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Unit 8 – The Resident’s Environment


1. Bath blanket - a thin, lightweight cotton blanket used to cover the resident during
the bath and during many other procedures.

2. Closed bed - a bed with top sheet and spread positioned to the head of the bed;

3. Concurrent cleaning - daily cleaning of equipment.

4. Draw sheet - a sheet placed under the resident that extends from the shoulder to
below the hips. It can be used to turn and move the resident in bed.

5. Fanfold - procedure for folding a sheet.

6. Gatch - handle or crank used to raise or lower the bed, head of bed, and foot of

7. Mitered corner - a way of tucking linens under the mattress to keep the linens
straight and smooth, when making a hospital bed.

8. Occupied bed - one with the resident in the bed.

9. Open bed - a bed with top bedding fan-folded to bottom and ready for occupancy.

10. Terminal cleaning - cleaning and disinfection of a room after the resident’s death or
discharge from the facility.

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