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Email Functionality and Use

Micheal Wade

Define each of the email terms listed:

1. Email Client: a. An application that allows you to send, receive, and organize emails. 2. Distribution List: a. A collection of emails addresses that allow you to email multiple people at a time. 3. Reply All a. Allows you to reply to all recipients in the original email. 4. Cc: a. (courtesy or carbon copy) Allows you to send a copy of the email to another receiver. 5. BCC:

a. (Blind carbon copy) Allows you to send a copy of the email to a recipient whos address does not appear in the email. 6. Attachment: a. Allows an individual to send a file, video, or picture via email. 7. Spam: a. Electronic junk mail.
8. Netiquette:

a. The social etiquette of the internet.

Explain how netiquette influences the way in which you write and send e-mails.

Every person has different terms of netiquette. It all depends who I am emailing for what kind netiquette I decide to use. For instance, in case I am emailing my brother or spouse I won't use the same netiquette as I would in case I were emailing my boss, supervisor, or teachers. My brothers email normally has slang terms and frequently profanity while my wifes aren't

suitable to discuss here. The emails to my boss, supervisor, or teachers are written with correct grammar, there are no spelling mistakes, plus it's professional. The emails to my boss, supervisor, or teachers are written to ensure that I get my point across without annoying anybody whereas my wife and brothers might hurt some individuals in case they were to receive them in that shape.

Describe a scenario in which someone displayed bad netiquette

One scenario which comes to mind occurred some time ago when I received an email from a past teacher saying that my opinions and views were not suitable for the class discussion and I wouldn't be getting credit for any of my replies.

How did you react to receiving the email?

I was hurt and baffled on why I was getting the email during a discussion week.

What could the sender have done differently to display good netiquette?

The teacher must have understanding that during discussion weeks anything can and almost will be stated concerning discussion subjects. The teacher must have accepted the participation whether the teacher has the same views or not.

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