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ABECEDA SLOVO A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z IZGOVOR ei bi si di i ef di ei ai dei kei el em en ou pi kju ar es ti ju vi dabl ju eks vai zed

BROJEVI 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 zero [zirou] one [uan] two [tu] three [ri] four [for] five [faiv] six [siks] seven [sevn] eight [eit] nine [nain] ten [ten] eleven [ilevn] twelve [tvelv] thirteen [rtin] fourteen [fortin] fifteen [fiftin] sixteen [sikstin] seventeen [sevntin] eighteen [eitin] 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 107 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 6250 thirty [rti] forty [forti] fifty [fifti] sixty [siksti] seventy [sevnti] eighty [eiti] ninety [nainti] a/one hundred [van handrid] one hundred and seven [van handrid end sevn] two hundred [tu handrid] three hundred [ri handrid] four hundred [for handrid] five hundred [faiv handrid] six hundred [siks handrid] seven hundred [sevn handrid] eight hundred [eit handrid] nine hundred [nain handrid] one thousand [van tauznd] six thousand two hundred and fifty

19 20 21

nineteen [naintin] twenty [tventi] twenty-one [tventi-van]

[siks tauznd tu handrid end fifti] 1 000 000 a million [ milin] 1 000 000 a billion [ bilin] 000

REDNI BROJEVI 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. the first [ frst] the second [ seknd] the third [ rd] the fourth [ for] the fifth [ fif] the sixth [ siks] the seventh [ sevn] the eighth [ ei] the nineth [ nain] the tenth [ ten] 11. 12. 13. 20. 30. 31. 35. the eleventh [ ilevn] the twelfth [ tvelf] the thirteenth [ rtin] the twentieth [ tventi] the thirtieth [ rti] the thirty-first [ rti frst] the thirty-fifth [ rti fif]

1/2 1/3 1/4 2/4 3/5 1/6

a half [ haf] a third [ rd] a quarter [ kvortr] two quarters [tu kvortrs] three fifths [ri fif] one sixth [van siks]

jedanput dvaput triput vie manje

once [vans] twice [tvais] three times [ri taims] more [mor] less [les]

OPI IZRAZI KADA prije poslije sada KAKO brzo polako KOLIKO when [ven] before [bifor] after [after] now [nau] how [hau] fast [fast] slow [slou] how much [how ma] much [ma] little [litl] enough [inaf] nothing [naing] why [vai] GDJE ovdje tamo svuda iza daleko blizu where [ver] here [hir] there [der] everywhere [evriver] behind [bihaind] far [far] near [nir]

mnogo malo dosta nita zato

Hoete li? Hou. Neu. Moete li? Mogu. Ne mogu. Znate li?

Will you? [vil ju] I will. [ai vil] I wont. [ai vount] Can you? [ken ju] I can. [ai ken] I cant. [ai kant] Do you know? [du ju nou] I dont know. [ai dont now]

to je ono?

What is that? [vot iz et]

Ne znam.

PRIHVAANJE/ODBIJANJE da naravno u redu slaem se s vama yes [jes] of course [of kors] ok [ou kei] all right [ol rait] I agree with you. [ai gri wi ju] kakva teta ne nikako veoma alim no [nou] not at all [not et ol] Im very sorry. [aim veri sori] I dont think so. [ai dont ink sou] What a pity! [vot piti]

ne mislim tako

MOLBE Molim vas, dajte/recite/pokaite mi. Please, give/tell/show me Oprostite, Excuse me Hoete li, molim vas Would you, please Smijem li ovo uzeti/pogledati? May I take/see this? Moete li mi posuditi? Could you lend me? ZAHVALE Hvala. Hvala lijepa. Thank you. Thank you very much. Nema a emu. Youre welcome. ISPRIKE Oprostite! Im sorry! Nita zato! Never mind! OSLOVLJAVANJE gospodin Brown Mister Brown gospoa Brown Mrs. Brown gospoica Brown Miss Brown gospodin Sir gospoa Madam POZDRAVI Dobro jutro! Good morning! (do 12 h) Dobar dan! Good afternoon! (od 12 h) Dobra veer! Good evening! Laku no! Good night! Zdravo! Hello! Dovienja! Good bye! Vidimo se kasnije! See you later! Sretno! Good luck! RAZGOVOR Govorite li engleski? Do you speak English? Da, govorim malo engleski. Yes, I speak a little English. Razumijete li to kaem? Do you understand what I say? ao mi je, ne razumijem. Im sorry, I dont understand. Molim vas, ponovite mi to polako. Please, repeat it slowly for me. to znai ta rije? What does this mean?

DANI, MJESECI DANI ponedjeljak utorak srijeda etvrtak petak subota nedjelja DAYS Monday [mandei] Tuesday [tjuzdei] Wednesday [venzdei] Thursday [rzdei] Friday [fraidei] Saturday [satrdei] Sunday [sandei] MJESECI sijeanj veljaa oujak travanj svibanj lipanj srpanj kolovoz rujan listopad studeni prosinac MONTHS January [denjueri] February [februeri] March [mar] April [ejpril] May [mei] June [dun] July [dulai] August [ogst] September [siptembr] October [oktoubr] November [novembr] December [disembr]

dan day [dei] radni dan - working day [wrking dei] praznik holiday [holidei] tjedan week [vik] mjesec moth [man] godina year [jr] danas today [tudei] juer yesterday [jestrdei] sutra tomorrow [tmarou] dnevno daily [deili] jutro morning [morning] jutros this morning [is morning] podne noon [nun] popodne afternoon [aftrnun] veer evening [ivning] no night [nait] pono midnight [midnait] veeras tonight [tunait] kasno late [leit] rano early [rli] uvijek always [olveiz]

JAVNI NATPISI Ulaz Entrance Izlaz Exit Izlaz u nudi Emergency exit Slobodno Vacant Rezervirano Reserved Otvoreno Open Zatvoreno Closed Prodaje se For sale Nepua Non-smoker Gospoda Gentlemen Gospoe Ladies Vuci Pull Guraj Push Zvoni Ring Zatvaraj vrata Please close the door Pazi Look out Oprez Caution, Danger Ne diraj Do not touch uvaj se psa Beware of the dog Idite desno Keep/go to the right Idite lijevo Go to the left Zabranjeno - No

NA GRANICI Imate li neto za carinu? Do you have anything to declare? Ne, nemam nita za carinu. No, I have nothing to declare. Imate li cigareta/alkohola? Do you have any cigarettes/alcohol? Izvolite otvoriti ovaj koveg. Would you open this case, please? Sve je to samo za osobnu upotrebu. All that is for my personal use. Mogu li opet zatvorit svoju prtljagu? May I shut my luggage again? Koliko moram platiti carine? How much duty must I pay? Hvala. sve je u redu. Thank you, everything is all right. Vau putovnicu, molim. Your passport, please. Koliko dugo namjeravate ostati u? How long do you intend to stay in? Mislim da u ostati oko dana. I intend to stay about days. Moram li imati dozvolu boravka? Must I have a permit to stay? carinarnica carinik carinska deklaracija osloboeno carine podvrgnuto carini dravljanstvo prebivalite dozvola boravka custom-house [kastm-haus] customs officer [kastms ofisr] customs declaration [kastms deklrein] duty-free [djuti-fri] liable to duty [lajbl tu djuti] nationality [neneliti] residence [rezidens] permit to stay [prmit to stei]

Prezent, glagol biti (Present Simple) Ja sam I am [ai em] Ti si You are [ju ar] On je He is [hi iz] Ona je She is [i iz] Ono je It is [it iz] Mi smo We are [vi ar] Vi ste You are [ju ar] Oni su They are [ej ar] Prezent, glagol imati (Present Simple) Ja imam I have [ai hev] Ti ima You have [ju hev] On ima He has [hi hez] Ona ima She has [i hez] Ono ima It has [it hez] Mi imamo We have [vi hev] Vi imate You have [ju hev] Oni imaju They have [ej hev]

Perfekt, glagol biti (Past Simple) Ja sam bio I was [ai voz] Ti si bio You were [ju vr] On je bio He was [hi voz] Ona je bila She was [i voz] Ono je bilo It was [it voz] Mi smo bili We were [vi vr] Vi ste bili You were [ju vr] Oni su bili They were [ei vr] Perfekt, glagol imati (Past Simple) Ja sam imao I had [ai hed] Ti si imao You had [ju hed] On je imao He had [hi hed] Ona je imala She had [i hed] Ono je imalo It had [it hed] Mi smo imali We had [vi hed] Vi ste imali You had [ju hed] Oni su imali They had [ej hed]

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