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APU Standard Lesson Plan Template

Use APA Style Format for in-text citations and full references (Publications, Web resources, Lesson Plans, etc.)
Include Reference Page at the end of the Lesson Plan.

Each section of the lesson needs to be addressed. If you do not include a particular element, you must present
a well-reasoned rationale for doing so.

Academic Content Standard(s): Grades: 9-11
(Grade/ Level California Curriculum HSA-REI.C.6: Solve systems of linear equations exactly and
Frameworks/Common Core Standards) approximately (e.g., with graphs), focusing on pairs of linear
equations in two variables.
HSA-CED.A.2: Create equations in two or more variables to
represent relationships between quantities; graph equations on
coordinate axes with labels and scales.
CCSS Math SMP 4: Model with mathematics
ELD Standard(s): ELD.PI.9-10.A.2.Ex: Interacting with others in written English in various
communicative forms (print, communicative technology and multimedia)

ELD.PI.9-10.B.1.Ex: Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social

and academic contexts.

VAPA Standard(s): 7.MA:Pr5.B: Exhibit an increasing set of creative and

innovative abilities, such as adaptive tool usage and
exploratory processes, in developing solutions within and
through media arts productions.

Single Subject Pedagogical Rationale: What strategy(ies) (specific to your content area) will you be using?
(SIngle Subject Candidates)
In this lesson, I plan to incorporate a real life application of math. As a class
Provide subject specific pedagogical we will discuss any vacation trips students would love to go on. Students will
rationale for your instructional choices, research information about two different vacation trips to two different
including expert references. locations using their chromebooks. Students will then create a digital
(See final page for information and an brochure that highlights their findings. Students will be required to create a
example.) system of equations between the two vacation trips to answer a series of
questions to check their understanding of mathematical applications and
systems of equations.

Lesson Objectives: Content Objective

(Write in clear, specific, measurable terms Students will be able to create a system of equations based on the values
what students will be able to do or they find through their research. Students will be able to find a solution to
their system of equations graphically and explain the relationship between
demonstrate by the end of your lesson.)
their solutions’ values.
SWBAT, given (conditions/materials/support),
(verb based upon DOK/Bloom’s Taxonomy) by
(activity) so that (assessment) is (percent) Language (ELD) Objective(s)
OR Students will be able to discuss and present their findings to the class through
By the end of this lesson, informal presentations. Students will be able to actively listen to their peers
given__(conditions/materials/support________ when discussing.
______the students will ______level of
VAPA Objective
cognition/thinking and content______ as
measured by________________________ with
Given the Google Jamboard, students will be able to
__________ accuracy.
create a digital brochure to apply their comprehension of
systems of equations by answering a series of deeper level
thinking questions with 90% accuracy.

Assessment Students will be assessed through their digital brochure using a rubric. There
will be a list of questions students are required to answer on the brochure.
(This is what students will do to demonstrate The questions will be:
mastery and to what extent. Must be
● What do the variables "x" and "y" represent?
aligned with standards and objectives.)
● Will your trips ever cost the same? If so, after how many days and
- Describe how you will formally assess all what is the price? If not, explain how you know.
● Which trip do you think would be a better deal? Explain.
students' learning. Include diagnostic,
● Which trip would you rather go on and for how long? Explain.
formative, and summative assessment tools.
(Assessment Terms) Students will also be assessed on if they created and graphed their system of
equations correctly.
-Describe Performance Criteria for each
assessment. What performance criteria
are you looking for students to
demonstrate to show mastery on each
assessment (percentage, score on a
rubric, etc)?

List tool(s) used to evaluate/grade each

assessment (rubric, answer key, checklist,

Lesson Summary: Students will begin class with a daily check-in for the students. After
the check-in, students will be asked to take time to think individually
(State the purpose of the lesson. Describe about a place they would love to travel to someday. After individual
how this lesson fits into the general context thinking, students will share their thoughts to their partner. After they
of what you're teaching. Is this the first share with their partners, students will share their thoughts to the class.
lesson in a unit, in the middle or at the end After sharing, students will be required to think about a different
location they would like to travel to. After students select their second
of a unit). How is this lesson building upon
destination, they will be required to research prices of flights and hotels
current student knowledge of the topic?
to their selected destinations. This is required to construct a system of
equations. Students will begin recording their findings and system on a
digital brochure (Google Jamboards). Once students finish their
brochures, they will discuss their findings with the class.

Common Student Misconceptions I think students will have a misunderstanding with the solution to their
Related to the Lesson: system. A solution could occur when the x value is a negative number.
In context to the task, there is no such thing as a negative day or time,
What do you anticipate might be some so students might misunderstand that it is possible for their system to
common errors students might make or not have a solution in quadrant 1.
have in your lesson?

Time Allotment and Context: This lesson will take one 1-hour period.
Approximate length of time lesson will take
to deliver


Instructions Teacher Activity Student Activity UDL/

(Describe the essential elements/steps of Accommodations
your lesson and the instructional strategies
to teach this concept/skill. State timing for
each lesson component below to be aligned
with time allotted - see examples below.)
Learning Context and Anticipatory A daily check-in will Students will Students can use
Set/Engagement take place that will check-in to their chromebooks
(How will you capture students’ attention transition to an establish a safe to look up places
and focus learning for the lesson? How are open-ended environment for a to travel to, and
you tapping into the students' prior question about discussion. talk to their peers
knowledge and real-world connection? What traveling around Students will for any travel
is the significance of the scope of what we
the world. Students engage in the idea ideas.
are learning? How are we connecting to the
student assets, Funds of Knowledge? How will be asked if they of traveling and
will you relay the purpose of this lesson to ever dreamt of think of places
your students? traveling. they would like to
Time: 4 Minutes travel to.

FYI - Your lesson may circle-back through Input, Modeling, Guided Practice and Independent Practice
repeatedly or in various paths. Consider the purpose behind these actions and the importance.

Input (Verbal) Facilitate a class Students will Students can

(Information needed to meet the objective) discussion in search for vacation collaborate to
(Describe how you will explain each new recording locations destinations which bounce off ideas
concept/skill. Be sure to include strategies to travel to. will then lead and utilize their
and resources used) Expectations will be them to search for chromebooks for
placed and round trip flights vacation research.
Add additional pages as needed.
reviewed with the and hotel stays
Time: class to ensure within the
understanding of destinations.
the taks. After Students will need
students find to record prices so
traveling they can begin
destinations, they constructing
will be asked to equations that
record prices of represent the cost
flights and hotel of each trip.
stays. Students will then
create a system of
equations, then
graph it to see if
their trips ever
cost the same
(finding a solution
Students will begin
recording their
findings on a
Google Jamboard
to create a digital
brochure. Students
will share their
creations with the
class once

Modeling (I do: Teacher) I will provide an Students will have

(Demonstration and think aloud) example of a access to a Google
brochure so Jamboard where
(How will you model/show/demonstrate the
students my brochure
concept? What parts of the lesson needs
examples, demonstration, or modeling?) understand what is example will be
expected from displayed.
Time: them. My findings
will be based on my
personal traveling
experience with
using actual prices
that I paid to travel
to set destinations.

Guided Practice (We do: Teacher and Questions will be Students will check Students will have
Students) provided on the their access to all online
Google Jamboard understanding of materials on their
(What will students do to practice the new
to check for their application of chromebooks.
skill or develop the concept with the
guidance of the teacher?)
understanding. I mathematics by
will be monitoring answering a series
Check for Understanding: What are you the students for of questions
looking for students to demonstrate in order any questions they related to their
to move on, pause and re-teach, etc.? may have. findings.
How will you informally check to see if
students are grasping the concept? (How do
you know they know?)

Independent Practice (You do: Students) Students will need
to create their
(What will students do independently to
brochures while
demonstrate understanding of the standards
addressed in this lesson?)
following the
rubric. They will
Check for Understanding: What are you discuss their
looking for students to demonstrate in order findings with the
to move on, pause and re-teach, etc.? class once they are
How will you informally check to see if finished creating
students are grasping the concept? (How do their brochures.
you know they know?)


Student Self-Assessment Students will have All materials will

access to the be available
(How are your students gauging their own
rubric to assess online, including
learning during the lesson?)
their the rubric.
(A checklist of steps completed, a rubric to understanding.
self-assess before submitting) Students will be
responsible for
Must be aligned with standards and
meeting the
requirements of
Time: the rubric to
ensure their

Closure I will end the lesson

after the class
(What will you say to conclude/summarize
discussion of
the lesson?) How are you connecting the
days learning to next steps?
students sharing
their findings.
Time: Students will see
how linear
functions can be
applied to their
personal lives with
the example of
traveling. I will
notify students that
such a method for
planning vacations
could potentially
save them money
or allow them to
budget accordingly
for their future
vacation trips.

Student Grouping Students will be sitting in groups of three. EL students are

grouped with bilingual students to communicate effectively.
(Describe how students will be grouped for
Content strong students sit with those who are not as strong
this lesson. Include size of groupings; how
and why groups will be formed; and
to provide extra support for their peers. Students will be in
instructions for how students will perform groups to share ideas or thoughts throughout the lesson.
the grouped task – step by step.) Students can also support each other by providing any
feedback on their brochures.

Academic Language Addressed Students will orally review the academic language when
(Language needed by students to do the
school work: discipline-specific vocabulary, ● solutions to systems
grammar, punctuation. May be oral, written, ● variables
auditory, and/or visual.) ● linear equations
● quadrants
● graphs and their axes

Students will also utilize a visual representation to aid their

understanding of a solution to a system of equations.

Materials/Resources Students will use visual representations, chromebooks,

Desmos graphing calculator, Google Jamboards and Google
(Describe materials/resources you will use to
Search Engine. Students can use technology resources by
teach this lesson. Also, describe
materials/resources students will use to
utilizing any online accessibilities if needed, allowing them to
practice the concept/skill taught.) search for visual representations of functions, links to the
jamboard will be accessible through Google Classroom.

Describe the type of technology resources

you will use to teach this lesson. How will
students use technology to assist in their
learning? If you create teacher/student
materials in the form of a document or a
web page, upload the file or link)

Additional Notes (as needed)

Procedures with Single Subject Rationale (for Single Subject Candidates):

This is information about the "Procedures with Single Subject Rationale" button in the Single Subject
Lesson Plan in Taskstream's Lesson Builder. This information was provided by Dr. Jessica Cannaday,
Program Director, Single Subject:

The box which is entitled "Single Subject Pedagogical Rationale" is the most important from our
accreditation stance. Candidates must go to their national association, or their host teacher, or to
peer reviewed articles, etc... to find pedagogically appropriate activities based on content area, and
they must give a rationale for instructional choices. An example of a pedagogical rationale is below:

In my lesson plan I chose to incorporate Historical fiction as an in class activity. We read a small
snippet of Great Expectations by Charles Dickens in order to better illustrate daily life during the
Industrial Revolution. I made this choice because according to the National Council for Social
Studies "recommends that teachers utilize a rich mixture of written learning materials including
children's literature" (Lamme, 1994). Likewise, Lindquist (N.D.) notes,
that Historical fiction "illuminates time periods, helps me integrate the curriculum, and enriches
social studies" (

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