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Critical Review The Science of Persuasion Mala (7395) UEC2B


The process of social influence leads human behavior into some positive responses. There are six basic tendencies of human behavior, which influence someone in making decisions and in giving responses to others. This is the topic discussed in the article The Science of Persuasion, published in Scientific American on February 2001. The purpose of the author, Robert B. Cialdini, are to inform, to raise awareness of customers and to sell his idea for people who need to persuade someone to fulfill the requirements. He argues that there are six basic tendencies of human behavior, which have an important role in making a response. These concepts help people in managing business transactions and in communicating with others. The author starts by presenting a letter for the readers, which asks some questions about their feeling when they buy or decide something. Then he starts to explain his research and argument that human behaviors influence people in receiving response from the others. The author mentions that the first concept is reciprocation, which persuades persons to give back what they have got. He gives some examples and research that explains his argument. For instance, charitable organizations, sellers and Pharmaceutical Companies which offer gifts in order to return the favor and to receive benefits. Then Cialdini explains the second tendency, which is consistency, which means that the consistency of the person in serving other people is important and it will give us a good response from anybody. The third concept that the author mentioned is social validation. He points out that one essential way in settling on our mind or decision is to do like others have decided because they tend to think that the majority is often more accurate

Critical Review The Science of Persuasion Mala (7395) UEC2B

and legitimate. The author gives an experiment by City University of New York social psychologists Stanley Milgram, Leonard Bickman and Lawrence Berkowitz. The fourth concept is liking. According to the author, liking means people rather make business or relation with those they like and feel comfortable with. Cialdini shows the Tupperware Corporation as one company, which uses liking as one way to persuade and attract consumers. He also shows some studies that investigate physical attractiveness as a part of persuasion, such as some studies conducted by Peter H. Reingen and Jerome B. Kernan, Michael G. Efran and E.W.J. Patterson, R. Kelly Aune and Michael D. Basil. Moreover, he explains that authority plays an important role in receiving a good response from others. For example, the author compares the effect of illegal action that could be different if the authority of the person is higher. It can lead us to make wrong decisions if authority is used inappropriately. The last tendency that influences human response is scarcity, which has an effect on human opinion. The author demonstrates that people are disposed to choose rare commodities and opportunities. He gives an example that has done by Amram Knishinsky in selling his beef in US. In last part of his article, the author concludes that professionals such as marketers, advertisers, salespeople, fund-raisers and other people whose profit depends on their skill to persuade others to buy or to use their products have applied these concepts. If they cannot apply these tendencies or abilities, they will not survive in their businesses. Finally, the author suggests to the readers that they do not have to be upset if they will be manipulated by those people, because they can make a choice freely by recognizing, understanding persuasion methods, analyzing, selecting needs and contributions.

Critical Review The Science of Persuasion Mala (7395) UEC2B

This article is supported by another article Influence across Culture written by the same author. It says that the influence of human behavior has the same pattern in all human societies, however the social influence process runs differences between cultures. Robert B. Cialdini, who is a Professor of Psychology at Arizona State University, wrote this article. He is president of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology. By this background, we know that he has sufficient knowledge in this area. It is easy for him to write this article and to attract the readers to read his article. We can see it from the beginning and the end of the article. In introduction, he engages the readers by using a letter, which makes the readers feel closer to the topic, so the reader will get curious to read his article. He also ends his article by applying his idea into one part of persuasive sentences, which contains of six basic concepts that he explained before. According to his language, it clearly shows his tone, positive, promising and playful. He tries to convince the readers by playing with the mind of the readers. He persuades the readers by using persuasive language that he seems to know much about, he knows what the readers think, he deeply knows what the readers will say after they read this article. For instance, the sentences in his letter after he asked some questions to the readers, he confidently continues his sentence by Yes? Then clearly this article is just right for you Absolutely, it is easy for him to do this because he is an expert. This article is published in Scientific American, so it is aimed for general people who are interested in science and its development. At first sight, by reading the title, the readers will expect that the topic is about science or something related to science such as technical science or medical science. Nevertheless, it only discusses about daily situations and actions that happen in our society. It is a part of psychology and human

Critical Review The Science of Persuasion Mala (7395) UEC2B

behavior. The author argues strongly that the science of persuasion is really important in human life and tries to convince the readers how important his idea. Furthermore, he named the factors that influence human behavior by using common words such as social validation, liking and scarcity in order to make the readers understand this article easily. The author uses a wide range of evidence in encouraging the readers about his argument. He provides some studies and examples from credible and reliable research and universities, such as Stanley Milgram, Leonard Bickman and Lawrence Berkowitz from City University of New York, study in Columbia University, Arizona University and University of Toronto, which are the renowned universities. This evidence will make his argument becomes stronger and trustworthy. He views some nice pictures to explain more about the tendencies and supports his argument that the concepts are common in our society. For instance, he gives the picture of Tupperware Corporation party, which uses liking concept as one way to sell their product and Mc Donald Corporation, which applies scarcity as one method to get big profits. Compared to Sutphens article, Persuasion and Brainwashing Techniques being used on the public today (n.d), there are similar opinions in persuasion technique. Sutphen agrees that persuasion technique will be a good way to attract others and he used it in his article. However, Sutphen warns that this method can bring people to manipulation of human decisions. Someone who knows this technique may use it against the laws and cannot be detected. This condition often cannot be stopped because the user knows how to avoid problems and to manipulate rules. Sutphen gives negative views of persuasion while Cialdini proposes it as a positive idea. Similarly Rank (2003) judges persuasion techniques as a manipulation method to reach the purposes. Rank uses

Critical Review The Science of Persuasion Mala (7395) UEC2B

Political Rhetoric as an example of persuasion disorder. Both Rank and Sutphen point out the persuasion concept in a negative view. Nevertheless, Rank has a similar idea with Cialdini that people should know and understand persuasion techniques so they can analyze and anticipate this technique rather than ignore it and be apathetic. In conclusion, the author tries to convince the readers that the knowledge of persuasion is important in order to persuade someone to do something we ask. Indeed, it is also important for the consumers in case of they have to make decisions to buy or donate some goods or funds. There are six tendencies of human behavior that can influence peoples response to each other. This article was written well to show the role of those basic tendencies in persuading someone. In my opinion, we should read and study more about this topic because by knowing and understanding the weaknesses and the strengths of persuasion technique, we can grasp other people in our hand and be more careful from the other hands that will grasp us.

References: Cialdini, R. B. 2001, The Science of Persuasion, Scientific American, p. 62-67 Rank, H 2003, Political Retoric, Hugh Ranks Teaching Aids, viewed 26 May 2003, <> Sutphen, D (n.d), Persuasion and Brainwashing Techniques Being Used on The Public Today, viewed 26 May 2003, <>

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