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To the divine Father Jehovah, Creator of all things;

the First divine Communist of Love.-

To the divine Solar Mother Omega; the best friend.-
To the divine Solar First-Born Christ,
the First Revolutionary of this world and infinite others.-
Alpha and Omega
Heavenly Science
IN THE WORLD; an award destined for
the Chilean flock; however, the strange fascism
prevailed momentarily over this flock;
a strange and unknown form of government
to which the Chilean flock was not used;
many applaud the demon of brute force,
which transgresses and mocks at the divine
Commandments of the Father.-
over the demons who created the exploiting
capitalism, all the weight of the divine Justice
will fall over them; these demons of the ambition
and predominance, promised the Eternal
Father, to exalt his divine Law in this world;
not, in becoming their own executioners; for
this system of life, whose product is the science
of good and comfort, is this world’s yoke; a
yoke reaching its end; for the beginning of the
New Times arrived; a New World with a New
Time; a New Morality, with a New Destiny; was
it not taught to you that the Creator restores
all things? The Final Judgment starts with the
Doctrine of the Lamb of God; a painful end; for
all kind of transgression against the Law of the
Father, only brings about pain; as you have experienced
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injustice in your lives; injustice derived
from a system of life that the divine Father did
not create; and which is unknown in the Kingdom
of Heavens.-

Verily Children; one is born searching for

the Truth; the century –for– century awaited
Revelation starts off for the world of knowledge;
your Creator makes use of Living Doctrines to
make the worlds progress; in the Past, He sent you
the Mosaic Law; the Christian Doctrine followed;
the third one, which is starting, is the Doctrine
of the Lamb of God; this Doctrine will also be
called Heavenly Science; its origin is in the same
elements of nature; the Telepathic Writing is the
means of communication of which the Creator of
the Universe makes use; it has always been so;
in the Past the prophets’ doctrines used to be
received by means of telepathy; for all things have
a beginning and raison d'être;
the Doctrine of the Lamb of God, has got not end; because the
universe has not; and for that very reason, it will
be spread all over the earth; it will be translated
into all the languages of the world; its influence
will be insomuch that it will cause the exploiting materialism
collapse; for a New Morality comes into the
world; the Single Morality of the Millennium of
Peace; the Doctrines of the Eternal Father always
transform the worlds; just like it happened in
the Past of the earth; the New Revelation was
requested by the present human spirits; and it
was granted to them; all instant lived in your
existences, you requested it and it was granted
to you; the New Revelation is the continuation of
the Holy Scriptures; one thing is to be studious
of the Sacred Scriptures, and quite another thing
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is to be religious; the first one is eternal for your
spirit always searches for its own origin; the second
one is faith trade; the religious groups are
the first ones to be accused before the world; in
the Doctrine of the Lamb of God; the so-called
religious groups have divided the world in their
human morality; they have no right to do such a
thing; they have forgotten that there is one God
only; one single Truth; ONLY SATAN DIVIDES
AGAINST HIMSELF; the religious spirits are
the same Pharisees of the Roman epoch; they
requested the Creator to be born again and mend
errors of the Past; and the test was given to them;
do not forget you religious groups of the world,
that all spirit is tested out in the destiny that
they chose; you, spirits of the rock, did the same
in distant worlds; you divided other flocks; you
led other creatures into spiritual confusion; you
filled up many planets with material temples; and
you did it once more on the earth; that is why
you will be judged firstly; upon transgressing the
Law, you turn into the same anti-Christ; and all
transgressor of the Commandments is certainly
one; you say the holy mother church; and I say
unto you that no one in this world is a holy man
or a holy woman; true humility needs no titles
which are unknown in the Kingdom of Heavens;
even your microscopic planet is unknown; only
the Father and certain prophets know the dust-planet
called earth; the reason for that is that the
Living Universe of the Father Jehovah has no end;
and whosoever considers himself to be great,
they are not; because of you the word harlot was written;
for you trade with my divine Law;
BLIND LEADING THE BLIND who lead other blind into
your errors; when the New Doctrine spreads over,
your spiritual selfish rock will be
split; the word rock does not symbolize eternity
at all; the earth is temporary and not everlasting;
you believe that your church is everlasting; the
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events that are to come, will make you see the
light; only the ones lowly in heart, have won the
eternity; but not, those who teach morality
in immorality; when my First-born Son said in
the past of the earth: UPON THIS ROCK, WILL
I BUILD MY CHURCH, he said so foreseeing
the humankind’s Future; for the Solar Trinity is
everywhere; it is also in the Living Times: Past,
Present and Future; And what is it that he foresaw?
He foresaw all of your transgressions; he foresaw
how you would persecute innocent creatures;
because they did not agree on your ideas; he
foresaw how you would send them to the stake;
he foresaw how you would persecute the great
studious and writers; just because of the single
fact of making you see the light; he foresaw how
you would crown earthly kings; being conscious
you, selfish rock, that there is one King of Kings
only; the divine Father; the one who grants and
takes away life; the title of king belongs to the
Heavenly World; the daemon is called king-spirit;
the Commandments do not teach you how to
become a king; they command to be meek above
all ; He foresaw how you would bless the weapons
with which the children of the Father kill
one another; being conscious you, daemons, that
the divine Commandment says: THOU SHALT
NOT KILL; He foresaw the faith trade; and He
foresaw all kind of immorality in your spirits; it
would have better for you not have requested
life again rather than committed transgression
once more; your religious groups are unknown
in the Kingdom of Heavens; just like all morality,
which aims to disunite the faith of the children
of the Father, is unknown; the Unique Temple
known in the Kingdom, is the Temple of Labour;
Labour is the oldest existing Command; Labour
was and is carried out in Colossal Worlds before
your microscopic planet was born; the Temple
of Labour never returns to dust; your material
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temples do return to dust; and along with them
the materialistic worshipping disappears on this
planet; a sort of worshipping that should have
never been taught; because of this kind of worshipping
that is based upon hypocrisy, the world
has been delayed in twenty centuries; in its moral
and spiritual realm.-
Yay little son; this Heavenly Drawing means that
all kind of justice comes out in the very same way
as the beings are reproduced; all of the human
spirits witnessed this justice in the Kingdom of
Heavens; because everyone was granted to see
their own justice; everything exists in the
Kingdom of Heavens; no one comes to the world
spiritually blind; justice is adjusted to your deeds;
because everyone promised to make his own
Heaven; justice has its Law in the Living
Commandments; which are the same Measure
with which you will be meted; each of your ideas
has an intention; and every intention becomes
physical and alive in the Kingdom; the intention
is judged when the spirit has committed transgression
against it; the human body is the
product of Magnetic Laws; passed in the
Macrocosm; and called Divine Laws; whosoever
denies being divine in the microscopic thing that
they represent, they disown the Father; who
wants the best for his children, and whosoever
disowns the Father, deny their own eternity;
since his mind is read in numberless heavens;
and when these heavenly creatures, read in the
spirits, they do so judging; whosoever disowns
the Father, the Living Heavens also deny him the
entrance; what is done below, has a repercussion
above; and wherever your spirit might go, the
Law is the same; my Commands are the same
above as well as below; what changes is the philosophy
that one lives for an instant; your justice
is and will be spiritual; material matters do not
remain in your salt of life; in your knowledge;
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the single reality for all spirit is the eternity that
they live; it is not the ephemeral; that they felt
when they had a physical body; body of flesh that
they requested; and it was granted to them;
granting a physical body, is not a matter of just granting;
the body is a living being which also
requested such a physical geometry for a moment;
and it was granted to it; the inheritance is the
same in everybody; matter and spirit have got
equal rights; both of them make requests; spiritual
laws and material laws are blended; they
are known in the Kingdom of Heavens, as the
Ark of Covenants; because a spirit’s materialization,
is not made by chance; it is made with
responsibility; to say the contrary is to undervalue
oneself; and whosoever undervalues himself,
undervalues the Father; who is in him; Were
you not taught that your Creator is everywhere?
In the imagined and unimagined? Certainly you
know it by word of mouth; but, not through your
own knowledge; because of your own effort; by
the sweat of thy brow; owing to your own merit;
SEEK AND THOU SHALT FIND; because you are
rewarded in the same extent as what you made use of
in the greatest quest; for you may search for
many things in your existences; but if you do not
search for the Father who granted your life, you
will not enter into the Kingdom of Heavens; the
ungrateful have never entered; only the ones
lowly in heart; those who endured their own trials
in life; because they themselves requested the
trials in the Kingdom; every trial that you go
through in life at each instant, each second, was
requested; and it was granted to you; even the
way and characteristics of your deaths were
requested by you; and within your trials, you
requested to pursue the highest Morality; the
unique ; for without it you will never enter into
the Kingdom of Heavens; and you requested that such
a Morality be taught to you on earth; and the
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divine Commandments were granted to you; they
are the measure; for by means of them you will
be judged; and it will be so until the consummation
of this planet; the human spirits could obviously
never study me; but, not living in the
Morality of my Commandments, that is darkness;
for you would never enter where the Father is;
the time that you would be far from the Light is
so extraordinary, that you would have to be born
again to be able to read the figure; something
which is not in your microscopic evolution; the
kind of justice that you requested, starts with the
most microscopic thing that your mind can conceive;
it certainly was so, because the very least,
the meek, is first in everything; first in the
Kingdom of Heavens and its divine Justice; and
first before the divine Father Jehovah; and the
most microscopic thing that your mind
can conceive, is your ideas; the same which you
generate daily; the same which you requested in
the Kingdom; the same that you feel and do not
see; all of your ideas, travel physically to outer
space; they have the same rights as you do; you
requested to be born in the matter; so did they;
you requested to live in a time and space; so did
your ideas; as above is, so is below; the inheritance of
things requested is the same in everyone; the
gigantic make requests and so do the microscopic;
matter makes requests and so does the
living nothingness; and everything is granted by
the Father; for he is Infinite; your ideas travel
over in space, unheard distances; distances that
you will never be able to figure out; only the
Father knows; your ideas are known in the
Kingdom, as Galactic Seed; for out of them your
worlds of your own heaven are created; it was
written in my free Will: EACH ONE MAKES UP
HIS OWN HEAVEN; for everybody has got
microscopically, the Father’s Inheritance; what
the Father owns, the children own it; as it occurs
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with the earthly parents; their hereditary characteristics
are transmitted into the children; as
above is, so is below; the inheritance granted by your
Father, was that of innocence and lack of philosophy;
for it is your free will the one that chooses;
and everything that you have been, is your merit;
for everything is gained by the sweat of thy brow,
with spiritual effort; there is nothing in the
Creation of the Father, which takes no effort; everything
takes and will take a lot; for without
each one’s spiritual merit, no one can enter into
the Kingdom of Heavens; the comforts of your
world, are worthless in the Kingdom; any sort of
comfort fulfilled in the world, is a prize already
enjoyed; and due to this it was written: AND
THEY HAD THEIR REWARD; any sort of material
enjoyment has got no merit in Heaven; and
by no means at all when such enjoyments, are
the product of a kind of philosophy that did not
take the Commandments of the Father into
consideration at all; such kind of philosophy has its
days numbered; for the Creator gives and takes
away; your materialistic philosophy, will be cut
off from its expansion; for there is a time for
everything; for everything is relative to the
Commandments of the Father; a relativity that
you yourselves requested in your test of life; the 18
downfall of your own yoke; it will be the Greatest
Event for the meek; the exploited and despised;
for everybody is equal before God; no one was
born rich and no one was born poor; such situation
was created by ambitious spirits; those who
only live in a single present time; the spirits in
the highest retardation of their evolution; they
have done nothing more than subjugate the
world with their narrow-minded way of thinking
before eternity; all of these demons, will be
judged by the world itself; for no one wants the
condemnation of their soul; the Light of the
Doctrine of the Lamb of God, will transform the
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world; for it is written so in the Kingdom of
Heavens; the world earth has done the opposite
to what it was commanded; for centuries and
centuries my divine Commandment has been
letting you know that the meek is first; in all
order of things; And what have you done with
the Heavenly Command? Do my meek ones rule?
Is it maybe in my Scriptures? Verily I say unto
you demons of vanity, that every philosophical
tree that the Creator did not plant, will be
uprooted; every living evolution is just so; and
who created you and crowned you as kings? Do
you not know that only the divine Father is King
of Kings? And the title of king is not of this
world; it belongs to the Heavenly World; Satan
is called king-spirit; the divine Commandments
teach to be meek above all ; they do not teach
how to become a king; verily I say unto you
demons of the accursed nobility, that none of you
will enter into the Kingdom of Heavens; and
along with you, your children up to the third
generation will not enter therein either; for in the Living
Universe of the Father Jehovah, any kind of
inheritance is transmitted; no one should have
been conceited even for a microscopic second of
time; all it takes is a second or less of transgression,
and no one enters into the Kingdom of
Heavens; accursed kings of the world; your children’s
innocence, will curse you; for because of
you, they will not enter into the Kingdom; and
along with them, everyone who served you in
your accursed philosophy; no demon called noble
your accursed philosophy; no demon called noble
will enter into the Kingdom; for in the Kingdom
only the merit of Labour is known; the Universal
Philosophy; that every meek and honest one
requested; those who were and are kings on the
earth, were and are spirits fascinated with vanity;
they have in their spirits, the galactic influence
of other existences; existences where everything
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was material splendour and no intellectuality at
all; a salt of life common in darkness; and there
is no demon that has not been a king in some
world; this philosophy is led by satan himself;
from the very same instant at which he rebelled;
and all the legion that rebelled along with him;
all the human spirits that requested to have a
flock, a nation, with a king leading, belong to
Satan’s legion; for all of you came out of Heaven;
and even the demon came out of it; when the
spirits are in Heaven, they acquire other creatures’
mores; as it occurs among you; for as above
is, so is below; Satan’s imitators, are spread among the
religious, the rich, kings and the accursed who create
philosophies of force; yet, no demon will remain;
the Living Word of the divine Father, purifies everything;
it transforms everything; as it transformed the ancient world
with the Mosaic Law; and later on with the Christian Doctrine;
now it is done by the Doctrine of the Lamb of God;
nothing easier for the Creator of the
Universe, than transforming the worlds of flesh,
with his Living Word; the very same Word that
some heavenly instants ago said: LET THERE BE
Word that created all Holy Scripture; the very
same Word that gave you the Commandments;
and the very same Word that judges you by means
of intellectuality first, and by means of physical
laws afterward; for every spirit requested it so;
it requested to be tested out in the same Final
Judgment; as it requested to be tested out at
every instant in life; starting with the difficulties
in interpreting my Scriptures; everything absolutely
everything you requested it; even the most
minimum details of the Science of the Lamb of
God; this gives you an idea that even invisible
things for you, are controlled from the Kingdom
of Heavens; your unknown sensations; Justice is
for your way of thinking; your ideas, your intentions;
you requested it yourselves so in the Kingdom; and you also
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requested the forgetfulness which you have in your origin;
the way and details in which you were created; yet, you will
know everything; for you requested to know on
earth, the Light of the Lamb of God; you requested
to be comforted in knowledge; you requested a
New Doctrine; and you requested the surprise
in the arrival of this Doctrine; the Doctrine of
the Lamb of God, should have been known long
time ago; the incredulity and materialism of the
religious rock, hid the Truth from you; they have
Scrolls of the Lamb; the first Scrolls were laid in
their hands; for they were tested out; all spirit is
tested out; these demons that teach a form of
faith in which they do not even believe, requested
to be the first ones in being in full knowledge of
the Truth; and it was granted to them; the reason
that they concealed the Truth, is because they
have developed a selfish rock in their hearts; they
are the ones who believe the least; they are influenced
by the laws of material worship; a pharaoh
inheritance; which drives the person to
be exalted; Verily I say unto you, demons of worshipping,
that not a single treacherous one of my Word, will enter
into the Kingdom of Heavens; no selfish rock will
enter; cursed will you be by this generation and
by those coming forth; because of you demons,
this humanity will not enter into the Kingdom;
for all of the seconds of life elapsed, were a living
time in transgression; all it takes is one second
or less of any kind of transgression for no one to
enter into the Kingdom of Heavens; and upon
concealing the Truth to the world, the more you
put this humanity further away from the
Kingdom; for the more you perpetuated the error;
the much greater is the number of seconds lived
in error; every second of transgression, is a
heaven being closed to the creature; all of you
must add up the seconds contained in a minute,
an hour, a day, a week, a year, and the number of
seconds of your elapsed years ; and all calculation
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must be done from twelve years old onward;
before that age, all spirit is innocent before God;
and whosoever has maltreated one of my innocent
ones in deed or by word of mouth during a
second or less, suchlike ones will not enter into
the Kingdom of Heavens; for they complained in
the Kingdom, in other existences, as they were maltreated
being innocent; due to this it was written:
therefore no bad father or mother or stepfather
or stepmother or tutor who had children under
his or her charge, enters into my Kingdom; their
destinies are subjected to the Justice of my innocent
ones; for all lesser is great in the Kingdom
of Heavens; Were you not taught that every meek
is first before the Father? This means that all
microscopic is first in the Justice of the Father
Jehovah; therefore, your spirit is not first in the
Kingdom; all of those whom your spirit despised
on the earth are first; your spirits cannot request
to be first; for you were commanded to be humble
above all; the last one is always meek;
he does not brag of being himself important;
Truly I say to you that everyone who bragged of
being important in life, does not enter into the
Kingdom of Heavens; although that undue importance,
Might have lasted for a second or less than a second;
and every evil-minded who has done so in
the same proportion of time, does not enter into
the Kingdom of Heavens; the downfall of this
humanity, is due to the false and mundane concept,
that the false morality of the religious rock
inculcated into you; this harlot that
has traded with the faith for centuries
and centuries, has done the things according to
her transitory interests; she did not take the
meek into consideration; the
meek does not surround himself with luxury; he
does not deceive himself; for all the meek has
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gone through the things which those who look
for dazzle are going through; all materialist is a
retarded spirit; that gets fascinated with a microscopic
present; moreover, they are ignorant of
the Laws of the Spirit; such is the characteristics
of the so-called popes; head of the harlot; these
creatures are unknown in the Kingdom; for no
one has entered; only the humble and plain ones
enter; and every religion is also unknown; and
even your dust-planet is it; this is so because of
infinite laws; one of them is that the Universe is
Infinite; so infinite that all kind of fantasy
becomes real; the other law is that each one
makes up his own heaven; thus the so-called
popes and their followers, who fostered a philosophy
of material worship, created for themselves
their worlds with such kind of philosophy;
for every world is surrounded by a sky; and each
one makes up his own heaven; the material worship
is not a tree planted by the divine Father;
and it is not known in the Kingdom; as it is not
known any doctrine or science or sect, which
has not taken the humble into consideration;
for verily I say unto you, that this planet should have
been ruled by the meek; for they are first in the
Kingdom; they are first above, and so must they
be below; the opposite has been done; the spirits
who did not request it, rule this world; the spirits
of darkness rule over you; because in their positions,
they do not do it in the name of Light; they do
not mention me in their speeches; the goal for
them is not the Creator; it is ephemeron; that
which only lasts a breath in the eternity; I read
their minds; I see their calculations; for I am in
all places; I see that they themselves build their
worlds of darkness; verily I say unto you, proud
and conceited rulers, that none of you will remain;
and no one who has not taken my Commands
into consideration will remain; if the meek had
ruled over the world from the very start, I
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assure you that this world would have no need
of judgement; the transgressors are the ones who
create the judgments; no transgressor will ever
enter into the Kingdom of the Father; the Law is
in you yourselves; it has always been so; it is
enough to think and you are creating your own
judgement; matter and spirit think in their
corresponding laws; for no one is disinherited;
everyone has the same rights; no one is lesser
before the Father; these rights are manifested in
all imaginable ways; all kind of shape that you
see in the world that you requested, you witnessed
their requests; because before coming
down to the planetary dwellings, covenants are
first made with the elements of the future Nature;
and everything that your eyes have seen, during
your existence, you requested it in divine covenants;
it is for this reason that matter and spirit
have the right to request justice in the Living
Universe of the Father Jehovah; matter and spirit,
have a free will; independently one from the
other; if it was not so; there would be no perfection
in justice; there would be no balance in each
one’s right; the Justice of the Father being a single
one, becomes manifested in infinite ways;
for nothing in Him, has got limits; all justice
originates from the same deeds performed by the
creature; it is the salt of life, the one that gives
shape to his justice; the salt of life is the same
knowledge learned in an existence; and by virtue
of their free will, the spirits do not progress uniformly 28
first and others afterward; this Law explains the
physical inequality among you; all knowledge or
salt of life learned, is perpetuated in you; but
everything is relative to an infinite proportion;
you yourselves create the trait and quality of your
living relativities; the trait gives you the philosophy
of your thinking; and the quality your spiritual
hierarchy in the Kingdom of Heavens; the
greatest quality is obtained with Meekness; followed
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by Joy and Labour; here is the complement
of the Heavenly Communism in the Kingdom of
Heavens; a Heavenly Communism, with the philosophy
of a child; the one who did not cultivate
joy during his life, does not enter into the
Kingdom of Heavens; no idiot in mood will enter;
although the idiocy or anger might have come
to be for a second or less; all of you promised in
the Kingdom of Heavens, to be happy in life;
imitating the same Heaven; you promised to be
happy under any circumstance; you did not
request to be idiots in mood; for you knew that
this is unknown in the Kingdom; and you knew
that if you were idiots, you would not enter into
it; if in your existences you felt anger, this is due
to the unjust system of life chosen by men; and
the creators of such a system, shall pay for it in
this Judgment; for they requested it so; and so
will it be granted to them; over the demons who
created the exploiting capitalism, all the weight
of the divine Justice will fall over them; these
demons of the ambition and predominance,
promised the Eternal Father, to exalt his divine
Law in this world; not, in becoming their own
executioners; for this system of life, whose product
is the science of good and comfort, is this
world’s yoke; a yoke reaching its end; for the
beginning of the New Times arrived; a New
World with a New Time; a New Morality, with a
New Destiny; was it not taught to you that the
Creator restores all things? The Final Judgment
starts with the Doctrine of the Lamb of God; a
painful end; for all kind of transgression against
the Law of the Father, only brings about pain; as
you have experienced injustice in your lives;
injustice derived from a system of life that the
divine Father did not create; and which is
unknown in the Kingdom of Heavens.-
Written by: ALPHA AND OMEGA.-

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