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Test de evaluare initiala Anul scolar 2011-2012 Limba engleza Clasa a XII a L1 Numele si prenumele elevului: Data sustinerii

testului: Partea I Pentru rezolvarea corecta a tuturor cerinteleor din Partea I si a II a se acorda 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acorda 10 puncte. timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute (60 de puncte)

I. Read the text below and complete the following tasks. Write all your answers on the Answer Sheet. In the beginning of the nineteenth century, the American educational system was desperately in need of reform. Private schools existed, but only for the very rich, and there were very few public schools because of the strong sentiment that a child who would grow up to be a labourer should not waste his time on education but should instead prepare himself for his lifes work. It was in the face of this public sentiment that educational reformers set about their task. Horace Mann, probably the most famous of the reformers, felt that there was no excuse in a republic for any citizen to be educated. As Superintendent of Education in the state of Massachusetts from 1837 to 1848, he initiated various changes, which were soon matched in other school districts around the country. He extended the school year from five to six months and improved the quality of teachers by instituting teacher education and raising teacher salaries. Although these changes did not bring about a sudden improvement in the educational system, they at least increased public awareness as to the need for a further strengthening of the system. I1a. Read the text again and circle the correct answer: (10 puncte) 1. It is implied in the passage that to go to a private school, a student needed a)a high level of intelligence b)a high level of education c)a lot of money 2. Why is the word waste punctuated in this manner? a) The author is quoting someone who said that that education was a waste of time. b) The author thinks that education is not really a waste of time c) The author does not want students to waste their time on education. 3. According to the text, why did Horace Mann want a better educational system for Americans? a) Education at that time was so cheap b) In a republic, all the citizens should be educated c) People had nothing else to do except go to school 4. According to the text, which of the following is a change that Horace Mann instituted? a) Better teacher training b) Increased pay for students C) Sudden improvement in the educational system 5. Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage? a) A fight for change b) Nineteen- Century Reform c) American education d)The beginning of reform in American Education I1 b. Complete these sentences with the proper adjectives: (14 puncte) rich, poor, blind, injured, dead, unemployed, poor 1. Braille is a system of reading and writing by touch for 2. Every English Child knows the story of Robin Hood. It is said that he robbed from the and gave the money to the. 3. Those people with jobs have enough money, but life is not so easy for.

4. Jane has been a nurse all her life. She has spent her life caring for 5. Many people killed in the plane crush. The bodies of the .were taken away. The ..were taken to hospital. I 2 Put in the correct question word or phrase: (10 puncte) this building?- Its about two hundred years old. 2. bag are you carrying?- Judys 3..does your team play in?- Red. do you earn?- About $250 a week. 5hand do you write with?- My right hand. 6.of shop do you work? 7. ..first stepped on the moon?- Neil Armstrong. 8. .is your mother?- Shes much better, thank you. it to the post office? About two hundred metres. you take a holiday?- Once a year I 3 Complete each sentence with a word made from the word in capitals: 1. Her ankle is really..and she cant walk easily. 2. Its much buy large size packets. 3. Sam and tom are..twins. 4. This book is so difficult. Someone should .. it. 5. Most people agree that Christmas has become to 6. The thief was accused of stealing some. documents. 7. There is a living-room, with large windows. 8. They decided to go and watch some . dancers in the village. 9. I feel hot in this suit and tie. Im going to my collar. 10. John has been very . lately. 11. We may have to take.action. 12. I dont doubt his 13. He is going to his novel. Partea a IIa (26 puncte) SWELL ECONOMY IDENTIC SIMPLE COMMERCE CONFIDENCE SPACE TRADITION LOOSE HELP DISCIPLINE SINCERE DRAMA 30 de puncte

Write an opinion essay on this statement: People spend too much time and money on fashion. Do you agree or disagree? (No more than 180 words)

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