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The basic principles which guide a successful blackjack player's

strategy are as follows:

1. Always hit hard totals of 11 or under.

2. Stand on hard totals of 17 or more.

3. Hit hard totals of 16 or under when the dealer shows

a strong (7, 8, 9, 10, or A) upcard.

4. Stand on hard totals of 12 or more when the dealer

shows a weak (2, 3, 4, 5, or 6) upcard. An exception
to this is hit 12 when the dealer shows 2 or 3.

5. Never stand on soft totals under 18.

6. Always stand on soft totals over 18.

7. Double down with a hard total of 11 except when the

dealer shows an ace.

8. Double down with a hard total of 10 except when the

dealer shows a 10 or ace.

9. Double down with a hard total of 9 only when the

dealer shows a 3, 4, 5, or 6.

10. Double down on soft totals of 13 through 18 when the

dealer shows a 5 or 6.

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