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By Michael M. Magbanua

Description: Heres another fun and engaging strategy in teaching grammar. A very integrative approach level 2 grammar teachers can use in their review lesson. Contents in this activity were all taken from students background they themselves learned in level 1. This customized grammar race is a snakes and ladders-inspired board game. Target Learners Alloted time Materials : Level 2 (intermediate) : 30 minutes (may vary) : number-cube; task-cube; grammar-cube; transparent cake box; noun list; verb list; 5 colored grid markers; whiteboard markers :


1. Divide the class equally into small groups (ideally of 4-5 members only) 2. On a sheet of paper, have each student write down at least 10 noun vocabs and 10 verb vocabs they learned in level 1. Collect these wordlist afterwards. 3. Prepare your grid game on the board. See the sample below. 4. Have each group draw their wordlist. Give them freedom to choose either a noun or verb. Announce them their word. 5. Have them shake the 3 cubes inside the cake box, and then give them 30 seconds to accomplish their task. Discourage remaining groups from coaching. Students sample input: verb=drive; cube 1=5; cube 2=spell and sentence usage; cube 3=Yes-No Question Students sample output: (for cubes 2 & 3) - Do you drive?; Does s/he drive?; Can you/he/she drive? 6. Move their marker (say 5 steps up) should the group answered the two tasks correctly. 7. Repeat steps 4 & 5 until a team reaches FINISH line. 8. Reward the winning team. GRAMMAR LESSONS: be-verbs; a-an; simple present; there is/are; demonstratives; possessive adjectives; personal pronouns; S-V-O pattern; Wh- and Yes-No questions; cancant; negatives COMMENTS: a process and product-oriented, learner-centered review lesson group activity; careful classroom management is strongly advised. Please feel free to customize. Happy teaching!



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