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Dr.M.Muthuraj, Group 6 I was sitting as an observer while interviewing Mr Mr.Balaji by Mr.S.Sundarajan.

The interview started well and the candidate was interviewed for the post of a General Manager and he has experience in handling more than 5 projects simultaneously. The candidate was given the cosiness to be relaxed and given chance to narrate this experience without any interruption. The knowledge is to get the complete background, work experience, challenges he faced in the job, his style of communication and managing crisis management and his capability to carry the team along. The questions were to inspire the positive mood of the candidate and aimed at knowing if at any point of time he felt saying quits due to force. How he handled when he faced the delay in project schedules, when the customer chose to cut the budget or revise the plan or hurriedly ask for implementation by offering extra bonus. The candidate presented his maturity in handling in all such circumstances by Placing the customer on priority, discussing with the team and suitably changing the team composition and keeps the management informed about the sudden development/ changes and requirements of the client etc. The applicant was very while considering every situation and went about carefully and systematically planning right from communication to strategy, and then to execution.

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