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The final exam is cumulative.

Here are the terms you need to know from each chapter that will be on your test in addition to the material from the chapters that we have covered in class since the last exam. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Sociological imagination Structural Functional perspective (looking for the functions of things- society is made of interrelated parts that function as a whole) Symbolic Interaction perspective (society is the product of individuals interacting with each other according to their own perceptions and attitudes or trying to attach meaning to what they see, hear, experience) Conflict perspective (individuals compete for scarce resources such as power, money, prestige, control, etc.) Manifest and latent functions norms, sanctions ethnocentrism cultural relativism cultural transmission subcultures and countercultures involuntary and voluntary resocialization total institution Goffmans dramaturgy------presentation of self, impression management, front stage, back stage status roles ascribed status achieved status status symbols reference groups primary group social network group conformity deviance stigma plea bargaining felony, misdemeanor differential justice medicalization of deviance recidivism reasons why we punish criminals social mobility (in a class system such as our society) life chances poverty line absolute poverty relative poverty 5 kinds of slavery Modernization theory discrimination institutional discrimination stereotype race prejudice contact hypothesis ethnicity assimilation

Exam information for the current chapters will be discussed during the review session in class on Friday before the exam.

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