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A comprehensive summary of the conversation

I conducted an interview with a bank manager in my hometown as part of my assignment. After
speaking with him, I felt that I had a much better understanding of the management
responsibilities we had discussed in class. I conducted the interview by telephone, and before to
our conversation, I prepared a list of questions that, in my opinion, adequately covered the
subject matter. The interview went quite well, and I will be checking some of the responses I
heard on work administration.
Your perspective on management has evolved in tandem with your level of professional
Manager has served in this capacity for the last five years. He had served as the bank's internal
auditor for many years. He believed he could get things done by using a management style
known as micromanagement since it allowed him to focus on the details and ensure that
everyone adhered to the standards he deemed appropriate. He learned how to split resources
effectively by relying on the suggestions of his team as well as his own managerial expertise. He
was well aware that excessive involvement in the issue may be detrimental to his career. As a
direct result of his growing openness, he has adopted a transactional leadership style and now
collaborates with all interested parties. Any effort to produce employment must prioritize
economic expansion.
How much does your firm gain from having a business plan?
A management plan is an absolute need for any organization and manager. As a direct result of
his ideas, various management strategies have been used. The firm is simultaneously pursuing
both short- and long-term aims. At the beginning of each year, a management plan and a monthly
plan outlining each employee's near-term goals are drafted. The roles that employees are
expected to play and the responsibilities they are responsible for, as well as the mechanism by
which the organization allocates its resources, are investigated. As a consequence, he said that it
is possible to eliminate delays at the bank by ensuring that each task is assigned to the
appropriate individuals. Because the bank always opens at the same time, all employees are
required to adhere to a predetermined schedule. They work from nine a.m. to five p.m. during the
week and eight a.m. to five p.m. on weekends. As a direct result, sufficient time must be
allocated for the completion of each task.
Have you thought about how you want to keep your employees interested in their work?
To achieve higher levels of production, managers are responsible for monitoring and motivating
the whole bank's workforce. They assert that as the bank's workforce has grown, so must its
tactics for motivating employees in order to maximize productivity. This is necessary for the
bank's ultimate goals. Some folks may get something positive from hearing constructive
criticism, such as a pat on the back or a little nudge in the right direction. When workers are
aware that they will get wage increases or other incentives at the end of the month, their
performance tends to improve. The results of his research assisted him in determining the
method that would be most effective in motivating every individual in the firm.

When was the last time you had a poor performance in your professional career? managers who
aspire to be successful must be able to cope with the problems that accompany poor
performance. Because certain workers may be reluctant to take on certain responsibilities, he
started by emphasizing the importance of being able to communicate effectively with all of the
organization's employees. This is because some workers may be hesitant to assume certain
responsibilities. A few months ago, he saw a clerk who handled customers badly and received
several complaints as a result of her actions. After speaking with the employee, he realized he
was facing problems and was willing to provide assistance. He believes that the first step in
dealing with underperforming employees is to have a straightforward conversation with them. If
the problem is very challenging, they may decide to enlist the assistance of a third party in order
to make decisions and find the optimal solution.
What steps should you take if you discover an error made by your bank?
It is essential for people to own their flaws in their professional lives and actively seek out ways
to improve. According to him, accepting responsibility is an essential component of management
and should be treated as such. If I do not admit when I am in error, my subordinates will not
follow my example. Following his expression of regret, he went on to describe how he intends to
alter his behavior in the next years. If there is a strong working connection between an employee
and their supervisor, the employee is more likely to do their duties correctly.
During the course of the interview, I saw that managers have a significant amount of
responsibility and must be very organized to be successful. Managers should enhance their
ability to collaborate in order to achieve both short- and long-term goals. The vast majority of the
feedback I received served to substantiate the academic information I had earned in the past.

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