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Backward Design Lesson Plan Template

Lesson title

Jack Marshall

Subject __Language Arts________

Grade level 9

Colons and Semicolons

Step 1Desired Results

Standards, benchmarks, other objectives as needed (e.g., IEP)What should students know, understand, and be able
to do as a result of the lesson? L.
Students should know about the conventions and proper use of colons and semcolons. Students will be
able to identify correct and incorrect usage of these two forms of punctuation, and will demonstrate these
skills in a group setting. Students will also complete a worksheet for homework to demonstrate their

Step 2Assessment Evidence

Performance taskWhat will students do to show what they have learned?
Students will demonstrate correct usage of colons and semicolons on the SmartBoard. This will be done in
a group setting to ensure all students have multiple chances to observe correct usage. Worksheet will be
used to ensure all individual students are competent with the skill on their own.
Performance criteriaHow good is good enough to meet standards?
Correct usage of colons and semicolons in class on the SmartBoard is good enough for the in class portion.
Worksheet will be corrected by teacher but will be graded for completion, not correct answers. Students
will get worksheet back from teacher to use as a tool for further learning.

Step 3Learning Plan

Learning activities (step by step from start to finish, detailed enough for another teacher to follow)
Have a 15 minute presentation using the SmartBoard about the role of colons and semicolons. Explain their
use in academic and personal writing. Their use in lists, time, and letters is important.
5-7 minute demonstration of correct use of colons and semicolons, teacher alone at first, then ask for
students assistance. This will be done on the SmartBoard by dragging and dropping punctuation in the
proper place.
10 minutes. Ask for student volunteers to come to the SmartBoard and put punctuation in the correct place,
using the large group for support. Ensure that the students have correct answers while making sure the
entire class is participating.
Remaining time may be used for silent reading or to complete homework assignment of colon and
semicolon worksheet.

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