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Beowulf sample thesis statements

I feel that Grendel of Beowulf and the birds in The Birds are the antagonists and they got whatever they want. I believe that in the two works the fears between the two are very different. They (the protagonists) are complete opposite, but are still the two heroes of the stories. Theses stories are nothing alike but both authors are showing a very strong and true point if you overcome one obstacle, there will always be another. In the story Beowulf, the main character is honorable, the monsters only consists of three mythical creatures, and the conclusion of the tales gives closure. In the movie The Birds, the main characters contain flaws, the enemy is of a substantial number, and the conclusion allows no closure for the viewer. I think that Beowulf and The Birds are different in that the antagonists Beowulf looses, and the antagonists in The Birds win. Grendel is the main character of Beowulf and is very different than a flock of killer birds. Beowulf, an ancient tale, tells of a story where the villain dies at the end, whereas in The Birds, a more modern tale, tells of a villain that is too great to overcome. Therefore, Beowulf and The Birds have a very different ending. Yet, they both have something in common: dangerous enemies. Well maybe if you knew more about the two, youd have a better time choosing.

Beowulf portrays fear as a gruesome monster that needs to be killed in order to overcome the obstacle that is fear to become victorious, while The Birds portrays fear as an unconquerable force of nature

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