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Essential Components for Instruction (C-2)

DIRECTIONS: With your support provider, discuss and record information to ensure all essential components for instruction are
considered when designing your lesson series.
Participating Teacher: Crystal Mo-Wong Support Provider: Melisande Maytorena
Content Area: Math Beginning Date: Marth 20th, ,2017

Grade/Period: 8 Ending Date: March 24th, 2017

What Common Core State Standards and/or Content Standards will be addressed in this lesson series?
(This may be addressed through Assessment Claims, Target-Standards Bundle language, SBAC)
Students will understand that a function is a rule that assigns one output to each input and can explain the relationship
between ordered pairs and the graph of a function.

What are the ELD Standards that are integrated into this lesson series? Please write out the Standard(s).
Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways
A. Collaborative (engagement in dialogue with others)
1. Exchanging information and ideas via oral communication and
MP.1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
MP.3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Understand and use stated assumptions, definitions, and previously established results in constructing
Make conjectures and build a logical progression of statements to explore the truth of their conjectures.
Justify their conclusions, communicate them to others, and respond to the arguments of others.
MP.6 Attend to precision.
Try to communicate precisely to others.
Try to use clear definitions in discussion with others and in their own reasoning


Describe the planned entry-level assessment that will be used to measure the skills necessary for mastery of the standard(s).

Before I teach the lesson I will give my students a Quiz. This quiz will assess prior learning and will gauge where my
class is so that I may incorporate more standards into the lesson if I need to.

Day 1: Partner Activity:

Partnered students will complete this page in their workbooks:

Day 2: Intro to lesson;

I will use the Online textbook for direct instruction and have the students take notes. After notes the students will practice with
their partners.

In partner groups, students will be able to identify a relation by looking at a mapping diagram. They will be able to list the
ordered pairs in the relation as it is recorded with arrows in the mapping diagram.


The partners would look at this mapping diagram and come up with this answer:


Clarify the intended learning targets with learner friendly language and success criteria which will indicate measurable growth.

In partner groups, students will be able to identify a function by looking at a mapping diagram and noticing that each input is
assigned to exactly one output. They should know that if a mapping diagram shows an input has more than one output that is
is not a function.

Example with answer:

Describe some of the ways (e.g., teacher tools, self-assessment, peer assessment, etc.) you will elicit evidence throughout
the lesson series. Include where and how you will take opportunities to interpret evidence and act on evidence in order to
adjust instruction.
Pre-test will be the quiz
In partner groups students will be given time to work through examples like the problem above and I will observe their
conversations and note if both members are working, or if one is doing the majority of the work so that I may redirect.
After partner collaboration I will give them individual informal assessments like the example above. This will be recorded in
their notebook/workbook and will be checked by me before they leave class.

If less than 80% of class passes the assessment, we will review the following day.

Describe the summative assessment that will be used to measure the skills necessary for mastery of the standard(s).

The final assessment will be a short quiz, a formal assessment with three problems, the first two will be like the first two
examples given and the last question will be a constructed written response. They will answer the following question:

Compare and Contrast:

What is a Relation and what is a Function? How are they similar, how are they unalike?

Select the item type(s) that will be used to assess student learning: Please describe at least 2 of the 4 you will use
during the lesson series.

Selected Response Constructed Response Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) Performance Task

x x

Developing essential questions helps students transfer knowledge and learning within disciplines. Essential questions should

Timeless or important
Universal in nature
Elemental or foundation inquiries within a discipline
Vital or necessary to personal understanding
Develop an essential question(s) that will guide the focus of your unit.

How can you use a mapping diagram to show the relationship between two data sets?

Essential Components for Instruction (C-2) continued

How will students apply the learning to real world situations?

Mapping Diagrams are a set of values with an input function and an output function. Any real world situation can apply if you
are looking to record data of any kind. For example you could have a mapping diagram that shows the ages of 4
different puppies and their weights. The age of the puppy in weeks on the left (input) side and the weight in ounces on
the (output) left.

Another example could be with an online music store that sells songs for $0.99 each. You could use a Mapping Diagram
to list any number of inputs that would be the songs you buy, apply the 99 cents and find the output for each.

How will other subjects or subject matter be integrated in this lesson series?

Science would be a great example, as with experimentation there comes data recording to test hypothesis. History (Social
Studies) is another example as we often use data from the past to make inferences about future problems.

2. Another
During this lesson series, how will students interact with technology to enhance and/or publish their understanding of the

Students will
use a on their ipads to access the pre quiz. They love playing the
game and it gives me real time results to assess prior knowledge and where to begin with
the lesson.

How will the teacher use technology to enhance instruction?

I use the Online Textbook for direct instruction and I use the website, to
create the quiz, use the projector, my dongle and Mac to project it on the white board.

What materials will you consider for this lesson series?
Online Textbook for me, students use the textbooks on their desks, pencils, notebooks, workbooks and ipads.
How will you incorporate your Action Research (IIP) into this lesson series? (The research conducted during the Inquiry)
I will use it to guide instruction, to make necessary adjustments as they are needed.
In what ways might the learning goals be communicated to the students and families?
They are communicated by then being written on the board each day, by me speaking them in class, and by them
communicating with their peers about them during partner activities.
How might you collaborate with resource specialists, paraeducators, and other personnel?
I will collaborate with the RSP teacher by meeting with her in advance for ideas on ways to engage and or help our ELs
and RSP students.
Based on structures for supporting English language acquisition, how might you support English learners?
Both of my ELs in my focus class are very close to testing out of the ELD program, however they do need halp in
writing. So I will incorporate scaffolding by giving them sentence frames for answering questions at the beginning of the
Copyright Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education
Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) 2015-16
Inquiry into Teaching and Learning Essential Components for Instruction

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