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Malay_ by Lisa

Apa khaba How are you?
Baik Sehat I am fine
(Good) (Health)
Selamat Pagi Good morning
Selamat Tengah Hari Good afternoon
Selamat Petang Good evening
Selamat Malam Good night
Selamat Datang Welcome

1. A[ah] E[uh] I[ee] O[oh] U[ooh]
2. Character “a” at the end of a word pronounces as [uh].
3. Repeat a noun twice becomes plural form.
4. Character “c” pronounces [ch].

Hari Jadi Happy birthday
Tahniah! Congrats!
Jemput makan/Makan makan Come and eat
(invite) (eat)
Bunga telur Wedding gift

Siapa Who
Apa What
Apa tu?/Tu apa? What is that?
Mana Where
Mana awak pergi?/ Awak pergi Where did you go?
(you) (go)
Bila When
Bila nak pergi? When are we going?
Pukul berapa nak pergi? What time are we going?
(What)(time;how much)

Pukul dia Hit him/her

Sekarang pukul lima Now is five o’clock
Mengapa/Kenapa(inf.) Why
Kenapa dia pergi?/ Dia pergi Why did he/she go?
Bagaimana/Macam mana(inf.) How
Macam mana dia buat How did he/she do it?

1 Satu
2 Dua
3 Tiga
4 Empat
5 Lima
6 Enam
7 Tujuh
8 Lapan
9 Sebilan

11 Sebelas
12 Dua belas
13 Tiga belas
14 Empat belas
15 Lima belas
16 Enam belas
17 Tujuh belas
18 Lapan belas
19 Sembilan belas

10 Sepuluh
20 Dua puluh
30 Tiga puluh
40 Empat puluh
50 Lima puluh
60 Enam puluh
70 Tujuh puluh
80 Lapan puluh
90 Sembilan puluh

100 Seratus
200 Dua ratus
300 Tiga ratus
1,000 Seribu/ Satu ribu
10,000 Sepuluh ribu
1,000,000 Sejuta/ Satu juta

L5_Self introduction
Nama saya Vivian My name is Vivian
Nama kawan saya Adam My friend’s name is Adam
(friend) (I)
Umur saya tiga puluh tahun My age is thirty years old
(Age) (year)
Saya datang dari ___ I come from ___
(come) (from)
Saya orang Taiwan tapi saya I am Taiwanese but I comes from
(person) (but) Switzerland
datang dari Switzerland
Saya/ Aku(inf)/ Kita(inf) I

Uncle Pak cik
Aunt Mak cik
Elder brother Abang/Bang(inf)
Elder sister Kakak/Kak(inf)
Younger brother/sister Adik/Dik(inf; pronounce [dek]
Grandfather Datuk/Tok(inf)/Atuk(inf)
Grandmother Nenek
Mr. Encik
Ms. Puan
Miss Cik
Tumpang Tanya Excuse me (only used when asking
(take shelter together)(ask) question)

L9_See a doctor
Saya rasa tak beberapa sihat I don’t feel very well
(feel)(not) (very) (well)
Awak demam ke? Have you a fever?
(you) (fever) (denote a question)
Tak tau lah I don’t know
Saya tak pasti I am not too sure
Mungkin/Ye kot(inf) Maybe
Saya pening kepala dan I have been having headache and
(dizzy) (head) (and) stomachache since morning.
sakit perut dari pagi
Sakit kepala Headache
Sakit perut Stomachache
Kaki sakit Leg pain
Belakang sakit Back pain
Hah jumpa doctor? Have you seen a doctor?
(Have) (see)
Sudah/Dah Belum lagi I haven’t seen a doctor yet
(I have). (not yet)
Saya pergi sekarang lah I’ll go now.
(now) “lah” used to soften the tone.
Saya pergi sekejap lagi lah waktu I will go later during lunch time
(later). (time)
makan tengahari.
(eat) (noon)
Boleh saya bantu? Can I help you?
(Can) (help)
Boleh jumpa doctor tak? Can I see doctor?
(see). (or not)
Saya rasa tak sihat I don’t feel well.
(feel) (not) (well)
Sila duduk dulu Please sit down first
(Please) (sit) (first)
Nanti saya panggil nama I’ll call your name later
(Later on). (call) (name)
Sakit Apa? What is the pain?/What’s the
(pain)(what) matter?
Saya pening kepala I have a headache
sakit perut a stomachache
rasa mual feel nauseous
muntah-muntah keep vomitting
Sejak bila rasa macam ni ? How long have you been
(Since)(when)(feel)(like)(this) experiencing like this?
Sejak malam tadi Since last night
(night) (just now)
Sejak semalam lagi
Saga akan beri ubat I will give you medicine
(will) (give)(medicine)
Nak MC tak? Do you want MC or not?
(want) (or not)
Nak I want
Tak perlu No need
Tak nak I don’t want
Ada apa-apa lagi tak ? Is there anything else?
(Have)(anything)(more)(or not)
Tak ada, itu saja No, that’s all
(no)(have) (that) (all)
Terima kasih Thank you

Encik/Cik cari apa? What are you looking for?
Tengok-tengok je Just looking
(look) (look) (only;Sahaja)
(look around)
Tumpang Tanga, Excuse me,
Ada jual benda ni Do you sell this item?
(Have) (sell). (thing) (this;ini)
(or not;tidak)
Ada jual ubat gigi tak? Do you sell toothpaste?
Ada It’s available (We have)
Tak ada It’s not available (We haven’t)
Tolong tunjuk kat mana, Can you please show me where it
(Help) (show) (at) (where) is?
boleh tak?
(can)(or not)
Boleh, sila ikut saya Sure, please follow me.
(please;politely invite) (follow)
Barang yang Encik/Cik cari ada The item you’re looking for is over
(Thing)(the one) (find) here and here.
di sebelah sini dan sini.
(at) (next door) (here)(and)
Maaf, stok dah habis Sorry, we’re out of stock
Bila stok baru sampai? When will the new stock arrive?
(When) (new)(arrive)
Maaf, saya tak pasti Sorry, I’m not sure
(Sorry). (not)(sure)
Biar saya tengok/check dulu Let me check first
(Let) (look) (first)
Stok baru sampai minggu depan New stock arrives next week
(new) (arrive) (week) (next)
Barang/Benda yang ini ada warna Do you have other colors for
(Item)/(Thing) (this one) (color) this/that item?
lain tak?
(other)(or not)

Yang ini/ni This one

Yang mana? Which one?
Yang tu That one
Ada…tak? Do you have… ?
Ada saiz dua belas tak? Do you have size 12 ?
Ada [n/v] tak?
Ada nasi goreng tak? Do you have fried rice?
Ada pen tak? Do you have a pen?
Ada Nampak tak? Did you see?
Ada dengar tak? Did you hear?
Ada buku tak? Do you have a book?
Boleh [v] tak? Can…?
Boleh dengar tak? Can you hear?
Boleh saya pegang tak? Can I hold?
Boleh awak pegang tak? Can you hold?
Boleh saya pergi tak? Can I go?
Boleh pinjam tak? Can I borrow?
Yang ni rosak. This one is broken
(This one)(broken)
Yang ni tak elok. This one is not nice
Boleh bagi yang baru tak ? Can I have a new one?
(give)(new one)
Saya pergi ambil sekarang I’ll go and take it now.
(go) (take) (now)
Barang-barang yang encik/cik That things you want to buy, I’ve
(Things) (that) (Mr./Miss) put them at counter.

nak beli, saya dah letak

(want)(buy) (I) (already) (put)
kat kaunter.
(at) (counter)
Nak (abbr. of Hendak) To want
Dah (abbr. of Sudah) Already/Done
Kat (abbr. of Dekat) Near/At
Bila dah siap, When you’re ready you can go to
(When)(already)(ready;done) the counter and pay, okay?

boleh pergi kaunter pembayaran

(can) (go) (payment)

L13_At the counter

Berapa semua? How much is it altogether?
(How much)(everything)
Dua puluh dua ringgit dan 22 ringgit and 90 sen.
sembilan puluh sen 1 ringgit = 100 sen
Nak bayar tunai atau dengan Would you like to pay with cash or
(Want)(pay)(cash)(or)(with) credit card?
kad kredit?
Boleh guna kad kredit? Can I use credit card?
Tak boleh! Can’t!
Boleh tandatangan kat sini tak? Can you sign here ?
(sign). (at)(here)
Tolong tandatangan kat sini. Please sign at here.
Tolong letak tandatangan kat sini. Please put your signature here.
Maaf, sini tak ada. Sorry, we don’t have the machine
Maaf, mesin rosak. Sorry, mechine is broken.
Ada kad ahli tak? Have membership card?
Saya ada/taka da kad keahlian I have/haven’t membership card
Nak beg plastic tak? Do you want plastic beg?
Nak Want
Tak nak Don’t want
Tolong bagi beg plastic, ya? Please give me a plastic beg, OK?
(Please)(give) (yes/OK)
Satu beg plastic dua puluh sen, One beg 20 sen, OK?
Tak payah bagi beg plastic lah. No need to give me plastic beg.
(need)(give). (soften tone)

Saya ada beg sendiri. I have my own beg.

Bakinya dua puluh tujuh ringgit The change is 27 ringgit 10 sen.
sepuluh sen.

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