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Human Body

 The adult human body has 206 bones, while a child’s developing
body has 300.
 The stapes, or stirrup bone, is the smallest bone in the human
body, located in the middle ear. It measures approximately.11
inches in length.
 Motor neurons are the longest cells in the human body. They can
reach up to 4.5 feet in length and extend from the lower spinal
cord to the big toe.
Animals and Insects
 The giant salamander is the world’s largest amphibian. It can
grow to be 5 feet long.
 Fleas can jump 130 times their height. In human terms, that
equates to a 6-foot-tall person leaping 780 feet into the air.
 Snakes are true carnivores because they only eat other animals
and do not eat plants.
 Sound travels four times faster in water than it does in air.
 Cats have over 100 vocal sounds, whereas dogs only have about

Did You Know?

 Holes in pen lids can save your life- The pen caps have holes to
prevent suffocation if swallowed.
 There are several names for the cardboard sleeve that covers the
coffee cup. Other names for the coffee sleeve include coffee
clutch, coffee cosy, java jacket, and paper zarf.
 Bar code scanners read the white space between the black lines
rather than the black lines themselves.
 Salt was once used as currency, where the English term “salary”
comes from.
 Salt was so valuable to the ancient Romans that it was used as
currency. Soldiers were paid in salt, which was also used for
 Wearing headphones for an hour multiplies the bacteria in your
ear by 700.
 Cough syrup is 5 times more effective than pineapple juice. It
also protects against the common cold and flu.

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