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3 Truths and 1 Lie

1. Milk helps you grow big and tall and strong.

2. Bananas contain potassium, and because potassium decays, the
yellow fruit becomes slightly radioactive.
3. Humans have inherited genes from other species.
4. Sound travels four times faster in water than it does in air.

1. Salt was once used as currency, where the English term “salary”
comes from.
2. Cats have over 100 vocal sounds, whereas dogs only have about
3. The oceans produce the majority of the oxygen on Earth.
4. Summer is hotter because you are closer to the sun.

1. The stapes, or stirrup bone, is the smallest bone in the human

body, located in the middle ear.
2. The giant salamander is the world’s largest amphibian.
3. Snakes are true carnivores because they only eat other animals and
do not eat plants.
4. Sugar makes kid hyperactive and wild.

1. Wearing headphones for an hour multiplies the bacteria in your ear

by 700.
2. The seasons are caused by distance from the sun
3. The human stomach can dissolve razor blades.
4. A cloud can weigh around a million pounds.

1. Hot water freezes faster than cold water.

2. Lightning doesn’t strike twice in the same place.
3. It can rain diamonds on other planets.
4. Plastic can end up as vanilla flavoring.

1. About half of your body is bacteria.

2. Men are more likely to be colorblind than women.
3. Hair and fingernails continue growing after death.
4. Humans are capable of producing venom.

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