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My World in 2025 Prathiba Venkataraman FT12240

In 2025, I will be 38 years old. But I will not look 38 because technology will enable me to stay young. Not only I, but the whole world will look completely transformed young and unrecognizable. Assignments will no longer be so tedious, for advanced machines will allow me to dictate, while it types and submits all by itself. In the very least, I will travel to office by hover crafts, or work from home. Televisions sets will be replaced by holographic 3-D images. Sports will be so thrilling because every house will become a live stadium. The Gaming world will change I know I will watch my children enjoy their childhood with video games that enable virtual reality. I will have robots to clean and take care of my homes. My house will be endowed with smart furniture that heats / cools utensils wherever they are placed on the table. Touch screens with multiple user interface will enable the Table to act as conference tables for my business purposes. Doctors will use intelligent equipment for diagnosis. Teachers will use smart classes for lecture sessions. Paper money will be replaced by digital money, the banking industry will center around digital money. Virtual and private passports will emerge. There will be minimal crime because the world will be security systems will be mostly managed by robots. Cell phones will be replaced by unnoticeably small minichips suitable for installation in the ear. Marketing will be highly customised through use of sensors, a person specific marketing campaign will be generated by advanced computer systems to promote what is relevant to that person.

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