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Katherine Markstein EML 5713 HW4 October 16, 2013 Chapter 3 Control Volume Analysis Comments 1.

1. As I had suggested in my Chapter 1 comments, I would like to see the most simple explanation of the Lagrangian vs. Eulerian viewpoint such as 'Lagrangian follows the particle and Eulerian watches the particle go by.' The other part of the explanation is fine, but I feel that the simple wording in there would really help the point to get through (p.2). 2. A discussion of control volume vs. control surface vs. control system vs. control mass was helpful in class and would be helpful in this chapter. Also the sentence on p.3 that begins with "Region I is the volume of the control volume vacated" is hard to read. If I were reading this sentence without previous knowledge from a lecture, I would be quite confused. 3. On p.6 p.7 you substituted = 1 in the time dependent part of the integral continuity equation, but not for the other part? 4.

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