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VERB Educate Improve Jog Govern Spell Hesitate Arrange NOUN Education Improvement Jogging Government Spelling Hesitation Arrangement ADJECTIVE Stupid Dark Weak Similar Punctual Sad Popular NOUN Stupidity Darkness Weakness Similarity Punctuality Sadness Popularity

EXERCISE 2. COMPLETE THE TEXT 1. Television 2. Election 3. Education 4. Government 5. Weakness 6. Stupidity 7. Management 8. Improvement EXERCISE 3. WRITE DOWN THE NAME OF THE PERSON WHO DOES THESE THINGS 1. Actor /actress 2. Employer 3. Footballer 4. Singer 5. Murderer 6. Psychologist 7. Economist 8. Translator 9. Manager

EXERCISE 4. LOOK AT THE TWO EXAMPLES AND THEN COMPLETE THE REST OF THE DEFINITIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Writes news reports for newspapers, television, et Dances ballet Makes films Manages a bank Employs other people (employees) Sings pop music Translates texts into other languages Drives lorries Takes photographs Produces art

EXERCISE 5. 1. Sadness 2. Happiness

3. Craziness 4. Hopelessness 5. Readiness

EXERCISE 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Refusal Forgetful Commerce Excitement Scarcity

EXERCISE 7. 1. Painter 2. doctor 3. actor 4. sailor 5. writer 6. worker 7. supervisor 8. projector 9. printer 10. pencil-sharpener

EXERCISE 8. 1. Pollution 2. Impression 3. Alteration 4. Admission 5. Complication 6. Reduction 7. Addition 8. Donation 9. Explanation 10. Promotion

ADJECTIVE SUFFIXES KEY EXERCISE 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Thoughtful / thoughtless Attractive Creative Foggy Homeless Useful Dirty Careful /careless Dangerous

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Political Enjoyment Painful /painless Knowledgeable Suitable Sunny Musical Comfortable Famous Reliable Washable breakable

EXERCISE 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Careful Foggy Famous Thoughtful Dangerous Painful useful unbreakable industrial undrinkable inflexible homeless

EXERCISE 3. Painful- painless Tactful- tactless Useful- useless Careful- careless Thoughtful-thoughtless Opposites: Beautiful ugly Wonderful awful, unpleasant Awful wonderful, amazing EXERCISE 4. 1. Wonderful, foggy, awful 2. Awful, dangerous, careless 3. Wonderful, famous, creative 4. Awful, dangerous, wonderful 5. Famous, creative, wonderful 6. Beautiful, useful, reliable 7. Tactful, tactless, reliable 8.

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