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Reflect on the workshops in which we explored aspects of action research methodology.

Outline how such methodology could have relevance in an area of your work as a teacher (please choose an area other than that in which you plan to do your research) (200-300 words)

Student X has been contributing to high level disruption in class. Sanctions have been applied, including suspension. Reflecting on the situation, it appears that sanctions are not working which brought my focus onto the dynamic within the class. There was a peculiar relationship between this student and some others which was persistently explosive and clearly impacting on the learning potential of the whole class. Additionally, teachers were demanding further suspensions because of his behaviour. In year group teacher meetings, the general consensus was that this student was able but unwilling. The parents of Student X have shown a reluctance to interface with the school and have declined to attend meetings. I requested a gatekeeper to ask the parents to come and have a chat with me. The father agreed to attend with his son. I was very positive about the ability of Student X but expressed my concerns that he was not meeting his potential and would continue to warrant suspensions unless we devised a strategy which would impact on his behaviour. I suggested that we move the student to a higher level class, where he might be challenged more. The father was immediately committed to this, although the student was dubious about his ability. We drew up a contract of behaviour. The student has joined the higher level class and is doing very well. Consulting with the teachers in advance of the move, they made efforts to help him integrate and subsequently, report very good progress overall. He has not been suspended since the move. I telephone his father occasionally now to keep him updated on the progress. There are fewer suspensions in his former class as teachers report reduced levels of disruption. I had been hopeful that Student X would adapt and achieve in the higher class, but had not been at all sure. I also had had no expectation that the parent would embrace the opportunity. This parent had high levels of expectation for his son, but had never articulated them to the school. When parents elect not to be in contact with the school, perhaps we all too readily assess this as lack of interest and/or low expectations. Perhaps we need to assume instead that all parents are interested in their childs education, but dont always know how to reach out to the school.

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