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Adverbs of Degree

(tips adverbs degree adverbs of degree) Adverbs of Degree tell us about the intensiveness or the degree of a quality ( adjectives), or even an adverb itself, (normally adverbs of manner). Common Adverbs of Degree:

very quite almost

just enough really

spectacular extremel ly y so too Unlike other adverbs, adverbs of degree are usually placed before the adjective or the adverb they are modifying, after the auxiliary verb, before the main verb or between the auxiliary verb and the main verb. Examples: He is really good. (before the adjective) She almost noticed his presence. (before main verb) He is just sad. (after the auxiliary verb) They don't really know you. (between auxiliary verb and main verb)

* " enough " as an adverb of degree (which means " to the necessary degree ") comes after adjectives or adverbs. Examples: He is fat enough. (after adjectives) They didn't work hard enough. (after adverb) - adverb of manner

Note that the word " enough " also comes before nouns. In this case, the word is a determiner, not an adverb.

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