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Dimas Morales

The Human Learning.

So far, I think that the human learns following some processes, in other words, step by step. There are two types of learning, the conscious learning and the unconscious learning. The unconscious learning is about of, we learn something but we do not know what it means, this is shown in babies, they learn to say mom or dad but they do not know what it is or why they do it, they only learn it, by the process of repetition. On the other hand, the conscious learning refers to we learn something new, and it could be a second language, knowing that we can learn the new language, by the same process of repetition. But, what would happen if we compare the human learning with the animal one? It is simple, both humans and animals learn, but with a little bit of difference, that is: the human learns following a procedure, step by step, (123 ABC1st 2nd 3rd). But the animal does not, why? Because, the animal needs a stimulation, and without it, the animal choose to jump to the end Reference: aid=6737748 aid=2546788 human_learning_performance/ tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=OAw3UpWSEIe49gTrt4GQBg&ved=0C GMQsAQ&biw=1366&bih=632&dpr=1#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=95Zvr

Dimas Morales

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