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EDR 317/318 Lesson Plan Template


Lesson Day Mathematics, 48 minute lesson, 2 classes of 8th grade pre-algebra

(Include: Date, Subject, Duration, Grouping/# of students)

How will this lesson support the learning goal? Students will be given an instructional routine to assist them in solving word
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes) problems. Students do not usually associate language arts and mathematics,
but this lesson incorporates both. This routine helps students break down a
word problem in parts, so students can pull out the necessary information
when solving a word problem.

Objective(s) Students will be able to solve word problems by completing the three reads
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes) routine or the four step plan with 75% accuracy.

Taking the learning goal into consideration, what is the

objective(s) of this lesson that will support progress toward the
learning goal.

Objectives should be learner focused (not what the teacher will

do or accomplish), observable (use verbs that can be measured),
and target a specific outcome. Please refer to the SLO User
Guide for the “ABCD” method or “I CAN” statements that can
be used as a guide.

RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018

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PA Standards Standard - CC.2.2.8.B.3 or Analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear

Standard - CC.1.2.8.L

Read and comprehend literary non-fiction and informational text on grade

level, reading independently and proficiently.

ISTE Standards (if applicable) 1c. Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their
practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways
Technology Materials/ Resources -Schoology/laptop to use Schoologytechnology to give students a practice
(1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources) at the new routine to solve word problems
-board and markers to display three reads routine and four step plan, along
What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this with practice problems
lesson? How do the materials align with the learning -word problems to practice the three read routines and four step plan
objective(s)? If appropriate, what educational technology will be -guided notes sheet to record new ideas about the literacy strategy taught
used to support the learning outcomes of this lesson? How do the when approaching word problems
resources support the learning objectives?

Cite publications and any web resources.

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Anticipatory Set Once student have settled into their seats, I will pass out a guided notes sheet
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy) to start off the class. I will have students turn and talk with a partner to recall
8 minutes prior knowledge. Good morning everyone. To start off class today, please
How will you set the purpose and help students learn why today’s turn and talk with your table groups to name the four parts of the four step
lesson is important to them as learners? plan, along with describing each part in detail. Feel free to use your notes
How will you pique the interest or curiosity regarding the lesson sheet to record your thoughts. I will give students 3-4 minutes to discuss at
topic? their tables, and if I see a student without a group, I will have him/her pair
How will you build on students’ prior knowledge? with another table close by. Can anyone share what the steps of the four step
How will you introduce and explain the strategy/concept or skill? plan are?

Provide very detailed steps. The desired answer is:

Co-taught Lesson: 1. GivenList all the given information

Student Teacher=blue 2. FindWhat are we looking for? What is the problem asking for in the
Mentor Teacher=red end?
3. Solution“Start Digging”do the work
4. AnswerAnswer in full sentence with labels!

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(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy; Today, we are going to add another strategy to our four step plan to help us
1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) tackle word problems. This strategy is called the three reads routine. And as
35 minutes we learn each step of the routine, I will show each step in practice in a word
problem. The word problem I will go through is “John is planning to buy a
Exploration (Model): How will students explore the new cell phone. The upfront cost of the phone is $70, plus an additional $8 a
concepts? How will you model or provide explicit instruction? month. How many months has John had the phone if he has paid a total
You MUST include a teacher think-aloud using student-friendly amount of $150?”
language here.
So as the title suggests, we will be reading our word problem three separate
Guided Practice: How will you provide support to students as times. The first time we read, we want to think about the main idea of the
they apply the new concept? How will you allow them to practice word problem. Think about it like giving the problem a title. I will read the
(with teacher support)? problem aloud, and then I will tell my students the title I will use is “phone
Independent practice: How will students review and solidify these
concepts to be able to use this new knowledge? How will you The second read, we want to pinpoint what the question is asking. I will read
monitor and provide feedback? the word problem aloud a second time. So, the problem is asking how many
months John has had the phone if he has paid a total of $150.
Provide very detailed steps and include teacher talk where
appropriate. And the third read, we want to determine what is given in the problem and
any important information. I will read the problem aloud a third time. So, the
Bold/highlight academic language that will be used/taught given information is the upfront cost is $70, plus the $8 a month, and we also
throughout the lesson. know John spent $150 in total. This directly leads us into our four step plan.
We have found the given information, we have found what the problem is
asking, and now it is time to solve.

Now since we have been creating equations to represent relationships

between numbers, we want to create a mathematical equation to represent all
of this given information in one statement. But first we need to pick a variable
to represent what we are looking for. So in this problem, the missing
information is the number of months, which I will denote with an M. Out of
all of this given information, we know that some of these facts that do not
relate to our variable, like the upfront $70 payment, and the facts that do
relate to our variable, like the $8 per month. So, since we want to create an
equation, we want to think about how these facts do or do not relate to our

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variables. So, I know the total cost of the phone plan is $150, so I will place it
on one side of the equation. I know that the $70 charge is not dependent on
the number of months, but I know the $8 charge is per month, so we would
multiply the 8 by the number of months to get the cost. And I know these two
terms will add up to my total of 150.
While I am explaining the relationship between the numbers and the variable,
I will write down the equation: 150 = 70 +8M. I will answer any questions
about coming to my equation.

From here we solve for our answer and write in sentence form with labels. I
will walk through solving the equation, to find M=10 months. So, our final
answer would be ‘John has had the phone plan for 10 months’.

Throughout this direct instruction, I will be writing notes on the board, as

students will fill in their guided notes sheet on the three reads routine, and
how we can connect this new strategy to our four step plan.

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Now that we have learned about this new strategy, let’s put it into practice.
Students will flip over their note sheet to complete the practice problem.

You want to organize a group of friends to go to a karaoke studio this Friday

night. You must pay $30 to reserve a private karaoke room plus $5 for each
person in the group. You also want to have snacks for the group at a cost of
$2 per person. How many people can be in the group in order for the total
cost to be $65?

I will have a student read the problem, and then we will begin the three reads
routine as a class. The first read we will determine the main idea of the
problem. Can anyone share what they would determine is the main idea of
this problem? I will call on several students to show there are several ways
we can “title” this problem. The second read we want to figure out what the
problem is asking. Can anyone share what we are looking for in this
problem? I will call on students until receiving the
desired answer: How many people can go if the total cost is $65. And for our
third read, we need to find all the given information. Can I have a few
volunteer share what we know? I will call on students until I receive the
desired answer: cost of private karaoke room is $30, $5 per person, $2 per
person for snacks, total cost is $65

Now that we have pulled out our given information, it is time to write an
equation to represent our facts. Using what I showed you in the previous
example, turn and work with your groups to find a variable we want to solve
for, and to create an equation to help us solve. I will give students a few
minutes to work in their groups.

I will have students share out their variable and the given that does and does
not relate to the variable. I will have groups share until coming to the desired
answer: the variable P= the number of people we can bring to karaoke night,
the $5 per person and the $2 per person relate to our variable, the $65 total
and $30 for the room do not. The I will also have groups share out their

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equations and have students how they found their equation using the given

Once students understand how we came to our equation, I will allow them to
continue with the word problem. Now that we have completed the three reads
and have found the desired equation, we want to refer back to the four step
plan. Now that we have pulled out any given information and found what the
problem is asking, it is time to do the work. Please work on this individually,
then check with your group to see if you have the same answers.

Once students have completed the rest of the worksheet, and have shared with
neighbors, I will have a student volunteer to share their work and what their
final answer was. The correct answer to the problem is you could bring a
group of 5 people to karaoke night.

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Now that we have completed a problem as a class, I would like you to
complete one problem by yourself using our new strategy. Grab your laptops
out and log onto Schoology. Under our class I have created an assignment
that asks you to solve a word problem using the three reads and the four step
plan. Please show and explain your work.

Students will log onto Schoology and complete a word problem

independently. The word problem writes:

You spend $60 on clothes and buy 3 DVD movies. Your friend spends
nothing on clothes and buys 8 DVD movies. You both spend the same
amount of money. All the DVDs cost the same amount. How much does each
DVD cost?

I will also tell students they may complete the work on a separate sheet of
paper, but I would like to see the work also on Schoology as well.
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) The last question of the Schoology independent word problem is two self-
check questions to gage how students are feeling about this new strategy
5 minutes when creating equations from a word problem. The two questions are : (1)
How will students share or show what they have learned in this One thing I feel confident in that I learned today is… and (2) One thing I still
lesson? feel I need more help with is… Giving students these self-check questions is a
How will you restate the teaching point or ask students to do so good way to see where my students are in strengths and weaknesses with this
and clarify key concepts? new topic.
How will you provide opportunities to extend ideas and check for
understanding? The last few minutes of class, I will give a quick announcement about today’s
How will this lesson lead to the next lesson? work. When approaching word problems in any level of math, it is so
important that we take a step back and pick it apart word by word to pull out
the important information. Word problems can be extremely tricky but using
either the three reads or the four step plan will prevent you from getting lost
in the words.

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Differentiation For my below level students, I will be checking in with them throughout the
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) lesson to ensure they are copying down the notes correctly, with all the
information I am providing them. I will provide as much one on one support I
What differentiated support will you provide for students whose can, but if I need to help other students I will ask this students to work with
academic development is below or above the current grade level? their table members.
What specific differentiation of content, process, products, and/or
learning environment do you plan to employ to meet the needs For my above level students, I will allow them to collaborate with peers on
of all of your students? how they arrived at their answer to search for variations of thinking through
How will your lesson be supportive for all students, including the problems. I will challenge these students to think of several different ways
English Language Learners, and build upon the linguistic, to approach the problem, and how to create an equation and solve.
cultural, and experiential resources that they bring to their
How will your lesson promote creative and critical thinking and

For my English Language Learners, I will allow them to practice their BICS
(Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills) when working with classmates
and receiving support from the teacher. They will also practice CALPS
(Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency) when completing the notes sheet
and the practice problem as a class. If my students struggle with CALPS, I
will provide the student with pre-written notes and practice problem to use as
a resource when completing the preceding problems.

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Accommodations ** (see note below) For my students with ADHD and attention difficulty, I will ensure they are
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) seated close to instruction and prompt these students to stay on
task, especially when working in groups. I will also ensure the group of
What classroom accommodations do you plan to employ to students they work with will not be a distraction, but rather a resource for
increase curriculum access for students identified with special them if they need guidance or clarification and a teacher is not available. I
education needs or 504? will also allow these students to vocalize their thoughts through discussion
with tablemates during the guided practice we complete. This also gives
Describe how these accommodations align with the current students the opportunity to rephrase and repeat the content to fully
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for each student as understand.
applicable (avoid using actual names of students).
Modifications**(see note below) Students with specific modifications denoting they complete less homework
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) and classwork are not required to complete the entire activity. For each word
problem the students complete, I will have them complete the three reads
What curricular modifications and/or changes in performance routine and identify the variable that needs to be solved for. Once they have
standards, if any, do you plan to employ to facilitate the determined the variable, they will be given an equation to represent the word
participation of students identified with special education needs? problem and will be expected to solve for the final answer.
Assessment (Formal or Informal) Throughout the lesson, students complete several informal assessments. The
(1f: Assessing Student Learning) formative assessments begin when students recall the four step plan in the
anticipatory set, when students work together to practice the new approach to
How will you and the students assess where the learning word problems, and when they complete the independent word problem and
objectives, listed above, were met? self-check questions on their Schoology accounts. All of these formative
assessments allow students to put the new method to practice, one way in a
Each formal or informal assessment should describe how it is very supportive light, and the other a more independent practice to gage how
aligned to the above objective(s). well the students can use this routine to support the creation of an equation to
solve a word problem. The self-check questions are a great way to see what
aspects of the lesson students feel comfortable with, and what aspects
students still feel they need more practice with.

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Reflection on Instruction The lesson itself went well. This lesson was just an introduction to a new
strategy students can use when approaching word problems, but this was our
At the conclusion of the lesson you should reflect on the lesson. first try at creating equations given a word problem. Since we are still new to
The reflection should go beyond simply answering the question this topic, I don’t expect my students to be right 100% of the time, but I think
“Was this a good lesson?” Below are some questions to assist you they were very receptive to the new strategy I introduced, along with the new
in your reflective process (Danielson, 2008): idea of creating equations out of word problems. After reviewing their
o What evidence did you collect to demonstrate that your Schoology answers, all but a few students were successful in using a strategy
students have met or are progressing towards the learning to help answer the word problem, although not every student create the
outcomes/objectives? correct equation. This shows me and my mentor that we need to further
o View student work samples. What do they reveal about practice the aspect of creating an equation from the given information in a
the students’ level of engagement and comprehension? problem.
o What changes, if any, would you make to the lesson if
you teach this lesson in the future? What misconceptions, Students were extremely engaged, as they took notes on their notes sheets and
if any, do you need to clarify before teaching the next participated when being called on. Students were able to read the problem
lesson? each time through and pull out the correct information (according to the reads
o Did you stray from your lesson plan? If so, how and why? routine). Students need more support to meet the learning objectives, but their
o Comment on your classroom procedures, student conduct, effort and engagement in today’s lesson demonstrated their progression
and your use of physical space. To what extent did these toward meeting this goal.
contribute to student learning?
Comment on different aspects of your instructional delivery (e.g., While walking around the room viewing work samples of my students, every
activities, grouping of students, materials/resources utilized). To student had completed the notes we reviewed in class, along with the practice
what extent were they effective? problem. I think providing a note sheet for my students kept them engaged
and on task, without them even knowing!

If I could change my lesson, I would change the closure exit ticket. Since
each student takes more or less time on the independent practice problem, I
only had a few students have time to complete the exit ticket. The closure
activity was really to gage how students were feeling about this topic. I
wanted to be sure if any students felt they needed more support in one section
of the lesson, I would provide further instruction to support students. I will
ensure when I post the questions onto Schoology I give the students the
option to revisit their work, so if any student did not complete the closure in
class they can complete it on their own time.

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Another aspect of my lesson I would change is giving more support to my

students. I need to ensure they are understanding the concepts I give them,
and modeling how I would use the three reads would be a great example for
students. I will keep a closer eye to ensure students aren’t too frustrated, and
if so, I provide further modeling or direct instruction to further support them.

The delivery of the lesson was a mix of lecture/direct instruction, group work,
and independent work. Throughout the direct instruction, I posed many
questions to keep students engaged and thinking. In previous college courses,
teachers have stressed the importance of planning questioning to elicit
specific student responses to keep them on the right track. In my lesson plan, I
planned many questions, but did not need to use all of them,.

**Accommodations and Modifications

Students with disabilities may need accommodations or modifications to their educational program to participate in the general curriculum. Both are
essential to consider when planning an equitable educational experience for students with disabilities. Accommodations refer to changes in how a
student learns the material, but they do not change knowledge content. With accommodations, a student receives the SAME education as other
children, but the student can access content or express knowledge in different ways. Modifications refer to changes of what is taught or what students
with disabilities are expected to learn. This may include adaptations made to instruction and assessment that change or reduce learning expectations.
(Please refer to the SLO User Guide and SLO template for additional explanation.)

When completing these two sections, you need to describe, if appropriate, how you will ensure that students will access the material based on the
accommodations or modifications listed within the IEP or 504 plan. There should be a direct connection within the Anticipatory Set, Instructional
Activity, and Closure section of the lesson plan template.

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Front and back of worksheet/guided notes

RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018

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