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Joey Pabalinas 2 Essay Topic 4 The the story The Great Gatsby, The main character of the story,

Jay Gatsby, is sometimes overshadowed by the narrator of the story, Nick, who seems to be a main character just as much as Gatsby. The role of Nick Carraway in this story is that of a narrator, but his story is almost as deep as that of Gatsby's in this novel, and one wonder's sometimes if Nick could be the main character. In the beginning of the story not much is revealed about Nick except for a few of his values such as his view of himself as a character of truthful moral standards as compared to others like Gatsby. Yet as the story goes on, more and more is revealed, and Nick is made out to be a much deeper character than in the beginning. Nick is revealed to care a lot about Gatsby when it is shown in the novel how much no one else cared about him, and the depth of caring is shown in the different house scenes and the Valley of Ashes scene. Nick also shows a great degree of trustworthiness, when he doesn't reveal Tom's cheating, although this is technically a flaw, since the right thing to do would be to tell Daisy about it. In the the funeral scene, it shows more about Nick's compassion by going to great lengths, such as throwing a funeral for Gatsby. Nick's values are more developed than Gatsby's at this point in the novel. In conclusion, Nick actually seems to be more of the main character in this novel than Gatsby at some points, and who knows, it may be true.

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