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User research

Behaviors, attitudes, and aptitudes of potential product users. Technical, business, and environmental contexts the domain of the product to be design. Other social aspects of the domain in question How existing products are used.

Stakeholder interviews Subject matter expert (SME) interviews User and customer interviews Literature review Product/prototype and competitive audits User observation/ethnography field studies

Immersive observation

Ethnography (from anthropology) - the systematic and immersive study of human cultures.

Directed interview techniques

Ethnographic interviews

Ethnography research?

Conducting Ethnographic Interviews

Basic methods:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Interview where the interaction happens Avoid a fixed set of questions Focus on goals first, tasks second Avoid making the user a designer Avoid discussions of technology Encourage storytelling Ask for a show and tell Avoid leading questions

Focus group (face to face meetings-structured questions)

Market demographic and market segments (focus groups/market survey)

Usability and user testing (various techniques) Task analysis (questionnaires/interviews)

designed by: jasni2011


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