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A Course in Winning


Taran S Arora

This book is in reference to the powers of mind when used while gaming or playing any kind of sports. Gaming can be of any sort, say cards games, board games, snooker, pool, chess, bowling, tennis, cricket, basket ball, baseball etc. and gambling games like Flash, Poker, Rummy, Bridge, Blackjack etc., and any other forms of casino gaming as well which a person can play. We are not concerned with the games played but we are concerned with the mental conditions while playing. This little e-Book shows you how a person can win or lose the game depending on his condition of the mind. The mind of a person decides whether a person gets a winning game or a losing one. Yes, a person gets a game according to his state of mind. It is your own mind which decides the results you are achieving. And you can change the situations with your mind to change the results you achieve. Have you ever seen a person, who is winning, keeps on winning all the games or most of the games? And when a person is losing, he keeps on losing all the games or most of the games. This is the story of everyone involved in any sort of sports/gaming. All this winning or losing is mostly referred to as luck. We always hear people say, He is a lucky guy or He is having a hard time. Or a person says, I am getting losing games today, or Today I am having hard time and the worst of all I am unlucky. But do you know one thing, they are always right. Whether it be playing or their life, these words are true for them always.

What they speak comes out from their mouth only backed by the thoughts they are thinking, and they manifest those thoughts. So a person keeps on winning or losing. In this eBook we will try to show you the ways through which you can enjoy the benefits of your mind in getting lucky and winning the games. You can also become a lucky chap with a magic wand in his hand and changing the situations for him to his benefit.

For most of us, gaming is just a bit of fun that we can enjoy any time, but a small percentage of players might be underage or might have let gaming become the main focus in their life. Though playing sports and being a sportsperson is totally different than general gaming where money is involved in context of making it as a career. There is nothing wrong in being a sportsperson, infact it is a good career choice and sporting is even good for body and soul. You need to be careful in choosing to play anything whether it is a healthy sport or just a sort of fun game. You should put in your commonsense before playing anything and using the tips shown here in these pages. As the provider of our tips related to gaming, we want you to play responsible gaming. We want people to enjoy their recreation and spare time, but do not forget that being responsible is a key to staying safe, out of trouble and making sure things remain fun. Youre playing for fun, not investing your money Before playing, set strict limits on how much time and money youre going to spend Quit while youre ahead Only game with money you can afford to lose Dont spend more money on gaming with the hope to win back money that you have lost Keep up other interests and hobbies dont let gaming take over your life Dont game in order to escape from stress or boredom Gaming in moderation is okay The key is if you choose to game, Game Responsibly!


This information in this course is for educational and informational purposes only. The author and publisher of this eBook and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this eBook. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this eBook. The information contained here is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this eBook, you are taking full responsibility for your actions. The author and publisher disclaim any warranties (express or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages or monetary losses arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material, which is provided as is, and without warranties. This information has been carefully compiled from personal experience, interviews, and research but the applicability of this information to any particular individual in not guaranteed. All links are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose. No part of this eBook may be copied, or changed in any format, or used in any way other than what is outlined within this course under any circumstances.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 How mind works Chapter 3 Visualization Chapter 4 The Winning Attitude Chapter 5 The Subconscious Mind Chapter 6 Energy Chapter 7 Thoughts are real Power Chapter 8 The Winning Affirmations Chapter 9 Law of Attraction Chapter 10 Lucky charms Chapter 11 Intuition What to expect now?

Chapter 1 Introduction
Playing any sort of game involves the knowledge about the game and rules and regulations pertaining to that game. This knowledge is a prerequisite for playing any game. Having knowledge and some tips and tricks for playing the game can make sure that you can play well and win also. But the knowledge does not mean that you will always win or win most of the games, because the knowledge and some tips and tricks do not guarantee the winnings. Winning depends on the implication of the knowledge and using of the tips and tricks with one most important ingredient that is your mind. Yes, using of the mind in the winning is the most important part which cannot be ignored at all. The mind will help in your winning of games. The mind is the source of all the situations which can make you win. The winning games can be yours with the help of mind only. Any knowledge is useless unless we know how to apply the secrets of the mind for proper implication and for our benefit. Mind is the source of all the intelligence which we ever use. Though confused with the term brain, it is used in reference to each other. The mind is much bigger than the brain. This is the intangible part of ones self that can be used limitlessly but cannot be seen. Any sort of action performed by any human being is done through the use of two things, brain and mind. The brain involves using the knowledge and experience but the efficient use of brain can be made by deploying the mind into the subjective knowledge.

Then the subjective knowledge can bring the everlasting results be it any area of life and not only gaming. All the lifes working is best used and implemented with the help of mind. Though in this book we are concerned with gaming but this knowledge can be applied in all the areas of life and the desired results can be achieved. This knowledge is known to a very less population but the people who know it, they also seldom use it, because getting the benefits from this knowledge requires some efforts on ones part. And people do get carried away by their problems and other interesting but useless areas of their life wasting their time instead of utilizing their little portion of that time in changing their lives. Changing oneself is difficult for many, but crying and worrying on the lifes issues is easy. And the habit of people is such as to do the easiest things first and putting off the best and important things in the list at last. This is the choice for you to make whether you want to improve your life or lead the life as the masses do. This choice is yours, but let us understand the concepts of mind and the working of the universe with reference to the mind.

Chapter 2 How mind works.

Mind is the main reason of all the outcomes of life. This is the main source from which we get all the things or manifestations in life. Whether it is riches or winning a game, it is always the outcome of our thoughts in the mind. Mind is commonly exchanged for the word Brain. These are considered as one. But my friends, these are not one and the same thing. Our Brain is the part of our body made from some tissues and nerves and cells. But our mind is our overall consciousness, our knowledge and power to manifest. The vast majority of men know not the existence of the mind and its operations. Even the so-called educated persons know very little of the mind subjectively or of its nature and operations. They have only heard of a mind. And any particular definition cannot be given to the vast thing known as mind. But we are here to understand that mind is the power behind everything in the world, whether used singularly or in a collective form. When used by an individual, he can change his life and improve the conditions of his life, and when used collectively, it can bring a change in the society at large, for themselves and others as well. Every thought you think becomes a reality. It is not like thinking to fly and you start flying. The concept is to be understood deeply. Everything which has been performed by any person on this earth can be done by you by thinking the thoughts of that type. We are not to cross the limitations put by universe on us. We have to work within the limits of universe. Its true that some people levitate, but that is

done by some sadhus using meditation and mind controlling techniques for a number of years. You can also do that. But here we are concerned with the things which humans like you and me can do in our daily lives. The thoughts which we think emotionally get converted into reality sooner or later. The time taken by a thought to manifest depends upon the deepness and intensity of desire in our thoughts. If we are serious about something and deeply desire about something to happen to us, it will surely happen. But be sure there are no contradicting thoughts to that particular thought. For example, you keep a goal in your mind about getting some business contract, and are positive about getting that contract and working on it, but somewhere deep in your mind there is some fear, which says What if, I do not get this contract or What if, at the last moment that person changes his mind, What If, someone else comes and gets that contract, What if, What if, What if, and so on. In this way surely some sort of What if is going to win. And your fear or doubt wins and you keep on thinking what happened to the person or company who was so positive with your proposal and at the last point they left you and chose someone else. These things are really common for us and we fuss about them and take further actions also controlled by these negative thoughts. This way, we end up losing faith and put ourselves down and down, without knowing that we are the actual cause for these events. Mind works on the principle of As you sow, so shall you reap.

Whatever goes into the mind it will give us back the same. Mind is like a fertile land. Whatever seeds you sow, the fruit related to the seed will grow. The land does not care what you sow in it. It only works with the principle of growth. It only grows the fruit. Its the decision of the farmer to sow the seed related to the crop or fruit he wants to grow. If the farmer plants the wheat and corn into the fields he will get the wheat and corn only. The land does not give anything else. And if the farmer plants the poisonous seeds or cactus in the land, the land grows them also. It wont ask the farmer what he is doing. It will obey the natures laws and grow them. In the same manner the mind never questions you about the thoughts you think and what you put into your mind. It takes everything in and gives you the related output. It is up to you only to decide what you want to plant into your mind. And you yourself are not the only source which plants the seeds of thoughts into the mind. The environment around you, the friends, families, schools, people and television and radios etc are other sources which plant the seeds into your minds. These are the heterogeneous suggestions which you accept from the outside environment. And these heterogeneous suggestions are so common out there that everyone is giving others the suggestions and their thinking patterns to others and deciding the path of others. We have to stand guard for this heterogeneous environment and accept them wisely. We should not take the word of everyone. We should first decide what is good and what is bad for us to take in. These suggestions should not decide out path in life and our decisions.

We must understand that the most of the people outside do not understand the concept of mind and they have themselves grown with the same sorts of suggestions from others and now they are passing on these suggestions and imposing decisions on you. Our mind is like a small child who accepts everything what his/her parents or teachers tell them. Mind has always the habit of accepting, it can never reject anything or analyze anything. It accepts everything without questioning. So it is your decision and your brains decision what kind of food should mind be given. The results you want in life only depend on what your mind is consuming. The mind will work with those thoughts and words which you let in. The mind will manifest only those things which are given to it. So there is a great need for all of us to understand the concept of mind and its working, if we want to get the things and results we desire. Now we have seen the behavior of the mind in context to our thoughts and the effect it can create in our life. Let us deeply understand the working of the mind and how to control the mind and its working for our benefit. Mind gets the input from words, thoughts and images which we see. All these inputs to the mind are converted into the reality of the life. So we need to control them to keep control of our life. Mind works on pictures and emotions mixed with faith. So the key to the manifestation is seeing the pictures in the mind and having the emotions behind those images. And the faith is the ingredient which cannot be dismissed at all. The faith can move mountains. The faith for having the desires to be fulfilled makes them fulfilled.

Here the visualization comes into the picture. The seeing of images in the minds eyes is known as visualization. The visualization of the images in the mind makes them a reality with the help of our sub-conscious mind.

Chapter 3 Visualization
Seeing the things in minds screen is a process of visualization. All the people are capable of visualizing the images. Though some people may have difficulty in seeing the images in the minds screen clearly, yet they can see the things and people and situations in the mental screen. If you can see your spouse, children or parents with your eyes closed, then you can visualize. Visualization does not necessarily mean to see a 3D colored movie, but a dazzled look of things can also work out. You dont need to emphasize about the face of someone or anything to view it clearly in the beginning. The technique of visualization is sometimes referred to as a mental movie. And the truth is that we all visualize about one thing or the other thing several times a day. The visualization should not be confused with dreaming at all. Dreaming is such a thing which we do while sleeping and visualization is opposite to it, in a way that it is done while awake, with eyes opened or closed. Visualization helps in molding your life the way you want. Visualization does not mean going against the nature but it is in such a way that by following the laws of nature you convert your life in the desired way. Visualization helps you in making your life more meaningful and enjoyable. It is that power given to you by God which humans dont understand. There have been men who have known and utilized this power to a great extent but most of the human race is just ignorant about it. Everyone visualizes, whether they know it nor not. It is great secret for success in any area. But this great power is used ignorantly as if on auto

pilot but when used consciously this can be of immense use and help. We always see one or the other thing and even situations with our minds eyes, though we are not analyzing them at all. But visualization can help in attracting all that we ever desire which otherwise is too difficult to achieve. The key to success has always been with the mankind but it has never been used to unlock the potential we have. While visualizing you have to hold the picture which you want to convert to reality, as the mind is in a habit of changing the pictures at a really fast pace. You wont even recognize when the picture changes and your thoughts shift from the creative ones to the destructive or negative ones. So this is as important to hold the picture and a sequence of related pictures while visualizing. The mind will start thinking about the negative thoughts and the pictures in the mind will also be converted from positive to negative. So it is extremely important to hold on to the pictures which you want to see and convert to reality. Our mind has the habit to switch between thoughts and that towards the negative ones is even faster. In order to accomplish our goals we need to stop the mind from wandering on its own to something which is more fruitful. We have to direct the mind and keep it in control by directing it towards some fruitful direction. Now the images which we usually see are from the thoughts we are thinking and seem to have no control over them. The images and the scenes we see seem to be on Auto-Pilot. But that is not so, we allow it to be so, that is why they work on their own. But we can control them. And when we see the things which we want to see as happened to us will help us receiving them.

Like, if you want a big luxury car of your own, you need to see that particular car in your visualization, the particular color, the shape, the design, and even the interiors should be seen. And the fun part is that if you can, visualize sitting in the car, and visualize yourself as driving it, enjoying the power of the car, the A.C., the stereo system, the steering wheel, the seats, and other accessories, and feel the happiness as if you are actually driving it and enjoying the ride. This experience will uplift your mood and bring you in alignment to your desire. And the repeated visualization will bring you the car of your desire to you. Here the subconscious mind gets the feeling as if it is the real car and you are driving it. The regular feeling of the ride by our mind will actually be converted into the real feeling soon. All the powers of the universe come into action through our subconscious mind to bring the imagination into reality. Any picture in visualization which seen regularly and is felt in our emotions turns to us as a reality. The subconscious mind does not recognize the difference between the imaginary pictures and the real ones. So here is a very useful point that comes to us at service. The universe with the help of subconscious mind brings to us the pictures in reality which we consistently see in our minds eyes. All the areas of our life are the outcomes of our visualizations only. If we want to arrange our room, we first see the things mentally arranging in some order, and then we arrange them accordingly. In the same way when we visualize the life in some order, and start working towards it and the universe comes to our aid and helps us in manifesting that goal in life.

The universe is always at our service, but the problem is that we ask universe to help us in disturbing our lives by visualizing the negatives images and thinking disturbing thoughts. We become so much involved in thinking negative that we dont even realize that it is leading us to negative outcomes. The universe is always working for us and helping us achieving our desires and trying to keep us happy by fulfilling the desires but we still are not happy with that, because we are asking wrong things from universe and it gives us the wrong things. We dont ever realize that this is not the universe which gives us bad experiences and negative situations but it is us who are asking the negative things from the universe and blaming it on universe or God for fulfilling our negative desires. Same is the case as in card gaming, the visualizing of the winning cards in your hands and feeling the happiness of your win should help you in winning. Visualize the cards which give you a win in the game. But you cant visualize the topmost valued cards which will give you a win in all the games, as you will not get the same top cards always in all games. In the case of sports you can visualize the outcome of the sport in your favor and you enjoying the happiness of winning. Other games outcome can also be visualized to bring out that outcome. So more importantly you should visualize the winning happiness and your face after you actually win. Keep the image of your winning smile in your mind and see it as many number of times as you can. Hold the image in your eyes of your winning situation and feel more happiness while imagining. But the question arises, how does one visualize while playing?

And the answer to it is that just before starting, you can visualize the result for that day, i.e. the result you want to see for that day, in this case, you being in a winning position, and holding the cash or tokens in your hand. And during the game, you can visualize with open eyes while the other people are moving their turn, and like this no one else can see you performing visualizations. Some tips on how to have the winning cards will be given in a later chapter. One more question arises here is that someone else in the group may also be visualizing the same pictures which you are trying to hold and view and that would not help you. Do not give any concern to these thoughts. Just understand the concept that the universal powers are ever working for you. No human here can work against your will by imposing his thoughts. Everyone is here for fulfilling his own purpose. But if any person has also the same desire to win in the group, then the universe will take the control over it. Both of you wont get the winning games at the same time. One of you will be getting useless cards so that you can discard the cards, and give the other one the chance to win. There will be least chances of both of you fighting against each other in a game to win. But in any case the more powerful visualizations a person does the more he gets the results and no two persons have always same thoughts and intentions and of same faith and persistence. So there will be no chance of two or more persons desiring the same outcome. Though everyone desires the winning cards but the one who has worked on these techniques and understood the concept of minds working, he and he only can get the results he wants.

Some tips for visualizing: Practice visualizing with the things you already possess as you have seen those things many-many times before. It will be easy to recall the images of the things you own and possess and thus will help in visualizing your goals and desires. Practice visualizing with your eyes closed first to be expert at it. Try your hand on some 3D images available in market in which there is some hidden figure to find. The technique used to find the hidden figure in the 3D image is very helpful in visualizing with open eyes. In this technique, you actually are not focusing on anything in particular while looking at the image, and then the figure pops out. This situation when there is no focus on anything particular thing is helpful in visualizing with open eyes, which is referred to as being lost in something deeply. Many times it happens when you are not focusing on anything and you jump into the visualizing mode automatically, though it can be negative as well but we need to take care of that. Triggers There must have times in your life when you heard an old song which you heard in your childhood or while in teens and hearing it now must have caused the memory of those old days come alive in your mind. All the situations, people and even some sort of fragrance also comes into the mind on hearing those old songs. This is called triggering of thoughts. These triggers cause all the hidden and long forgotten times come refreshed in the minds by hearing the songs. The songs leave the impressions in the mind of all the situations in which we are and even after

a long number of years, hearing the same songs cause all the memories to rise up the surface. These kinds of triggers can cause us to remember the old thoughts and feelings. And with the help of these triggers we can cause of mind to think in a positive manner. How can we create triggers? On some happy situation you hear some song, and after few days when you again hear that song, the happy situation in which you previously heard that song comes to mind and thoughts become refreshed. You can deliberately hear some songs at some happy situations and whenever you need to be in happy mood, hear those songs again to make you happy and in light mood. Ever remember at some party with someone and some special song plays, those moments are caught by mind along with the song. After few days, if you hear that song, that place, person and environment all come alive again in your mind. Even thought we do not remember the songs particularly which we heard at some pleasant situations, but there are some favorites which we like to hear again and again. And most of those favorites have some pleasant situations attached to them. You can make a list of those songs to keep you in touch with the happy situations forever. And the reverse is also true, even some sad situations or odd situations have some sort of triggers. Try not to hear them if you want to be happy and in good mood.

These bad memory triggers will cause the old sad situations also come alive. Even the words and thoughts can also have other thought triggers. Some visualizations or imagination going on in mind also can have memories associated with them. Sometimes when we are reading some book and at some moment reading something (like any paragraph or words), and our mind goes into imagination and thinking of some situation or person, and when we read that particular (paragraph or words) again, we come to remember those thoughts again. Those thoughts which we were thinking at previous time also come into mind. This process is usually common in student life, where we are bound to read books again and again for revising the syllabus of schools. So you now have seen the triggering effect of the mind which can be used to initialize the minds thinking pattern and diverting of the thoughts and giving them a direction.

Chapter 4 The Winning Attitude

The game whenever played can be won only with the winning attitude in your mind. And what is this Winning Attitude and how to keep that attitude? The winning attitude is the state of mind as if you are already winning, means to feel the happiness of winning. And you know the attitude while playing the game will give you the same type of game which you are already feeling. Having the confidence in self can also help in winning the game. Knowing the games tricks and having the knowledge and playing with confidence can result in winning. But there are some factors other than confidence which can help you win. Whether it is the confidence or the over confidence, you cannot win unless you stable your mind and give it a direction in thoughts. And having the confidence in thoughts can result in winning. The thoughts are a powerful substance which can change the results and having the confidence in thoughts can prove excellent. The fear in the mind of the person playing the game for losing the game will certainly help in losing the game. Yes, you see the word help, because the mind is attracting the losing a game situation by fearing. And fear is actually attracting the negative situations faster because you are more passionate about the situations which you fear. The two feelings, winning and losing are the states of mind which decide the outcome of a game. The game can seldom be won with a losing state of mind. There are many factors which decide the state of mind even. Sometimes the losing state of mind can make you win and sometimes the winning state of mind can make you lose a game. But this can only happen if others are also feeling lower and higher in the state of mind than you respectively.

In order to have a winning attitude you should only play when you are in good mood. A good mood automatically gives you a winning attitude and most of the times you will have winning games. And in contrary to that if you are not in a mood to play or in a bad mood you should avoid playing, because the bad mood will result in an awful situation which you never thought of. Our mood on first hand decides the outcome of any game or situation. The Universe picks up our vibrations and gives us the output related to the feelings inside. Everything in these situations will have dreadful outcomes and any trick we try to play will go against us and make us lose money. So it is better to avoid playing when we are tensed or disturbed by some situations in life especially when money is involved. And to change the thought patterns, you have to start thinking good thoughts and directing the mind to think good thoughts. But it can be a little difficult to change the thinking patterns and start thinking and imagining the good thoughts. So the old memories come to our rescue here. You have to start thinking about the situations of life when you were feeling high. Those situations when you felt happy and were in high spirits can instantly change your thinking patterns. Our life will always give us some good days and some bad days. But the thinking of good thoughts and keeping oneself in high spirits can increase the rate of good days, and more often we will be welcomed by the happy situations. And the scale will be heavier on the happy moments. In the games where money is involved there are situations when you start playing with fewer amounts, and the fear of losing the amount you have will result in losing that. So there is a good point to play with surplus amounts in hand, so that you dont have the fear of losing it easily, and you

can play more games and make yourself streamlined with the game. The amount of cash you have in hand should be such that you can play an optimum number of bets and even take risks. But the lesser amounts will normally keep you in a situation where you are not able to take risks one on one to other persons cards and even refrain you from playing bluff. The chances of your winning will apparently be less when you have lesser amount in hand due to the fear factor in mind. The surplus money in hand gives you the confidence in playing games and even to take risks. The backup money in hand prevents the mind from thinking about losing games and eventually losing money. Having some amount in hand as backup can lead you to play games easily and help in taking risks also. Risk is the part of game which should be taken at times of playing bluff. Though it is recommended but at your own risk. Not everyone benefits from risk at games. But there is some safe term known as calculated risk. Sometimes it seems that the other person is playing bluff so in order to knock him down we have to counter attack him with bluff. You understand the point which I want to clarify. The surplus money will help you in competing others up to some extent which is not easy when lesser amount is at hand. But this does not mean that you never play with fewer amounts in hand. If you want to play with a little amount in hand, you need to do a little exercise for this. Firstly, visualize the winning games in hand and feel the internal happiness of winning. The more you practice, the more you actually win. Secondly, feed the positive words into your mind by thinking positive thoughts, and a little self talk like I am winning, or I am lucky, Today is the lucky day for me. This can move you into winning situations even with lesser amounts. The lucky people can win even with no money in hand while playing.

The games or sports are won if the person wants to win for his name, fame and money or the most important - the killer instinct. Nobody can beat you if played with full power and will. But it is sort of reverse in gambling. In gambling the person wins with a light mind and loses when he is tensed. His tension in winning and fear of losing the money makes him lose the game in gambling. His willing in winning while gambling often works opposite. This is so because when one plays to earn money he is at risk more than others. Whenever it is played for fun, the winning comes automatically. The fun way in gambling is favorable but the will to compete and win works for sports. They cannot be same for both the areas. But nonetheless the mind has the role in both types of playing, whether it is sports or it is gambling. The winning attitude and the use of techniques which are told, work in both the cases. How can mind change the game? Another point which I want to make it clear is that you might think that how can a mind change the game for you or the situation in your favor. Have you ever seen a re-deal being made, or dealing of more cards than required? This is not by chance, it happens unconsciously by someone. The thought patterns which you are releasing are caught by someone around you and the deal is done for or against you depending on the waves you are releasing. Yes, the mind is releasing the thought waves always, and the waves can be favorable or unfavorable depending on your choice of thoughts. Even the Universe comes to your rescue. The intelligent forces come to work for you which you cant understand. And in the case of sports, the person/persons in other team often start making mistakes which come as a rescue to you. And in sports it is not

always such that person wins by his abilities or tricks and knowledge only, but also due to the bad performance and mistakes done by opposing team/person. There is a norm in card games to pick some cards by the person in front of the dealer before dealing, and the number of cards which one picks is also decided by the subconscious mind or even called as unconscious mind. A person can pick one card or even a number of cards depending on him or his thinking or his choice to pick the cards. So his action again makes the dealer to deal the cards after those cards have been picked up from the stack. This number of cards to be picked up is decided by the subconscious mind of the people without being in the knowledge of anyone over there.

Chapter 5 The Subconscious Mind

I would like to give you an example of our subconscious minds working which you might have already seen. Close your eyes, visualize a lemon in your hands and then imagine cutting it with knife in half and see the juice dripping out of it. And imagine taking half piece of it to your mouth and squeezing it in your mouth. Did you notice the watering of your mouth on just thinking about squeezing a lemon? The mind responded immediately only from its past experience. This example shows us that the mind does not differentiate between reality and imagination. It can convert imagination into reality just by thinking. Another example is the response of our body while watching television. Whenever we are watching TV and on some fighting scene, we start clenching and grinding our teeth as a reflex to beat or knock down someone. Though we know that it is just a movie and not a reality, but then also our mind starts making reactions of beating and fighting. Whenever someone in front of you a delicious food in his/her mouth, your mouth opens as if it is going in your mouth. These are all reactions to the thoughts and scenes by our subconscious mind. In the same way our thinking has so much impact on our life and our subconscious is a tool with the help of which it can change our life.

The Subconscious Mind is sometimes referred to as unconscious mind also. The mind which is not in control of our thoughts and which cant think also is our subconscious mind. But what it is able to do and how it does cannot be described in words. This portion or our mind which is so powerful in nature is seldom used deliberately by the people. There are only a few people who have used it consciously. And those who have used it have seen the wonders of its working to such an extent that they were amazed at its wonderful working. They could never have thought of such a great results which otherwise they could never have got. The mind has two major parts conscious and subconscious. We are all aware of the working of the conscious mind, also known as the logical mind. This is that portion of our mind which deals with logics and reasoning. The majority of people use this component of mind through their experience and knowledge for creating logics and reasoning to solve the problems and for taking decisions. And there is nothing wrong in using this part of our mind for daily use, and it is best suitable for a number of situations. But there are some situations in life which cant be taken reasonably but with the help of something beyond us. This something beyond is nothing more than the use of subconscious mind. We all have it, but goes to standby mode because of not using it for a long time. This part of our mind works with the help of our thoughts and visualizations mixed with emotions. Whatever we think and visualize along with our emotions towards that gets imprinted on our minds screen

with repetition. And whatever gets imprinted on our minds screen comes to reality with the help of our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind has the feature of converting the impressions of our thoughts and visualizations into reality without even judging them. So it is up to you, which thoughts you want to convert into reality. Whatever thoughts you think, whether they are good or bad, favorable or unfavorable, positive or negative, the subconscious mind takes them as reality and starts working on them to bring them to reality. So the thoughts which receive more energy from us in the form of our visualizations and emotions will come into existence. Now, when dealing with the cards and games which we are playing, the thoughts which are given more energy will become a reality for us. If we have a positive thoughts and a winning attitude, we have more chances of winning, and in contrast to that if we have a negative approach and a losing attitude, we will attract towards us the losing games. And the subconscious mind will automatically bring our desired thoughts into reality. There are always some or the other thoughts continuously running in our mind, and we have the impression that they are running on auto pilot. But it is not so, we can control our thoughts deliberately. And this controlling of thoughts can give us what we want. In playing games as well, we can get the desired results. The subconscious mind will only give what you send out. If thoughts of fear and loss are on our mind, and we are sending those vibrations, the loss will come back to us. And if we are sending out the winning vibrations and positive thoughts around, we will receive back the winning games. Now it is up to you what you want from a game.

Here one question arises, are we going to win all the games? And the answer to this is no for most of the cases. It is so because whenever we are playing the games, the thoughts vary from game to game. Though we can learn to think positive thoughts, yet we have the tendency of thinking fearful and losing thoughts from a long formed habit of number of years. In some games we will win, and in some games we will lose, and in some games we will get a near miss to lose. All these situations are merely the outcomes of our thoughts. The more positive we are the more winnings we will have on our side, and the more negative we are the more losses we will have to incur in games. So the thoughts help the subconscious to decide the outcome of the games. Very few people understand this concept of the mind, so you have the upper hand on them for you to win. You will be amazed to see the results which you get using this knowledge and applying them to your advantage. All the information about visualizations told to you has a direct impact on the subconscious mind in changing the thought pattern. The more visualization you do the more subconscious mind will help you in converting your reality. Important Note:The gaming is the area of life which can instantly show you the results of your thoughts and the working of the Subconscious mind along with Law of Attraction. The outcomes of the games with show you the effect of your thought immediately on few attempts. We are not playing games (not sports) as a career but for fun sake, in that case you wont be deeply attached to them, so the results can be seen

easily. The effect of your thinking reflects in the games in the form of winning or losing. You can practice all that is being told here in the chapters on the games while playing. These will be helpful in your life as well. You will understand the similarities of the situations between games and real life and the way to handle them with your mind by practicing these techniques. The direct implementation of the techniques on your finances, or relationships and in business/job will not be easy for many as they are tensed when related to the lifes issues and have fearful thoughts attached to them. But while playing, many of you will be in the light mood and playing for fun and there will be less fearful thoughts going on while playing. So the implementation and practice is well performed and seen while playing.

Chapter 6 Energy
Everything in this universe is made up of energy. Energy is the vibration at which everything vibrates. And this vibration at which anything vibrates attracts other things, because like energy attracts like energy. According to quantum Physics, this world was made from a big bang. The scientists have given us a proof that this universe was a big tightly compact ball of energy. And it blasted and everything in the universe was formed in a number of years. Every galaxy, planet, stars and other celestial bodies came into being from this blast. And in this way everything in the universe is attached to each other from birth. So all the matter has same protons and electrons from which they were made but their combination and density differs and the rate at which they vibrate differs. And all these celestial bodies in this way interconnected with each other because they all have the same origin. All the life on the planet Earth and other unknown planets if they exist have the same material which these celestial bodies have. We humans are made up of earth, water, air, fire and soul, so we have those properties which planets have, thus we have the same energy within us and we also vibrate with energy continuously. This gives us the clue that we attract with what we vibrate, means the thoughts we are emitting out, those thoughts are attracting the things and situations which match our vibrations. And all that we desire is attracted towards us with the thoughts and vibrations which we emit. If we are vibrating with negative vibrations, then we attract negative situations and when we are vibrating with positive vibrations, we attract positive situations.

This concept is as simple as understanding gravity. Whatever we throw up, it comes down towards ground because earth attracts it. And whatever thoughts we throw out from ourselves, the same thoughts come back in the form of results. Whatever we give out is returned to us in multiplied form is a famous saying in all the religious books. But it has been understood in intellectual terms only through the ages. People have understood in the terms that what they will do to others then others will revert back to them in the same manner. They have never understood that the Universe also behaves in the same manner, whenever you give something out to the universe, the universe gives you back the same results which you desired. The things have been so close to people at all the times, but they could never use them for their benefit and for the benefit of humanity as a whole. The Universe is designed to help all whenever needed by the power of thoughts and feelings, which create vibrations to attract the things which are the most desired. But now times are changing and the people all over the world now are in the process of understanding the concept of the working of thoughts and universe as a result of which the changes are happening in the lives of people. We are the part of the Universe and infact the tiny part of it. We are leading a holographic life. All the characteristics of the Universe are within us even. But due to our negligence and ignorance we have deprived ourselves from the advantages we could otherwise have. Energy and thoughts have an important relation with respect to mind power. Energy follows where attention goes.

Chapter 7 Thoughts are real Power

All the stuff which I have told you till now is the outcome of the thoughts in the mind. Our mind is constantly thinking thoughts, some good some bad, of all kinds without taking rest even. But thinking one kind of thought gives a way for other related thoughts. Say, if you think about winning a game, will give you all sorts of winning thoughts, old winnings, winning prizes, winnings at schools etc and all other thoughts which are linked to your one or other form of winning. Actually, mind attracts the similar kinds of thoughts from our memory storehouse and also starts thinking about the future. And in the same way, if one is losing or negative thought comes to the mind, it gives way to all the negative thoughts, and then the fear thoughts also come into mind resulting in actually fearing situations. It is much like saying about problems: If you cry at trouble, it grows double... If you laugh at a trouble, it disappears like a bubble. So, you need to guard against these kinds of thoughts, and infuse into your mind success thoughts only. Because every thought starts a sort of a chain reaction in the mind, and goes so deeply in thinking the thoughts of similar kind that it actually feels like living them. Though the success principle lies in living the thoughts in real so that mind catches the images and bring those into the reality, but the problem lies in the point that our mind is more attracted to the fear thoughts than to the success thoughts. But this is not our fault, we have been programmed in such a way, and we have been taught by our parents and society and schools that we should always think about both the aspects, i.e. positive and negative. And we

have been told to always consider the negative aspects of all kinds related to a decision we make in our lives. This over-guarding and over-thinking of the negative aspects is so deeply rooted that we get attached to them emotionally, and we attract the negative to us, without knowing the actual reason. And the reason is only our mind, i.e. our negative thought pattern. There is a term used in computing language: GIGOGarbage in Garbage out. This states that if we put the wrong and meaningless data into the computer, the computer will process it and give the useless and meaningless output only. It cannot work out the figures presented to it if they are useless. It can work with accurate and meaningful data only to give the desired results. The output given by the computer just depends on the input only. If the input is not accurate, the results will be far away from being accurate. Though outputs are accurate in respect to the data provided, but they can never be in the desired manner. You cannot expect the computer to improve upon the senseless data and give the perfect output. The facts and figures are to be accurate for computer to function properly and give the processed information out. The computer will never question about the accuracy of the input provided to it but just process the input to give the output. It is the responsibility of the person operating on the computer to provide it with exact facts and figures which are required to run a program in the computer. Example: if you want a computer to multiply 500 by 2.9 and instead of this you provide it with the figures as 500 and 2.8, then this is not the fault of

the computer to find out what you want. It will only multiply what you have written. It is your duty to verify the inputs. In the same manner our mind works. Our mind will never ask for the accurate inputs of thoughts to give the desired results. It will process only the inputs provided to it in a faithful manner and never questioning your accuracy. If the primary thoughts of mind are of poverty or bad luck, it will process them and give you more of them and if the primary thoughts are of prosperity and good luck, it will give you more of prosperity and make you lucky. It is your responsibility to feed you mind will prosperous thoughts and good images/words to expect a good return from it. It will process everything irrespective of the thoughts put in like an obedient servant. Have you ever seen people giving you all the reasons and excuses for not doing any particular work and they dont give one particular good reason why that work can be done? You must have seen them a lot of times. Everyone around you is so negative and indecisive that you tend to become one of them alike. People have so deep rooted negativity in them that they are not able to see anything positive in anything. They dont even try to change themselves. They start enjoying in criticizing and finding faults at all the things. This continuous thought patterns make them so lazy and ill hearted that they dont even care about their lives being affected by that. They make everyone around them think their own way. And the negative people are so huge in numbers that the positive people cant survive with them and they too become negative. The positive people start thinking that they are wrong and those negative people are right and

their viewpoint is right. All the positivity goes into trash. It is so important to guard against these negative people if you want to change your lives. Any wherever you go you wont find positive people but only negative ones. The negatives are so outnumbered that every step you take, you will be met by a negative person. You and only you are in charge of your thoughts and thinking habits. You have to make it a habit to think positive thoughts and become so positive that no one else can tamper your thinking patterns and take you towards negative thought patterns. Now, how to control our negative thought patterns The task is easy but needs our decision and persistence. Firstly, we decide to change our thoughts and beliefs, and then we work daily on them to change our thought patterns and beliefs. Most of the people believe that they are not worthy of prosperity and are unlucky be it professionally or in gambling/sports/games. And there are some people who always have their luck on their side, be it any area of their life. Actually, they are not lucky, but their thoughts are so positive and their belief about their luck is so strong that they seem to be lucky, and their subconscious mind helps them to be lucky always. But for others, they are just lucky. This being lucky thoughts move with them always and everywhere. They can gamble/play with luck always on their side. They get an image of being lucky, and with due course of time, other people also form the image of those people being lucky, and this boosts their luck even more. All the collective minds combined with that lucky one, make them luckier even. This attitude of luck can be yours also. But for this you have to work on you. You have to have the attitude of a lucky person.

Some steps for being lucky:1. Always think winning thoughts. 2. Never talk with others about being not so lucky. 3. Always have positive attitude towards the game. 4. Visualize the winning situations in the mind. 5. Feel the happiness of winning beforehand. 6. Rejoice the previous/past winning situations and feel that happiness when not winning. 7. Never think that gambling or a particular game/sport is not suitable for you. 8. Not to share the success secret with anyone.

The last point gives you the clue that if you know the secrets of winning games, then sharing it with someone else will be like kicking your own feet to an axe. Our mind is continuously thinking thoughts, but we have to feed it with desired thoughts only, so that it catches our vibration and bring into reality the desired situations to us. Having the confidence in thoughts can be beneficial and our mind will prove that by bringing us the winning games. The more positivity you feed to your mind, the faster you achieve the goals (winnings).

Chapter 8 The Winning Affirmations

Affirmations, really, are simple. They are for bringing your thoughts in control of you. They are short, simple and powerful phrases. When you speak these or think about them or even hear them, they become the thoughts that create your reality. Research has shown that we have between 45,000 and 51,000 thoughts a day. Research has also shown that for most people 80% of those thoughts are negative. Now, we have been taught to think that most of these 51,000 thoughts are sub-conscious thoughts meaning that they are below our conscious awareness level. Affirmations actually are helping to you to think subconscious thoughts consciously. Affirmations make you consciously aware of your thoughts. When you start making conscious positive thoughts, you actually become more aware of the negative thoughts that are always threatening to take over. When youre not aware of your thoughts, they tend to be negative. It is so that our mind in programmed to thing negatively, as I have told you before. And not being aware of your thoughts tends to cause a nasty spiral downward. Remember that 80% figure of negative thoughts? It gets worse even. Whatever you are thinking about, 90% gets carried over to the next days 51,000 thoughts. So, if youre thinking negative thoughts, you will cause yourself to think more negative thoughts. This is not going to get you out of your rut. Affirmations can help you in changing your thought patterns. Affirmations make you aware of your thoughts. To affirm means to say something

positively. And saying something over and over again in a positive manner brings you in the situation where your subconscious mind starts thinking positively. These affirmations are the easiest way to transform your thinking habits as your mind in now being fed into with positive sentences and it gets less time to think on its own. And for helping yourself in the games or gambling with the affirmations will also be the easiest thing to do, whether you are playing or going to play. You deliberately set your mind in action with affirmations. Visualizing with open eyes sometimes becomes difficult for some, but the affirmations can be spoken mentally with open or closed eyes without anyone else being aware of that. For affirmations to work for you in a positive way, they have to have a positive meaning and positive words. And they should be in present continuous tense or present perfect tense. One should not use the word no or not while making an affirmation. One more thing that should be taken care of is that you should make your affirmation in such a way that it should not contradict your conscious thoughts. Let us see in the example, I am rich. Though this affirmation is pretty good and positive, but some people will have problem in speaking this affirmation as they might not be rich at that moment of time and speaking of these words will create a confusing situation between their conscious and sub-conscious minds. So to avoid these kinds of situations, they should say instead, I am getting richer day by day or I am prospering daily. In this way they wont get in the confusing situations where sub-conscious mind could reject the statement.

Though we are talking about improving the life by affirming positive sentences, but they should not contradict with the reality. Our mind rejects these sentences due to their opposing nature to real situations. One may speak these contradicting sentences for a number of years, but they wont move a bit better in their lives without knowing the reason of rejection caused by their mind. Our mind accepts those things which are matching to our reality. The affirmations should not be in the future tense also because the mind works in the present and all the things come in the form of a present. Many times people have the problem visualizing a lot of money in their statements, but they can visualize or affirm the increasing volumes of money in their statements or accounts time to time without difficulty. For affirmations to work in an effective way, you have to repeat them with purpose, interest, conviction and desire. They program the mind in the way the lines of code program the computer. Many times people are unaware of the negative mental affirmations which are going on in their mind and their impact on their lives. But affirmations are the best method at hand to control the wandering nature of the mind. As told already, our subconscious picks the statements as truth and brings them in to reality all the thoughts which we think continuously. Have you ever said to yourself, I am lazy, or I cant do this, or This is not for me, or This is too costly for me etc. All these statements are forming your reality without your knowledge and they are affecting your life slowly and slowly. By the time you know about them, they have already made a deep rooted effect on your consciousness, and it becomes hard to change the mental patterns.

But it is not impossible to change the old formed mental patterns; they can be changed like any other habit formed in a number of years. Our mental patterns are no more than a habit of negative thinking. And habits can be changed with continuous practice of positive things. And the techniques like visualization and affirmations are the best form of techniques available to form new habits of positive thinking. Some of the affirmations which can be used while gaming: I am winning I am making sweepstakes I am getting winning cards I am winning a lot. Today is my day I am lucky Today, the luck is on my side Luck is favoring me Winning is in my blood Nobody can beat me today These are some kinds of affirmations which can be spoken mentally or loudly while playing or beforehand. You can have your own affirmations which you like, but keep in mind the basic rules of affirmations.

Chapter 9 Law of Attraction

The most wonderful law of the Universe with the help of which you can get anything and everything you want is the Law of Attraction. The Universe has its laws and rules with which the Universe works. We are given these laws the Universe for our benefit. We can use them for fulfilling our desires. Though we have these laws in our hands but the problem is that we are unaware of the laws. These laws are forever working but we are not using them in the way we should. We are ignorantly using them but not in the way we should. This Law states that whatever we desire and we put our focus to and feel about it as already achieved, we can get that. The Law is simple to read and understand but it is the most difficult to implement. It is not difficult in real terms but seldom have we humans understood the concept of this law in its real terms. We can simply see the Law of Gravity in action by throwing something above and seeing it falling down. This is a simple example of Law of Gravity. All the things when thrown are attracted towards the ground by magnetic pull of Earth. This applies to humans also. Whenever someone jumps from a building, he falls and hits the ground. He cannot escape this law. In the same way we cant escape from the Law of Attraction also. Though we can ignore this law and dont try to understand or even not believe it yet it is performing and doing its work always. No one can escape this law.

The laws formed by the Government of any country are applicable on all the citizens of the country. No one is spared even if they are not informed about that. They cannot escape the punishment if they go against the law. The citizens have to abide by the law and they have to work under the law and in the terms of law and anything done against the law is punishable. No excuses are entertained by the government and courts if you dont know about the laws. If you are accused and found guilty you are to be punished according to the law. In the same way, the Laws of Universe are working always and are giving us our rewards and punishments accordingly. My point in explaining this thing is that you cannot ignore this law anyways. You are in the jurisdiction of Universe and are under surveillance of Universe. But there is no need to worry about this Law of Attraction. It is a very simple law yet complex in implementing but not so difficult in application. All it requires is a simple shift in your thought patterns. We have already talked about thoughts and their effects. The thoughts that we think give us the result corresponding to the thoughts that we think. And Law of Attraction is introduced here which helps in attracting the type of life which we are thinking. In simple terms, the Law of Attraction attracts the thoughts which correspond to our thinking patterns and attracts the results which correspond to those thoughts. The thoughts which are running in our mind most of the time convert into reality. This means the thoughts are the powerful force which can change one lifes outcome. Have you ever noticed some days to be good days and some days to be bad days?

The whole day goes in the same direction. When something goes wrong with someone and all other wrong situations and people come in the way on that particular day. And when someday starts with some good news, then the whole day goes very well. This is simply Law of Attraction in action. The first thing in the morning which happens to us changes our mood accordingly, and the following events which occur to us are provided to us by the Universe accordingly. The simple shift in the mood changes the course of the whole day. This way we can the course of our life day by day. We should always we aware of which thoughts are dominant thoughts in the mind. If we have a happy feeling we will get more happy moments in the day to enjoy happy feelings. But in contrast to that if we have a bad mood, then the following circumstances will also bring bad feelings. So you should always carry on the good feelings with you always. The good feelings will attract the good instances towards you to make you feel good further. The Law operates in a very simple manner. Like thoughts attracts like thoughts. And thoughts attract the situations and circumstances corresponding to the thoughts in the mind. And these events change the life of a person in a corresponding manner. But there is a bigger picture which needs to be seen for Law of Attraction to work the way we want in our life. If we want to fully exploit the possibilities which can be worked on with Law of Attraction, we need to have the goals in life and focus on the end results we need to achieve. This law operates on one fundamental rule and that is of focusing the end result which you desire to achieve by heart and focus on that result without caring and worrying about how to get all these which one wants. Your

objective is just to focus on the end result without reasoning the possibilities and how it will be achieved. And the next step is to do the actions which come your way with full faith in the Universe to give you the results you want. Whenever you set the goals for you, the subconscious mind releases the intention to the Universe and Universe starts its operations for you to achieve that goals. It provides you with all the means and situations, people, opportunities on your way to grab and work on them without questioning. Your job is to grab these opportunities and start taking the actions for your goals to be achieved. Because nothing in life is free. You have to put the effort on your part and then the Universe provides you with all that you need and want. All the desires are small for the Universe to provide you. No goal is big for Universe and you should also not feel uncomfortable while demanding from the Universe. The Universe has everything for all, but we must ask from it to provide us. We normally have the habit of asking small and then also not feeling sure whether we will get it or not. This way Universe will never give us what we desire. We must feel confident about Universe that it will provide us with the things we are asking. It will show us the way but it is our duty to grab the opportunities and work accordingly. If we dont do any action on our part then it is our fault and nothing else is to be blamed. All the techniques told above like visualizations and affirmations are to be used for Law of Attraction to work for you all the time. The visualization of the end result of the goal as achieved will certainly help us to achieve goals. No other power in Universe other than you can take away your goal. You and you only are responsible for achieving or not achieving the goal. The affirmations will keep the thoughts on the right track and

visualizations will give you the happiness and the vibrations which are released by the subconscious mind will be caught by the Universe and Universe will start arranging the things. It will create all the circumstances for you to work on. You will get new ideas and situations but you need to be open to them to catch them. The chapter on Law of Attraction can be so huge to write books on them, but here we are concerned with the gaming and gambling only. Though the techniques told to you can help you in achieving all the goals which you ever desire but our focus is on the winnings in sports, games or card games whether money is involved or not. I will tell you some examples related to the Law of Attraction in your daily life. First Example: You go out from your house in the morning for office, think about some particular set of numbers on the number plates of the vehicles you wish to see. On your way to office and whole day where you travel keep that number in mind to see and you will see those vehicles coming on your way which have those combinations of numbers. You will be amazed to see the results. Even you will get calls from the phone numbers which will have that combination. Second Example: Whenever in the morning you go to the office or shop or any sort of business. If anyone sends you or comes to your business place to make a payment, you tend to create a positive note and rest of the day you receive more payments or some good orders, and in other case if someone comes to receive the payment and you pay them, then for the whole day you will be paying to more people than receiving. This is due to the mindset which becomes activated by the initial actions or activities of the day.

Third Example: There are some times when we dont want to meet someone or even talk to them, but they somehow are able to talk to us or meet us by chance. This is another example of Law of Attraction where our fear factor comes to service. Whatever thing we dont want to happen, it happens because the focus is on meeting that person though we are saying I dont want to meet that person but the mind does not understand not, it only understands meet that person - meet that person - meet that person and that person comes in your contact somehow. Same is the case when a person does not want that his creditor should call, and on that very day the creditor calls for his payment. So instead of focusing on dont want a thing to happen we should focus on what we want to happen to us. This is most important factor in applying Law of Attraction. This law gives us everything we desire and also gives us what we dont want because we focus more on what we dont want and what we want is often less in focus in our thoughts. We are more fearful and passionate about what we dont want to happen to us and dont say words for what we want. What we do is merely wishing for some things to happen to us but dont desire them deeply. The deep desire about something will certainly bring us that thing. If you want some car or visit some place or attract some relation then start focusing on the end result as already having and experiencing that thing or situation. Our mind does not understand the words, it only understand the feelings, and your feelings about anything will give you the result according to the feeling. So start feeling the satisfaction as already having that car or feeling the happiness of the relationship or the happiness which you will have after you visit the place you want to visit. These feelings will give you all.

But this is not a single time action which is to be done. You have to repeatedly do these steps for making an impression on your subconscious mind as already achieved. The impressions on your mind will start converting the desires into reality. How much is required to make changes in life? The movie The Secret has shown to the world how the Law of Attraction can do wonders in the life of person. It has explained us how easy it is to attract money and good luck. I myself have seen many people in my life who have seen the movies mentioned above, yet very few of them have shown some improvement in their lives. Many of them have watched it once only, and many other have seen just half of it thinking that they are repeating the same stuff again and again and nothing new is being shown and discussed. Some have watched for over 2-3 times and a very few have watched for a dozen times. Those who watched it for a dozen times or more did some great improvements for a while and then they returned back to their routine life of complaining and blaming others and eventually finding some success but not up to the mark. Only one of them has shown a tremendous growth but that took him 2-3 years of great work. He took other self help books, lectures and online videos to keep him on the track and in alignment with success principles. So you see that you must remain on track to experience success time and again. You should not deviate from the path of improvement in order to succeed.

So you see here the statement proving itself Success is a journey, not a destination. You should continuously be on the working and improvement track to be on success track. Out of sight, out of mind is a perfect statement which shows that being continuously on the improvement track will keep the things going on. And whenever you forget these improvement principles you will return back to old mindset of failures and disgrace. And in our case of gambling or gaming, start feeling the happiness of the end results of winning. Feel the amount in your hands and spending them. Start hearing mentally people congratulating you on your win. Hearing the congratulations is even much easy for some to imagine, because mostly we think of the people around us and even know the voice and tone of their speech. We can easily hear mentally those people congratulating us on our achievements. These words have even more deep impact on our mental impressions. The success principle lies in the concept of keeping oneself in the momentum of success. The momentum keeps you moving towards success. The words are one form of the momentum to keep you on track of success. If you have kids then it is even easier hearing them mentally, saying the words as Congrats Dad/Mom, you won that, or Thanks Dad/Mom for giving me that particular thing, or mentally hearing your children talking to their friends or other people My Dads got a new car, My Dads bought a new home for us, My Dad/Mom is best. These emotions related to family members are easy to recall and remember and even can push you more towards the goals.

Some steps to keep the momentum going: Always keep the small diary with you on which you have written your goals. Read these goals several times a day especially on waking up in the morning and before retiring at night. Reading goals or visualizing in the morning on waking up is the best time because our conscious mind is not yet fully alert and awake, so at this time whatever new you feed in to your mind is accepted without rejection from conscious mind. Everyone has an iphone or ipad with them these days and if not these, then some mobile or computer is not a luxurious item. Just keep the wallpaper of your screen on the device set as some picture of a goal (like a car or house or a dream destination) or even some Adobe Photoshop or MS-Paint image with the text written on it describing your goal. Every time you see your phone, computer or ipad you will see the goal, and that will keep the momentum going. You can set your ringtone as the songs which are motivating to you. Every time the phone rings, you get the words in your ear and motivating you and reminding you of your goals. You should create a goal chart at home and office and keep it at some place where you see most. In the cash drawer, on the wall above TV, on office table etc. You should have a vision board like a notice board in offices but it should include the pictures of your desired goals, desired car, home, vacation places, awards you want, some designation you desire etc. You should fix it on a wall opposite your working chair, besides your bed where you can see it every now and then.

Keep some time in the day when you are relaxed, to view the vision board for 5-10 min continuously and breathing in the happiness of your desired goals and feeling the happiness within of the goals as already achieved. We people have the habit of forgetting the things easily. Whatever goals we make in our life, we start working for them. But after a few days, we go off track and forget about our goals. Then after a month or two, we suddenly get the thoughts of our goals and we see that we did nothing for our goals and we are just where we started. This habit of forgetting things is a bad habit and never helps anyone achieve any goal. So you understand now why the resolutions dont work for many. The steps which I have told you above are for your mind to be continuously on track and reminding you of your goals again and again. The positivity is important for your success. The better outcome you expect the better outcome you will get. The outcome you get is directly related to the thoughts you are thinking and current state of your mind. The mind shows you the results in life in direct proportion to your present state of the mind. Dont let the fear come in your thoughts. The fear in thoughts can put a whole big cancellation to your positivity. But you need to be very clear about your mind and the results you get. The current state of your life is not the outcome of the current state of mind, but it shows you the state of the mind that was in the past. But your future state of life depends on what your state of mind currently is. You start thinking positive in life, and the life will bring positive results for you.

This process of changing ones self in not a process of few days. It can take some months for some and years for others, but dont worry you can get the results in some days also. This all depends on how well you understand and start implementing the ideas which have been told to you. This Law of attraction is applicable in all areas of life ranging from small as well as really big ones. The same concept and techniques apply for all the areas of life. There is one and only one law applicable to all areas. These techniques will give you whatever you want. So apply and take the advantage and improve any area of your interest. How easily can this Law work? Here I want to give a little funny story of one of my friend in relation to the Law of attraction. One of my friends was undergoing some financial crises and he started visualizing a sudden deposit of some amount in his bank account. Only after a few days, he got a message on his phone from bank that a check of Rs. 75000/- has been deposited in his account, and he suddenly got excited, but he did not know where that amount had come from. He checked his account online, and saw the check deposit transaction. But he knew that it was not his amount and may be some sort of mistake has been made on someone behalf. After about half an hour, he got message from the bank that the check which was deposited was mistakenly deposited in his account, and the transaction has been cancelled. But to his surprise he channeled the check in his bank account by attracting it. But he was not seeing as his own and had the feeling of some error being committed by someone who deposited some check in his bank. His attraction came true in both ways, he got money in his account as attracted

and in deep mind he knew that these kinds of things can only be done as a mistake only, so it was gone immediately. But the law of attraction did its work by making someone commit a mistake.

Chapter 10 Lucky charms

Have you ever seen some people keep a lucky charm with them whenever they are doing some sort of gambling or involved in some gaming? They keep it with them always and take them anywhere they go. How they get to know that the particular thing which they have is a lucky charm for them? There is a simple explanation to these things. Whenever a person makes some winning on any particular day, and he notices some particular thing is with him, he starts believing that the particular thing is helping him/her in winning the games. And he starts testing it on that particular day, and sees the results. Next time he takes that particular thing with him, and same results of winning are again seen. This then becomes his lucky charm. For some particular day, some particular thing becomes a lucky charm; some sort of sitting position becomes a lucky charm. He keeps on sitting in that particular position as long as he is playing. His legs might start aching while sitting continuously in that particular position for hours, but he does not want to lose the game by changing his position. Some people even consider the chair or couch on which they are sitting as lucky. Whenever they need to change the seat, they take the seat along, or try to sit at that particular place only. Some consider their dresses, or shoes, watches, chains, necklaces or bracelets worn on some particular day as lucky as on that day they win a lot, so they try to wear those things again and again for winnings at games and even for business meetings when finalizing come business deal.

Do you thing that these lucky charms are actually lucky? No they are not; its only in their mind. This is the outcome of their thoughts only. The people start believing that those particular things are lucky for them and continuous believing in them makes those things feel like lucky. Our mind is a strong believer that once it starts believing, it cannot change its belief easily. It sticks to that belief for years, unless some strong evidence breaks that belief. It is the same as people used to believe that the Sun revolves around the earth and earth being the centre of the universe until this belief was broken by the theory given by Copernicus and Galileo. It is a human nature that we stick on the beliefs until some strong fact breaks that belief. Though most of us have never seen with their eyes earth revolving around the sun, yet we have studied from the beginning that the earth revolves around the sun. In order to understand the fact that our mind plays a major role in creating our life, you have to believe this, and with time you will come to know that whatever words are written here, and whatever is being told to you in this book is true. Whatever thoughts we feed into our mind, they are converted into reality by our mind with the help of the universe, be it being lucky or being unlucky. Whatever you choose to be, the mind will bring to you that only. There is no escaping when related to mind. This stuff never gives you what you dont want; it only provides you with the things of your desire and beliefs.

But in relation to mind power and its beliefs, we need to understand the concept that our mind is so powerful that it is hard to change the old beliefs. But the constant practice can help us change our old beliefs. The fact of changing the old beliefs is that they cannot be replaced fully, but can be diluted. You have to put new thoughts into your mind to dilute the old ones. This is the only way in which we can enter into new dimension. Dilution will help to work more on the new thoughts by leaving behind the old beliefs. Example: if you have a jar half filled with green liquid, to change the liquid into red or red alike, you have to either replace liquid with a new one of red color or to convert it into red color by adding red color, but as in our case, as we cant change the brain and here also we wont change the water, so we just have the option of adding more into it. We start adding the red color into the jar, slowly and slowly, it starts turning into milky and then into pink and eventually into red. But you see the green is still in there though it is not clearly visible. It is same in relation to our mind, our old beliefs are still there in our mind, but the new thoughts and patterns will override the old ones. The luck is more or less the state of mind in which the mind functions. All of lifes situations are the result of our state of mind and the state of mind is the outcome of our situations. So normally the state of mind and situations are interrelated and we have to understand their relationship. Though it is the situation not easily understood, but we have to continuously work on them to know the exact working. Everything which we have in our life is the direct result of our thoughts which we are thinking and in relation to that every thought we think gives us that particular situations related to the thoughts.

Example: If we have less bank balance and we start feeling bad about low bank balance and start worrying about it, which results in much lower bank balance. So we get caught up in the vicious circle. For our situations to improve, we need to understand that the current situations are the outcome of our past thinking. In order to change the situations in our life, we need to currently think good thoughts. For luck to be on our side, we need to feel lucky. As already told before, all the situations are the outcome of our thoughts, so we have to feel lucky firsthand, and luck will automatically follow. Now you will be thinking that without being anything good happening to you, how can you feel lucky? But this is the only point that needs to be understood. Our mind is designed in such a way that it starts believing what we speak and feel. So it needs to be fooled in order to get the results we want. Our subconscious believes the mental pictures which are shown to it regardless of their originality. It does not consider whether you are speaking truth or telling a lie, it simply believes your thoughts. So in no way you can escape its functioning. You only need to understand that the subconscious mind makes your thoughts a reality in some mysterious ways. These mysterious ways cannot be understood by humans, but only the proofs can be seen from the people around the world who have achieved great success only by working with the powers of their minds. The factor of luck as already told is only in the mind. If you start feeling lucky now, your subconscious starts functioning to make you really lucky. It cannot work against thoughts. It wont question you even why you

changed the thinking level of your mind. It will never ask you about how you can feel lucky, when you are losing. It simply works as an obedient servant. As already told, it never questions you. It works like a GPS system which shows you the path to the destination from where you are standing. E.g. If you ask the GPS to show the path from A to B, lets say it shows you 5 different routes and also tells you which one is shorter. But never fights back if you choose a long route. It starts the detailed path of the longest route you take. And even if you deviate from the taken path to some other destination, then also it shows the path from that particular place to B if asked. It never tells you that you are going in a wrong direction; it just obeys you and gives the desired map again. In the same way the subconscious gives your life the desired path and the outcome, but never questions you or tells you that you are wrong. It is up to you what you want from your life. It you feel lucky then you are lucky, but if you are down then you are really down. For things to work your way you have to work on your own. You need to take care of all the things which can decide the outcome of your thoughts. You will never get what you dont want. Only the desired thoughts are converted to reality. Why do thoughts dont work in a positive manner? The fear factor in your mind in spite of your starting feeling lucky, can take back your luck. Fear is the feeling in our mind, which works very faster, because the fearful thoughts are thought more passionately. And the passionate thoughts are fulfilled easily. Though the fearful thoughts have less energy, but they are most of the time in your thinking, so they are easily fulfilled. They consume more of your energy than constructive thoughts, or thoughts of success, prosperity or being lucky.

Because your mind has the tendency to think about your current reality, and likewise the outcome will be related to negative and bad emotions which can make you down. It works like the chain as shown below: Bad Results > Negative Thoughts > Negative Feelings and Emotions > Again Bad Results. So you need to consciously think good and prospering thoughts which make you feel lucky and in this way no power on this earth can make you unlucky then, because you are tapping on to the infinite intelligence of your subconscious mind to work for you. Some people who are lucky know these secrets of the mind and their working as well. They know how to get the results from their mind and convert them into reality. But there are most people who do not know the working of their minds but they know that the universe or God fulfills their deepest desires and they stick to their goals and desires till they achieve them. Till now you have got the knowledge of the working of your mind and how it can help you in achieving the goals in life be it professionally, at home, relations, health and finances or even for gambling and gaming. No area in life is left untouched when you know the working of the mind.

Chapter 11 Intuition
The most important part which can help in all areas of our life and also in gambling or gaming is the use of intuition. Intuition is what we call as the hunches or getting insight about something you want or any important area of your life. It is also referred to as sixth sense. Sixth sense is next sense from our basic five senses of hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting and feeling. This sense is given to us as a faculty whenever a person is born, but due to ignorance in using it, it slowly diminishes. But it still resides in our mind and needs to be tapped on to get the use of the hidden powers given to us by our creator. God has given all of us his powers in this form but we humans fail to recognize and use it. But now the times are changing, the people are becoming aware of this wonderful and marvelous power which is a part of us. We need to understand the concept of intuition or sixth sense. It is the guidance system given to us when we need it. It is kind of impulse which works when we are in severe need. This works when we are in some problem, or in some sort of confusion, while driving, finding some solutions. You must have seen many times in your life whenever you are seeking something you instantly get some solution out of nowhere. It can be in any form like hunches, some idea, some answer in any form, phone call from someone etc.

This power is always with us and giving answers to us but we dont use it so it starts to fade. We dont believe in the solutions given to us by this power but try to use our logical mind instead. I am not saying that there is anything wrong in using it as we calculate the risks and understand the situations according to the current circumstances and given facts and figures and also based on our past experiences. But the intuition is not based on our restricted knowledge but on the overall consciousness. It derives the solutions from the facts and situations unknown to us in any form and is accurate. At first glance the solutions provided to us by intuition or sixth sense may seem to be illogical and inappropriate but as the time passes they show their accuracy. And sometimes when we take the decisions based on our calculations they seem to be the best solutions but after some days or months or years we think had we taken the other decision we would have been in a far better situation now. But the time never comes back. In order to develop this higher faculty of intuition we need to work on it and we can enjoy the benefits of it. But this requires our sincere effort. This is like training our muscles in the gym and in the same way the intuition requires training for it to be developed and used effectively. How to develop intuition? Intuition can be developed using 3 ingredients: - decision, faith and persistence. First you choose to decide whether you need to develop the intuition and then totally show faith it and its decisions and never question it and thirdly you have to have persistence in developing it. If you have decided to avail the benefits of it then you need to do some efforts on your part.

The first exercise is to start doing relaxation and meditation. Sit quietly or lay down silently with your eyes gently closed. Start taking deep breaths for 10-12 times to release the mental tension and pressure. Then start relaxing your body starting from feet to head or from head to feet. With a breath in tense the feet and after 5 seconds or so release the tension and breathe out from your mouth. Then tense your legs with a breath in and release after few seconds with breath out, and in this way tense body parts in the above direction with each breath in and release tension with each breath out. Then at last tense whole body with breath in and after few seconds release the tension from the body with breath out. Now relax and take normal breaths and meanwhile mentally speak within yourself that my body is relaxing, or I am relaxed, or I am relaxing etc. And imagine like sinking in the bed and relaxing. Now try to calm your mental activity. Try to see the blackness with your eyelids closed. Focus on the blackness and avoid focusing on thoughts and let them come and go without analyzing them. Within 8-10 minutes your mind will start to calm down. Now on the black mental screen write your question with your minds eye you are seeking the answer to. And now ask your subconscious mind to give you the answer for that question or problem. And then wait for the answer without using your conscious mind at all. Within a few minutes you will get the answer or any hint related to the problem or question in the mind. It can come as a hunch, or an impulse to do anything particular or to call a person or check into something, or any name, means anything related to the question. And follow that instinct without doubting it or second guessing it. These may not be the answers you are seeking but dont start to analyze it but implement it.

Intuition How and who can use it? To become good at intuition you should try to do these tests on petty things like who is going to call you first in the morning, or who will be the first customer and for which product. Anything which does not involve any tension or create a problem so that in any case the answer you get may not be accurate. This does not mean that answers are wrong put it means what you perceive cant be right in the beginning. I am just trying to tell you that the intuition can be used by anybody and works for all but that depends on you how you catch your instincts. So in the beginning you should try on these sorts of common things instead of trying to make a decision related to you business or profession etc. which will help you develop your faith in your instincts in your learning stage. The intuition can be developed by playing cards even. Shuffle a card pack and place the pack facing down. Now start guessing the cards with colors and test yourself one by one. With constant practice you will notice that the percentage of your correct answers will rise. This is an easiest method to develop intuition. After you have tested with this method you can now start playing your intuition with the help of some other person. Ask him/her to send the mental images to you or some words to you and you try to catch their thoughts. This practice will lead you to telepathy. Try to make the records of your answers to help you know the percentage of improvement. Then you can ask that person to send you the same thoughts from a distance, or from other room. You will be amazed to see the results. The mind is able to catch the thoughts or images in the same manner and speed as from inside the room.

One more technique is to get the answers by mere touching an object. Every object emits some sort of energy from itself telling its details. If an object is unused by anyone, it can tell you the details about its origin, time of origin and other things. And if it has been owned by someone, in addition to the things about itself it will tell the things about the owner as well. Try on objects to catch their vibrations and energy and check the results to verify. This test can well be performed on cards even. Just by touching the cards you can get the feeling of their color and number also. This can be of major help to you when you can bet with your cards still down and knowing what is on the cards. There are unlimited numbers of possibilities which can be tried and tested to develop your intuition. But the key to your success is persistence and constant practice. Dont give up after trying it a couple of times. There is no single person on earth who becomes an expert at anything without constant practice. Be it a successful doctor, an engineer, a sports person, a carpenter, a cobbler, a goldsmith, a psychic reader, and all other people who have expertise in their profession or business or any other thing of their interest, all have leaned those things and became expert in their work only with practice and practice. But for practice also you need to have interest in that particular area which you want to be expert at. You will easily be able to practice on those things only which are of your keen interest. The interest in anything will act as a driving force behind your success in that area. And if you are interested in developing intuition, it will be beneficial for you in practicing it. And intuition will not only help you in gaming or gambling or sports but also in

all other areas of your life. Every decision will be guided by your intuition and you will notice the changes it will have on your life. While playing games, the intuition can be of immense help to you. The intuition after being developed can be used as an added advantage over others. You will come to know when you should leave the game of cards and when the winning cards in your hand. This can help you in betting heavier or leaving the game. Same way as in game of chess you will get instincts of make a move which can make your opponents lose a piece or even giving them a checkmate. Intuition will mostly be helpful in card games or other brain games in which you have to think to win. But you can use your sixth sense and intuitive mind to win the games. You can receive guidance for good moves in games. Intuition is not only helpful while gaming but it is that faculty of intelligence at hand which can prove advantageous in any situation of life. Be it business, job, relationship or any other decision of your life, using of intuitive knowledge can help you greatly.

What to expect now?

The techniques and details which have been discussed in all the chapters are really helpful in the gaming and sporting. The playing of games or other stuff gives a direct result related to the thoughts of the mind. You will see that whatever thoughts are running in the mind, the direct output of those thoughts can be seen in the form of results in gaming. The gaming shows the instant effect of our thoughts. This will be a quick demonstration of the laws of universe and the mind power in action. You will notice how quickly the results vary with the thoughts. Every point which I have discussed above will be helpful in implementing in other situations of life as well. You are not just constrained to work with these techniques for just gaming, but for other tough situations of life as well. The reason for which I wrote this book is that it takes time to see the result of the mind power and the law of attraction to be seen in the life. But the implementation of the ideas in the book is easier and more result oriented in context to gaming. Gaming is mostly played in leisure mood. And when anything is done leisurely, the outcome is well expected. And when the results are as expected, you come to know how your mind works in the situations. And according to me, gaming is the best area which can show the instant results and implementation of the points discussed. In real life, the implementation if the mind power takes time, as we are more concerned to fearful thoughts than to fruitful thoughts. And when

the thoughts are fearful, the results are also dreadful. And the faith is seldom developed in the mind power. The law of attraction and mind power techniques seem to be illogical and useless. And instead of taking advantage of this knowledge, we tend to misunderstand this knowledge and losing the little developed faith as well. The implementation of this knowledge takes time, practice and persistence. All this knowledge is not as easy to implement as it seems to be on first glance. So the gaming comes as rescue for us when we want to see the implementation in few days. The examples which I have shown above in reference to law of attraction are the easiest ones to be implemented and for developing faith. You will instantly know the difference between the faithful and fearful thoughts. You will also notice how the avoidance of something brings it closer to us. The techniques shown for increasing visualization are easy to implement. These techniques are taken from our daily life which we normally neglect. The process of visualization is the most important step in the growth. This is that part of a success path which plays a major role. The pictures which our mind sees come to reality with the regular and repeated visualization. We should not ignore this most important step in order to succeed. The principle of success lies in visualization. The children are the best when things come to visualization. They many time get lost in their thoughts and start creating their fantasy worlds. But we adults and teachers stop them in between and angrily ask them to come to reality and pay attention.

I remember teachers yelling at children Hey you, where are you lost, pay attention, and child (including me) confusedly coming out of his fantasy world and trying to regain senses of the reality. The adults destroy their most important success ladder. But now the people have started to understand the importance of visualization and its role in the growth. I have tried to cover the points related to energy and thoughts and their working in context to mind power. How energy follows thought and why it follows is well explained? Why everything we desire comes to us is the result of the energy and how like energy attracts like energy. The subconscious mind is the major part of our self given to us by the God which works day and night improving our life. Whatever beliefs we have in our mind, our reality is formed the same way. It is our beliefs which decide our lifes path. Right from our childhood, we dwell on the beliefs we have within us. You can change the old beliefs into new ones by using the techniques of affirmations and visualizations. You need to let go off the old beliefs which act as a hindrance in the growth, rather develop new and healthy beliefs to change our lifestyle. Any belief we have is the result of the society in which we have grown. And the people around us have a very big role in shaping our lives. No two people have same beliefs. All the twins in world are the best examples, who take birth in any one family, have different lives to live and in different lifestyles all resulting from the beliefs which they dwelled upon in their lives. All the people, friends, teachers who come in their life have their impact on them, and thus giving them their different realities.

No two people can lead the same life, not even twins. They have their different situations in their life and the different outcomes, though they have same parents. The intuition factor if developed by anyone can be of immense help always. It always works for the betterment of all. All the decisions taken with the sixth sense are always the best and they prove to be best as the time passes. Any important decision should be taken with the help of the hidden powers of our mind. Our conscious mind has limitations in many areas but out subconscious mind is unlimited in context to knowledge from past as well as future and it does not depend on only the personal experiences. Whatever you have read here and understood can be used in your life to take any action and also to fulfill and desire. You now know how to avoid the things which you dont need and how to attract what you want. You dont have to be at lifes mercy to get a windfall of success, rather life is in your control now. You know how to shape your life by your will and knowledge and the attracting powers which reside within you. All you have to do is to implement the principles defined here and keep practicing them. It is not a one time or a dozen time process to try, rather these are to be used daily unless and until your new beliefs have been developed and you are on the success track. But being on success track does not mean you leave your practicing routine, you should continue using them more and more for growing further and further in life. Leaving these techniques and their usage will take you slowly and slowly again on the road which you had left far behind. As it is easy to cry on the

lifes problematic issues, it is also easy to get carried away by the success and taking things for granted and leaving your practice at all. Last Word It is now up to you how you take the things I have told you here and improve your life. All the tools needed for success have been touched and detailed here for you. Yet the life needs improvement always. You should keep yourself growing in self improvement. It is that indispensable part of your life which you should always be thriving for. You should be in search for new books, audio books which are available in market. This is a starting point of your journey to success, and you should continue your improvement always. The techniques which are told here have been well used by people all over and they are using them. New techniques and knowledge about Universe and its working are being explored. You should get your hands on them for more knowledge and implementation. It is my privilege and pleasure to show you the path to success and hope you will always be on success path. - Taran

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