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Name: Errolyn Brown

Topic: Word Processing

Grade: 7th

CCSS Standards: Technology, used effectively, can help all students meet and exceed the

rigorous learning goals embedded in the Common Core State Standards by providing access to

tools and resources that personalize instruction and creating rich, engaging and relevant learning


Analyze Learners

This lesson plan is suited for grades seven students enrolled in an Introduction to computers class

for all middle school students. Students ages range from 13 to 15 years. There are 3 students

with mild Learning Disabilities, 7 ESOL students levels 3s and 4s, 11 Regular Ed students,

however; majority of the students are kinesthetic learners. This is a culturally diverse class with

students from Haiti, Cuba, Jamaica, and the United States; however, its a predominately Haitian

population from various socioeconomic statuses, however, most are from lower/middle class

families. Students have not received any prior instructions about word processing. These students

prefer to work alone instead of in groups.


1.The students will be able to utilize important keys for typing skills.

2.The students will be able to demonstrate proper ergonomics for using the computer.

3.The students will be able to us Pages to create new word documents.

4.The students will be able to navigate the Pages menu bar to save document onto the computer


5.The students will be able to navigate the Pages tool bar to format text.

State Objectives

This class will cover a wide range of basic computer skills including Typing skills, using word

processor, saving and retrieving files, and the use of the tool bar. These students will develop the

basic skills required to utilize a variety of technology. Well also go over basic parts of all

computer applications such as: Saving Documents, Pages, Blank Documents, Desktop, Text,

Tool Bar, Cap Lock, Delete, Enter/Return, Spacebar, Font, Shift, and Menu Bar.

A. The students will develop the skills with the use of proper finger placement on the home key.

The students will be able to type short sentences without looking down at the keys.

B. The students will demonstrate the use of network-based programs and tools for collaboration.

C. The students will use the Tablet PCs, the keyboards. Flip charts and select the appropriate

printers. Power on and power off, and use a variety of technology properly.

D. The students will utilize and organize files, create folders and save them to a personal file.

Create, edit and revise a text using word processing features such as cut, copy and paste with at

least 80% accuracy.

By the end the students will be able to identify and demonstrate the use and importance of the

keys for typing, demonstrate proper use of the computer, create new word document, save

documents and use the tool bar. Students will have 20 minutes to complete.

Select Media and Materials

The media and materials are the Tablet PC (Computers), Word Processing Program, Handouts

(rubric), Promethean Board, power point presentation, Dance Mat, flip chart, a printer and a

poster with keyboarding features.

Utilize Media & Materials

Preview the Materials: The teacher checks each computer and make sure that all computers are

Microsoft Word 2016 ready before assigning students to computers. Once the computers are

ready, the teacher inserts a USB storage device to ensure that the power point presentation has no


Prepare the Materials: As the teacher prepare for the lesson, she will use the schools copying

machine and make copies of the rubric and the power point presentation. The teacher typed a list

pairing up the students according to their needs. The teacher then surf the internet for some fun

facts as an Icebreaker. Next, she observes the room to make sure that all computers are still

powered on, the posters and tables are at the perfect angle for the use of the smart board. The

room has always been decorated with computer educational print rich materials. The teacher

stands by the door with the list directing the students where to sit. The teacher then prepares the

students by giving them an overview of the lesson. She discusses the objectives with the students

and how it relates to future lessons. The teacher gives each student two sets of handouts; the first

one is the rubric for evaluation and the second is the power point presentation. The teacher then
discusses each slide while the students are using complete hands on step by step with the


Require Learner Performance

Students are highly encouraged to raise their hand at any point to ask questions concerning the

lesson. Since there are two students per computer, each student will take turns by going step by

step of the word processing assignment such as typing skills, using word processor, saving and

retrieving files, the use of the tool bar and printing out their saved documents. The rubric will be

used by their partners as feedback showing each student their strengths and weakness. One of

the instructional strategies that will be used is Asking their own questions as they engage in

learning, Active participation, differentiated instructions. Students will be engaged in discussions

for collaborative learning. Lastly, the students will engage in computer simulations.

The Students will practice their typing skills, and use the Home Row keys on Dance Mat typing.

The teacher will have students help her edit a document with punctuation, spacing and

capitalization errors.

The Teacher will walk students through opening pages (What does the icon look like? Find it on

your dock and double click on it. Choose blank document, double click.)

The Teacher will walk through saving and naming documents (File-> Save AS-> type name: first

names, last initial, grade-> save on desktop).

The Teacher will show students where Cap Lock, Delete, Enter/Return, and Space bar keys are.

The students should find them on their computers.

The teacher will ask the students How many spaces do you use when writing with a pencil or

paper? (One) Every time you press the space bar it makes on space. If you only need one space

between words, how many times do you use press the space bar? (Once)- Do Space bar practice.

The Teacher will show students where the tool bar is located in Pages. This is where you change

your font. Font is what your letters look like/color/size/etc.) Show students how to change their

font size. (Do first practice page).

Introduce Shift key. (When do you use capital letters? (Names, Places, Dates, I, etc.) Explain the

difference between when to use the Cap Lock key and Shift when we need all of our letters

capital, Shift- when we need just one letter) we use shift when typing.

The teacher will have student open the document that was previously saved and practice using

the Shift key in Pages.

Who know what we do at the end of a sentence? (Put a period). The teacher will show students

where the period is located. Have the students find it on the computer. Explain how to use them.

The teacher will call the punctuation out and the students will find them.


The students with learning disabilities and ESOL are responsible for meeting the lesson

requirement once given the proper accommodations. There will be a document that shows what

editing needs to be made. There will be a print out of the practice pages of the flip chart for

students who are ahead or behind. Directions will be repeated as necessary. The students will be

paired up with an effective peer note taker. These students will be allowed more time to complete

assignments. These students will be allowed to answer verbally or on the computer. The

assignment will be demonstrated in addition to verbal directions. The power point presentations
will show detailed pictures of step by step directions while to the students are following hands-

on. These students will do each step one at a time. Assistance will be provided as necessary.

Feedback will be given immediately. These students will be seated accordingly to reduce


Evaluate and Revise

Students will take a quick 5-minute computer assessment of skills via the computer. They can

repeat this as often as they like to improve their scores. As the lesson is wrapped up the teacher

will ask Why do we need to practice typing skills? Why is it important to use proper keys and

finger placement when typing? The learners did meet the objects, however, when creating a

future lesson the teacher will break this lesson into two to three lessons depending on the group

of students. The media and materials did assist the students in a great way being that the devices

were user friendly. The teacher realized that although this was a diverse class with special needs

students, these students could function and keep up in the same manner as the others. All

students used the materials properly with minimum need of assistance.

Rubric for Word Processing
Teacher: Errolyn Brown

Student: ________________ Date: _______________

Compone 1- Not 2- Below 3- Meets 4- Exceeds Scor
nt Accepta Expectatio Expectatio Expectatio e
ble ns ns ns
Criteria Missing Components Components Components
Components present but Present and present, properly
poorly Formatted Formatted Formatted and
properly creative
Save the
to a
Print the
Total: ___________

Brief Narrative
This lesson was design to accommodate all different learning styles. As I taught this lesson I was

not faced with any difficulties as it relates to the students learning styles. The promethean board

was an excellent resource which allowed the students to visually see step by step was being

done. I purposely spoke and demonstrated for those that might have had difficulties

understanding what was being taught. During the question and answering session almost every

student that was called upon could answer the questions directly, and with confidence.

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