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Static Timing Analysis (STA) is a method of computing the expected timing of a digital circuit without requiring simulation.

High-performance integrated circuits have traditionally been characterized by the clock frequency at which they operate. Gauging the ability of a circuit to operate at the specified speed requires an ability to measure, during the design process, its delay at numerous steps. Moreover, delay calculation must be incorporated into the inner loop of timing optimizers at various phases of design, such as logic synthesis, layout (placement and routing), and in in-place optimizations performed late in the design cycle. While such timing measurements can theoretically be performed using a rigorous circuit simulation, such an approach is liable to be too slow to be practical. Static timing analysis plays a vital role in facilitating the fast and reasonably accurate measurement of circuit timing. The speedup appears due to the use of simplified delay models, and on account of the fact that its ability to consider the effects of logical interactions between signals is limited. Nevertheless, it has become a mainstay of design over the last few decades. One of the earliest descriptions of a static timing approach was published in the

In a synchronous digital system, data is supposed to move in lockstep, advancing one stage on each tick of the clock signal. This is enforced by synchronizing elements such as flip-flops or latches, which copy their input to their output when instructed to do so by the clock. To first order, only two kinds of timing errors are possible in such a system: A hold time violation, when an input signal changes too quickly, after the clock's active transition A setup time violation, when a signal arrives too late, and misses the time when it should advance.

The time when a signal arrives can vary due to many reasons - the input data may vary, the circuit may perform different operations, the temperature and voltage may change, and there are manufacturing differences in the exact construction of each part. The main goal of static timing analysis is to verify that despite these possible variations, all signals will arrive neither too early nor too late, and hence proper circuit operation can be assured. Also, since STA is capable of verifying every path, apart from helping locate setup and hold time violations, it can detect other serious problems like glitches, slow paths and clock skew.

[edit] Definitions
The critical path is defined as the path between an input and an output with the maximum delay. Once the circuit timing has been computed by one of the techniques below, the critical path can easily be found by using a traceback method. The arrival time of a signal is the time elapsed for a signal to arrive at a certain point. The reference, or time 0.0, is often taken as the arrival time of a clock signal. To calculate the arrival time, delay calculation of all the components in the path will be required. Arrival times, and indeed almost all times in timing analysis, are normally kept as a pair of values - the earliest possible time at which a signal can change, and the latest. Another useful concept is required time. This is the latest time at which a signal can arrive without making the clock cycle longer than desired. The computation of the

required time proceeds as follows. At each primary output, the required times for rise/fall are set according to the specifications provided to the circuit. Next, a backward topological traversal is carried out, processing each gate when the required times at all of its fanouts are known. The slack associated with each connection is the difference between the required time and the arrival time. A positive slack s at a node implies that the arrival time at that node may be increased by s without affecting the overall delay of the circuit. Conversely, negative slack implies that a path is too slow, and the path must be sped up (or the reference signal delayed) if the whole circuit is to work at the desired speed.

[edit] Corners and STA

Quite often, designers will want to qualify their design across many conditions. Behavior of an electronic circuit is often dependent on various factors in its environment like temperature or local voltage variations. In such a case either STA needs to be performed for more than one such set of conditions, or STA must be prepared to work with a range of possible delays for each component, as opposed to a single value. If the design works at each extreme condition, then under the assumption of monotonic behavior, the design is also qualified for all intermediate points. The use of corners in static timing analysis has several limitations. It may be overly optimistic, since it assumes perfect tracking - if one gate is fast, all gates are assumed fast, or if the voltage is low for one gate, it's also low for all others. Corners may also be overly pessimistic, for the worst case corner may seldom occur. In an IC, for example, it may not be rare to have one metal layer at the thin or thick end of its allowed range, but it would be very rare for all 10 layers to be at the same limit, since they are manufactured independently. Statistical STA, which replaces delays with distributions, and tracking with correlation, is a more sophisticated approach to the same problem.

[edit] The most prominent techniques for STA

In static timing analysis, the word static alludes to the fact that this timing analysis is carried out in an input-independent manner, and purports to find the worst-case delay of the circuit over all possible input combinations. The computational efficiency (linear in the number of edges in the graph) of such an approach has resulted in its widespread use, even though it has some limitations. A method that is commonly referred to as PERT is popularly used in STA. In fact, PERT is a misnomer, and the so-called PERT method discussed in most of the literature on timing analysis refers to the critical path method (CPM) that is widely used in project management. STA cell characterization tools take in a Spice netlist and Spice subcircuits and generate characterized cell libraries. Altos Design Automation's Liberate tool is one example. While the CPM-based methods are the dominant ones in use today, other methods for traversing circuit graphs, such as depth-first search, have been used by various timing analyzers.

[edit] Interface Timing Analysis

Many of the common problems in chip designing are related to interface timing between different components of the design. These can arise because of many factors including incomplete simulation models, lack of test cases to properly verify interface timing, requirements for synchronization, incorrect interface specifications, and lack of designer understanding of a

component supplied as a 'black box'. There are specialized CAD tools designed explicitly to analyze interface timing, just as there are specific CAD tools to verify that an implementation of an interface conforms to the functional specification (using techniques such as model checking).
Dynamic vs Static Timing Analysis Timing analysis is integral part of ASIC/VLSI design flow. Anything else can be compromised but not timing! Timing analysis can be static or dynamic. Dynamic timing analysis verifies functionality of the design by applying input vectors and checking for correct output vectors whereas Static Timing Analysis checks static delay requirements of the circuit without any input or output vectors.

Dynamic timing analysis has to be accomplished and functionality of the design must be cleared before the design is subjected to Static Timing Analysis (STA). Dynamic Timing Analysis (DTA) and Static Timing Analysis (STA) are not alternatives to each other. Quality of the Dynamic Timing Analysis (DTA) increases with the increase of input test vectors. Increased test vectors increase simulation time. Dynamic timing analysis can be used for synchronous as well as asynchronous designs. Static Timing Analysis (STA) cant run on asynchronous deigns and hence Dynamic Timing Analysis (DTA) is the best way to analyze asynchronous designs. Dynamic Timing Analysis (DTA) is also best suitable for designs having clocks crossing multiple domains. Example of Dynamic Timing Analysis(DTA) tool is Modelsim (from mentor Graphics), VCS (from Synopsys). DTA is also carried out on post layout netlist to verify that functionality of the design has not changed. Test vectors remain same for both.

SPICE Simulation
Device level timing analysis is carried out using SPICE simulation. SPICE simulation is very essential for full custom designs to verify the electrical properties of the designs. These are calculated based on the mathematical equations that represent electrical properties of devices. Material and some of the electrical properties of the devices, which are represented by either variables or constants, are stored in model files. Examples are threshold voltage of MOSFET, electron density etc. SPICE characterized data is tabulated in technology libraries which becomes basic delay information for the Static Timing Analysis. For example let us consider a AND gate. Several electrical properties such as input and output transition, propagation delay, output capacitance etc are evaluated by this SPICE simulation. SPICE simulated data gives maximum accuracy compared to any other form of simulation. SPICE code is manually written and simulated. Hence for a larger design SPICE simulation is cumbersome job. There are specific tools available for transistor level Static Timing Analysis (STA), (Eg. Pathmill from Synopsys) SPICE simulation being the backbone of all these tools.

What is Static Timing Analysis (STA)?

In Static Timing Analysis (STA) static delays such as gate delay and net delays are considered in each path and these delays are compared against their required maximum and minimum values. Circuit to be analyzed is broken into different timing paths constituting of gates, flip flops and their interconnections. Each timing path has to process the data within a clock period which is determined by the maximum frequency of operation. Cell delays are available in the corresponding technology libraries. Cell delay values are tabulated based on input transition and fanout load which are characterized by SPICE simulation. Net delays are calculated based on the Wire Load Models(WLM) or extracted resistance R and capacitance C. Wire Load Models(WLM) are available in the Technology File. These values are Table Look Up(TLU) values calculated based on the net fanout length. The static timing analyzer will report the following delays (or it can do following analysis): Register to Register delays Setup times of all external synchronous inputs Clock to Output delays Pin to Pin combinational delays Different Analysis Modes-Best, Worst, Typical, On Chip Variation (OCV) Data to Data Checks Case Analysis Multiple Clocks per Register Minimum Pulse Width Checks Derived Clocks Clock Gating Checks Netlist Editing Report_clock_timing Clock Reconvergence Pessimism Worst-Arrival Slew Propagation Path-Based Analysis Debugging Delay Calculation and many more......!! The wide spread use of STA can be attributed to several factors [David]:

The basic STA algorithm is linear in runtime with circuit size, allowing analysis of designs in excess of 10 million instances. The basic STA analysis is conservative in the sense that it will over-estimate the delay of long paths in the circuit and under-estimate the delay of short paths in the circuit. This makes the analysis safe, guaranteeing that the design will function at least as fast as predicted and will not suffer from hold-time violations. The STA algorithms have become fairly mature, addressing critical timing issues such as interconnect analysis, accurate delay modeling, false or multi-cycle paths, etc. Delay characterization for cell libraries is clearly defined, forms an effective interface between the foundry and the design team, and is readily available. In addition to this, the Static Timing Analysis (STA) does not require input vectors and has a runtime that is linear with the size of the circuit [Agarwal].

Advantages of STA:
All timing paths are considered for the timing analysis. This is not the case in simulation. Analysis times are relatively short when compared with event and circuit simulation. Timing can be analyzed for worst case, best case simultaneously. This type of analysis is not possible in dynamic timing analysis. Static Timing Analysis (STA) works with timing models. STA has more pessimism and thus gives maximum delay of the design. DTA performs full timing simulation. The problem associated with DTA is the computational complexity involved in finding the input patterns (vectors) that produce maximum delay at the output and hence it is slow.

Disadvantages of STA:
All paths in the design may not run always in worst case delay. Hence the analysis is pessimistic. Clock related all information has to be fed to the design in the form of constraints. Inconsistency or incorrectness or under constraining of these constraints may lead to disastrous timing analysis. STA does not check for logical correctness of the design. STA is not suitable for asynchronous circuits. STA is not suitable for multi cycle paths.

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