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Master Product Key to Upgrade Activate Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate, Premium and Professional The Visual Studio

2010 has just been released, but have apparently been crack ed or hacked, thanks to the generic master product key that been used by Microso ft to integrate into pre-activated Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate, Premium and Prof essional setup installers in ISO image formats, which is been released to MSDN s ubscribers, and some editions to WebsiteSpark, BizSpark and DreamSpark participa nts. The master static activation product key in question is YCFHQ-9DWCY-DKV88-T2T MH-G7BHP, which apparently can be used to register, unlock, upgrade, activate an d convert all three editions of Visual Studio Professional 2010, Visual Studio P remium 2010 and Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 from trial to full version product. Best of all, Microsoft is providing free official downloads of Visual Studio 2010 trial version, which can be used for free for up to 90 days after registrat ion. The only difference between the trial version and MSDN version (which is id entical to ISO been released on *Spark programs) is that the pre-integrated prod uct serial key been removed. As such, the trial version does accept the serial n umber above to upgrade to full version product. The workaround allows anybody ca n get free Visual Studio 2010 (which is not the lightweight Visual Studio 2010 E xpress) from official source without having to rely on warez or torrent sites to download Visual Studio 2010 MSDN ISO images. There are two ways to use the leaked master product key for Visual Studio 201 0. Method 1: Change the serial number after Visual Studio 2010 installation Go to Control Panel -> Programs and Features, locate and highlight Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate/Premium/Professional installation, and click on Unin stall/Change button. Upgrade Visual Studio 2010 Product Key for Activation A Visual Studio setup maintenance screen should be shown. After clicking Next button, an option to enter a valid serial number to upgrade product license is available. Enter the upgrade key accordingly, and click on Activate button. No r e-installation required. Alternative: Upgrade to Unlock and Convert Visual Studio 2010 to Full Version In any Visual Studio 2010 program, click on Help -> Register Product. Enter t he product key and click the Activate button. An error message will appear, stat ing that the product key cannot be used to extend the product validity. Anyhow, the product key will be accepted, and program will say that a valid product key has been entered after restarting Visual Studio 2010. Fully Activated Visual Studio 2010 Method 2: Integrate the product key into setup.sdb in Visual Studio 2010 setu p installer Unpack the downloaded Visual Studio 2010 Trial ISO with WinRAR, and then modi fy the setup.sdb under the setup folder with any text editor. Locate the [Produc t Key] heading, and change the line under it toYCFHQ9DWCYDKV88T2TMHG7BHP. Run th e setup.exe to start the installation, which automatically enters the serial key into installed app.

Visual Studio 2010 setup.sdb Product Key Note that other Visual Studio 2010 products uses different master activation product keys, where Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010 is P2K4R-VPKVK-TKH 4B-TRT6V-DW2GX, while Visual Studio Test Professional 2010 uses DYCF9-QQPCD-Q6GK P-WXYW3-GV2DH, andVisual Studio Team Explorer Everywhere 2010 uses 7W3RJ-4WX3R-B V8JM-FC8P7-3W7QX. The leaked product keys potentially costs Microsoft a huge sum, as Visual Stu dio Ultimate 2010 costs more than $10,000 for a piece of license. Anyway, Visual Studio 2010, been a development and programming tools, may be of less interest to general public. Anyway, Microsoft has been given away free license to use Vis ual Studio to selected targeted group through various Spark programs to encourag e development in Windows environment. Disclaimer: This article is for information and educational purpose only.

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