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10/09/2013 Level: Intermediate Objectives: Andrey will have plenty of fluency practice to talk about his trip to Madrid

as part of a business meeting. He will then review quantifiers by talking about things he dislikes etc. The class will then continue to review ways of referring to diagrams, commenting why we are focussing on the specific points and then talking about the consequences.

Pages(s) N/A



Activity (1) Discuss how Andreys meeting went in Madrid. Discuss Madrid and the things he did there. Did he have enough time? Who did he meet? Was the meeting successful? (2) Student looks at the sentences and expands them giving reasons for the problems using quantifiers and the word because. Allow time for him to make notes or write sentences so that he is thinking through carefully. Following this, he gives a talk about things he dislikes based upon the prompts. (3) Discussion about the new mayor and his role in Moscow. What things need to be done in Moscow? Is it easy getting things done in Moscow? Why? What about in his job...Is it easy getting things done? Are there too many obstacles? Enough time? Enough resources? (4) Focus on the diagrams and Discuss some of the current topics in Moscow/Russia relating to the diagrams. Sample a full description. Next, have Andrey practice using the charts by referring to them, focussing in on a detail, commenting why we are focussing and then explaining the consequence. (5) Ask how he expects the economy to change over the next 5, 10 and 15 years. Ask him to explain his reasons. What does he expect to happen to the average salary? Cost of housing. Cost of food. Poverty and employment levels. These should prepare him for talking about increases and decreases. (5.1) move on to look at the part words synonyms for increases and decreases and have him complete the work sheet. (5.2) Focus on if the verbs are regular or irregular. (5.3) Focus on making into nouns. Notice some have the same spelling. (5.4) Present the two different ways of describing change (There + verb be + noun) (6) Talk through a presentation for the next class. This should bring together elements of referring to visuals by referring to at least a few points of different charts and commenting why we are looking at the and the consequences of these results.

Time 15 mins

15 mins

15 mins

20 mins

20 mins

5 mins

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