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The Leadership Challenge. James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner, 3 Edition. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. 421pp.

In an HBR article George, Sims, McLean and Mayer (2007) report that scholars have conducted more than 1,000 studies on leadership over the last 50 years. Most studies have attempted to crack the Leaders DNA: the definitive styles, characteristics of personality traits of great leaders. This fascination possibly stems from the perennial question are leaders born or made? It seems that people are naturally drawn to the charisma, passion and unyielding tenacity of the leader to achieve the vision for a country, an organization or simply ones family. In a sense, leaders are seen as heroes who bring out the best in us and allow us to believe in dreams, aspirations and a cause worth fighting for. Because the accomplishments of leaders are astounding, I find it difficult to believe that in my humanity, it will be possible for a person as ordinary as me to become a leader. Since the First Edition of the Leadership Challenge was published in the late 1980s, leadership themes have evolved from the entrepreneurial spirit to the flower of inventiveness in the mid1990s. However, in 2002 dramatic global events took place that prompted the authors to question if leadership truly had a core set of practices that transcended milieu and endured over time. The results revealed that fundamental leadership practices did endure. While the context changed, the content of leadership remained the same. For this reason, Kouzes and Posner revisited their research to cull out the practices that remained consistent in all the personal best leadership experiences shared by their respondents. The authors framed these practices against current realities and, taking off from the questions that arose from the implications of these realities for leaders, emphasize the unique opportunity for extraordinary leadership that is accessible for anyone who really has the passion to lead. The book inspires us to believe that we have the capacity to do uncommon things that yield significant results. It is not meant for leaders who believe that they possess the monopoly of information within the organization. Nor is this book meant for individuals who are looking for short cuts to greatness. The book will resonate with individuals who possess the courage, sincere intent and passion to lead others towards a vision, from no matter where he or she stands in the organization and respond to the challenge of leadership Content and Synopsis The book begins with a case study on Whites a family-owned car dealership and repair group that had been experiencing problems, caused by outdated structures, internal tension, and commoditized customer service. As most brick and mortar businesses behave, little attention is devoted to customer experience. In most cases with similar business models, attention is focused on lagging indicators such as efficiency or lower costs. Faced with this situation, the Managing Director posed the key question what do our customers really think of us? and proceeded to drive customer service improvements within the organization. With the support and ownership of her employees to achieve challenging goals, Whites was able to transform itself from its silomentality and culture of blame, to integrated self-managing units. The story serves as the springboard to introduce the Five Exemplary Practices of Leadership; practices culled from their research on the dynamic process of leadership which can be learned by anyone who is ready to respond to the leadership challenge. Each practice is clarified with distinct commitments that serve as basis for learning how to lead: Model The Way Lead from where you believe 1. Find your voice by clarifying your personal values 2. Set the example by aligning actions with shared values Inspire a Shared Vision Leaders live their lives backward


3. Envision the future by imagining exciting and ennobling possibilities 4. Enlist others in a common vision by appealing to shared aspirations Challenge The Process Leaders are pioneers people who are willing to step out into the unknown 5. Search for opportunities by seeking innovative ways to change, grow and improve 6. Experiment and take risks by constantly generating small wins and learning from mistakes Enable Others To Act When leadership is a relationship founded on trust and confidence, people rake risks, keep organizations and movements alive 7. Foster collaboration by promoting cooperative goals and building trust 8. Strengthen others by sharing power and discretion Encourage the Heart Leaders encourage the heart of their constituents to carry on. Genuine acts of caring uplift the spirits and draw people forward. 9. Recognize contributions by showing appreciation for individual excellence 10. Celebrate the values and victories by creating a spirit of community Purpose Kouzes and Posner wrote this book to help ordinary people, who have the opportunity or desire, to further their abilities to lead others to get extraordinary things done. It provides aspiring or present leaders with the confidence to move their vision forward by citing examples from their research on how regular people were able to achieve amazing success in personal-best leadership moments. While each leader exhibited unique attributes that allowed them to succeed, there are common factors, which stand out as critical leadership practices. The good news is that these practices and the underlying skills needed to make things happen and to liberate the leader in everyone can be learned. Consistent with this principle, the authors illustrate, through case studies and concrete recommendations, how aspiring or current leaders can develop and practice the disciplines needed to expand leadership capital. The authors walk the reader through the journey of selfdevelopment, beginning with the inside then expanding the sphere of influence outward, towards nurturing the self-efficacy and leadership capability in others. The activities scaffold, and build upon each skill so that each success will fortify the leadership spirit. However, to gain the most of this experience, the reader will need to be the protagonist of his or her learning, to participate fully in the exercises and to seize opportunities where the leadership moments may be put to practice. We need to possess the willingness to be vulnerable, throw our heart over the bar in order to lead out of what is already in our soul. This is where the authors want to take us. The point in time we will be free from the self-imposed limitations that have held us back from fully realizing what truly inspires us, challenges us, and ignites our passion. When we are at peace with our voice and ourselves, we will be more able to take others on the same journey to also discover theirs. Conclusion The book is a significant contribution to the literature on leadership because it does not simply parrot the work of others but is grounded on a wealth of research. The authors make their point quite convincingly, by offering recommendations that can be practiced in any setting where the opportunity to lead is set forth. By my own experience, I am inspired by the authors consistent encouragement that everyone can learn about leadership and become a leader. I will recommend the book to my colleagues because the lessons are pragmatic, extensive and the

recommendations quite actionable. It is for individuals who, have not made the decision to lead or have made the decision but need to step back and rekindle the passion to lead. I also recommend the companion workbook as a field guide in actualizing what is learned so that the insights are more personal, relevant and purposeful.

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