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#7 FPC, Lowville, NY Fall 2012 Theological Study Group

Study Notes for Paul Tillich, Dynamics of Faith, Chapter Five, Sections 1 - 3 Section 1: Faith & Reason the variety of symbols & types of faith seem to mean that faith has nothing to do w/ truth esp. in comparison w/ reason but there need be no conflict between reason & faith so long as we remember that faith has to do w/ ultimate concerns reason can be defined as technical reason, which is linked to science or it can be identified our humanity more generally, as being what makes us human in the 1st case, reason provides us w/ tools for dealing w/ reality & faith gives the direction of our dealings there is no conflict in the 2nd case, if faith was against reason it would destroy itself because it would destroy our humanity faith is built on reason faith is the way reason reaches beyond itself Ecstasy is fulfilled, not denied rationality. (p. 88), in sum: Reason is the presupposition of faith, and faith is the fulfillment of reason. (p. 88) Theology poses a series of questions concerning the relationship of reason & faith, which we can deal w/ only briefly here: to start w/ humanity is alienated from its true nature, which means that reason & faith are never what they should be this is why they end up in conflict w/ each other the only way they can be reconciled is thru a concrete, this-world revelation revelation here means an experience by which an ultimate concern reaches out & grabs us by the scruff of the neck and we share this experience w/ others in a community of faith when this happens both faith & reason are renewed but human reason & faith remain corrupted & thus can distort a new revelation as they did the previous revelation -- & the relationship between faith & reason is again distorted as well thus, The history of faith is a permanent fight with the corruption of faith, and the conflict with reason is one of its most conspicuous symptoms. (p. 91) Section 2: The Truth of Faith & Scientific Truth There is no conflict between faith in its true nature and reason in its true nature. (p. 92) this is true so long as we define faith as Tillich has, and in this chapter he wants to demonstrate that fact faith pursues a different truth from science, history, & philosophy, but they all are seeking truth Science uses quantitative research to describe & explain physical reality its truths are based on experimentation & always incomplete & preliminary however the uncertain of scientific truth doesnt lessen the value of its truths scientific truths & the truths of faith belong to different dimension of meaning & neither should interfere w/ the other thus supposed conflicts between the two are based on ignorance & misunderstanding if each remains true to itself there is no conflict, for example in the case of each sides understanding of evolution thus psychology is correct in rejecting the concept of a soul, which cant be verified through research but faith speaks of the soul as another dimension, the ultimate dimension psychologists who deny the existence of a soul thus speak out of their own faith & not on the basis of scientific hypothesis by the same token, the truth of faith cant be established by citing the latest scientific discoveries, for example in quantum physics the latest discoveries can neither affirm nor deny the truth of faith Section 3: The Truth of Faith & Historical Truth historical truth is different from scientific truth it isnt experimental & is more subjective but it is based on facts it is factual truth, & faith cant verify or deny factual truth as such in the case of biblical

#7 events, their truth is not dependent on the factual truth of those events their truth in the realm of faith depends on whether or not they grasp individuals, convincing them that those events have saving power for them faith is certain of the truth of events that have changed history [the Resurrection, for example], but its truth doesnt explain how those events took place factually the truth of faith becomes idolatrous if it claims to be factual truth as well

Questions 1. Tillich creates seems to create compartments for faith and for reason, each in its own compartment. Do you agree that he is doing so? If so, do you agree that faith & reason are different things? Is each equally valid for gaining understanding of our world & our self? 2. Tillich clearly believes that faith comes to us from outside of us. An ultimate concern claims us. He also seems to feel that this is a universal human experience. Do you agree that faith is universal? Do you agree that we are passive recipients of faith? Reflect again on your own personal faith. Did it claim you or you claim it? Is faith, to a degree, beyond our control? 3. Why does Tillich constantly harp on humanitys broken nature & the impact of brokenness on faith? 4. Are there different kinds of truth or is truth just truth? If there are different kinds of truth, can something then be true & not true at the same time? 5. In the real world, things are seldom cut & dried. Can there be overlap between the various kinds of truth and between reason & faith? What impact on Tillichs views would such an overlap have? Could truth, or example, be a sliding scale with reason at one end & faith at the other? If so, what impact would this have on Tillichs views of faith & reason? 6. Do human beings have souls? If so, what is it? Is it real in a scientific sense? 7. Did the Resurrection take place as an objective historical event? Or, was it just a faith event? Tillich feels that faith events are just as true as factual events. Do you agree or not? Why or why not? 8. Does Tillich weaken the authority of the Bible by claiming that the events it records cant be proven factually? Why or why not?

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