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King fisher is common name of one brid genus eater fist out of alcedinidaes tribe. Its diversity center is at tropat Africa, Asia, and Australia. As type of king fisher lives at water,well at pool, lake and an river. Partly again life at forest back country. This king fisher prey fish, frogs, insect and various reptile. Prey that at gets directly at kills by hit it to tree trunk or goes to stone, then is eaten. All its member gets vainglorious, having big all, long and taper, in view balance reducing with she its relative little body, its foot is short so also have color fur sunny especially lucent blue and brown florid at the elbow white color. Colour pattern so medley. Perches frequent king fisher surreptitious at dry stick or under leaves. Bank near water king fisher also usually nest in the hole earth, river and tree trunk bank and this brid even usually result egg 2-5 numbers. King fisher was gifted by ability to take for its prey position at the kind red egg. Severally species e.g. from marga alcedo, often appears quick flying near surface straight trajectory deep water,

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