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Shaun Swanson

615 Franklin Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89130 (702) - 885 - 3460 Objective: To manage and grow big data assets while leveraging complex systems theory to form actionable insights that drive growth and engagement. Education: Certificate of completion from the Santa Fe Institute for the first-ever online complex systems course, Introduction to Complexity California Institute of Technology - Pasadena, CA (2010 - 2011) o M.S. Chemical Engineering (Pending Payment) - Overall GPA: 3.30/4.0 Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburgh, PA (2006 - 2010) o B.S. Mechanical Engineering, B.S. Physics - Engineering GPA: 3.84/4.0 - Overall GPA: 3.61/4.0 o Trained and practiced with MATLAB and R o Executed parallel computing jobs on supercomputers through a Unix shell cole Polytechnique - Paris, France (2011) o Studied fluid mechanics for two months on a grant Advanced Technologies Academy - Las Vegas, NV (2002 - 2006) o 4-year Computer Science Emphasis - Overall GPA: 4.657/4.0 (Weighted) o Co-founded the schools first BC Calculus course Experience: Co-founder, Customer Development (Hyperlocal) at (August 2013 - Present) o TourAlong is a crowdfunding platform that helps bands keep their remote fans engaged and connected while theyre out on tour. Developed a custom analytics dashboard using a python controller and modifications to a SQL-based model for the website. Co-founder, Chief Science Officer at Ayloo (June 2011 - Present) o Ayloo is a data-driven platform for the discovery and organization of face-to-face communities through community events Inferred causal relationships between growth efforts and monthly active users on the Ayloo mobile app; Optimized growth efforts to reach over 500 monthly active users without marketing resources Generated analytics reports on inbound referrals, goal conversions, user activity, and more; Generated bi-monthly analytics reports for organizers on the growth of their faceto-face communities based on Facebook event data Designed a graph database to store shared event RSVPs between Ayloo users coupled to event category data; Co-developed a MongoDB to Neo4j database adapter script; Modified graph visualization to identify interest community structures defined by shared event RSVPs for categorized events; Leveraged these interest community structures for a preliminary event recommendation algorithm Co-founder at Shift Vegas (December 2011 - September 2012) o Shift Vegas was a bottoms-up movement empowering civic leaders during the early stages of the renovation of Downtown Las Vegas through community events and online discussion spaces Collected data on the growth of the movement over time manually and through activity on older Ayloo technology (online discussion spaces); Enacted growth efforts to reach 44 community events, 23 community projects, 37 community organizers, and over 10,000 in estimated reach over the course of 5 months without marketing resources

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