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The success is in your hands

Long time ago, had a little girl, her name es Sopi. She loved sports, like cycling, skateboarding, and do things that fill your life adrenaline. Her mother, Caroline, with must effort gave her daughter everything she wanted, all the time, when she wants, to compensate for the loss of her husband, and father of Sofia, who died in a car accident. One day, everythink in change in their life. somethink happend to Sophie. she fell off the bike when I was climbing a volcano. His friends inmediatly called emergency. Caroline, arrives very quickly in the hospital, and wait very much time, distressed, worried about he doughter, about what would happen wrong. when the surgeon arrived, he told the mother: "Sophie Rehabilitation need, since the blow some muscles atrophied to help you walk, she can`t momentarily do this. But with surgery we found that you have another condition, has colon cancer, so your recovery will be difficult, she`ll need perseverance, spiritual as strength, effort, courage, be strong and get through this time. Caroline speaks with Sophie, about what was happen, but she fell into a huge depression, which delayed the Rehabilitation, but not chemotherapy. because it`s very important for he helth. When she got up, and decided to move on, to achieve goals, to be brave, to strive for what your mother says to fight, for life, for love, for your tomorrow. Started therapy and muscle rehabilitation. It is a long and tedious road, which has to deal with his cancer and his temporary invalidity. Next year he was discharged from his cancer. A goal accomplished - say together, full of joy. Mommy, we are beating, we are a team, which nothing and no one can separate us. say Sophie.

I know sweety. I've always said that with effort and sacrifice on your part will get very good things when the tears falling from the eyes to Caroline. I know mom, but after I recover fully, I will join a cycling club, and be the best among all. Time to time honey then hugged each with sweetness. Week after week, for five years, went to the hospital, with the enthusiasm characteristics that highlighted, until it is completely cured. As promised Sophie, joined the club, prepare and exercise, until legs no longer resisted, only to be the best. consiguiento going achievements, local and regional awards, until he got into real triumph of his sowing. was called to compete in the Panamerican Guadalajara, representing his country, getting the first place. Where on the occasion said, my mother, who taking care of me, wherever you are, thanks to her, was that 13 years ago, she don`t left me beaten and I'm sure they would be proud of what I achieved. I love you mom, thanks for everythink.

Camila Oyarzo Gatica. Carrera: Enfermera.

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