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Canine Prosthesis

Animals as we may suffer accidents that causes the loss of members. With the objective of provide solution to problems which may have our pets, is created amigo, a kind a wheelchair intended to provide a better quality of life. Thanks to these kind of inventions have been saved thousands of lives of dogs that often the only way was the euthanasia. However, most of these chairs are adaptations of human concepts, that while allowing, an effective displacement, submitted the dog to a big effort. For that the prosthesis amigo, work of the Israeli designer Nir Shalom, is a radical change to greater comfort of our pets. The device is coupled on the hip of small dogs and allows a high mobility, by a joint that makes a knee and moving independently backwards, allowing the dogs up or down the stairs, sit and lie down by themselves when they are tired. Nir made amigo as things are created to last, starting by the hard one. Is the hoppa history, his friends dog. Hoppa came to the world four years ago without forepaws. A veterinary of tiberiades city where the dog was born, communicated to the family that the possibilities of survival were very low, and recommended that hoppa was sacrificed. But his owner ignored the advertisement. Until now, theres no information on the marketing of amigo the wheelchair for dogs. But, fortunately theres a company dedicated to manufactur e the best wheelchairs for dogs, OTOCANIS.

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