fox, squirrel, owl, bat, mouse. Preposiciones de lugar: behind, in front of, next to, in, on, under.

3 Trimestre/3rd Term Unit 7 Partes del cuerpo: hair, mouth, nose, feet, toes. Adjetivos : long, short, curly, straight, fair, big, small, black, brown. Conectores temporales: first, then, next, finally. Unit 8

Adjetivos: angry, tired, worried, poor, rich, old, young, happy, sad, long, short, fair, beautiful. Prendas de vestir: boots, coat. Verbos: wear, fall asleep, do, hide. Vocabulario: shoemaker, elves, wife, farmer, rich man, baker.

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