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CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Our case analysis is all about Amoebiasis wherein its outstanding sign is acute abdominal pain and fever. Amoebiasis is aninfection of the large intestine caused by a amoeba called- E. histolytica. It is one of the waterborne diseases , generally contracted by consuming water or food polluted by amoebic cysts .Amoebiasis most commonly occurs in between young to middle-aged persons. Amoebiasis can be travel from hand-to-mouth contact with surfaces or objects contaminated with stool from an infected person.The parasite can adulterate fruits and vegetables grown in areas where animal feces is used as fertilizer. Amoebiasis will lead to bleeding when induced or not treated immediately. Therefore, we recommend that the patient increase fluid intake to 6-8 glasses of water daily. Eat pineapple, and banana are best remedy, because of its laxative property it will flush out parasites for cleaning the intestine. Inorder to strengthen the patients immune system we recommend his parents to include adequate amounts of vitamin C and zinc in his diet.Reheat food have no nutritious property so you avoid these food always. We encourage the patient to take enough time to sleep or rest periods and proper excercise and other ROM activities for his fast recovery. We also recommend to the parents of the patient to boil the water before letting their children to drink it. When all these are put into practice, the patient will have a fast recovery and increase health status.

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