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My sea, my home.

This book of photos is dedicated to my mom - one of my main ispiration in life, one of the strongest and most determinated people i know, a person full of energy & ideas with an endless amount of creativity, a free though very deep soul, with a fun and young spirit an of course an endless love for the sea no matter where she is and what time of the year it could be. She loves the sun light, the gentle fresh breeze, the colors around her, the noise of waves breaking by the shore, throwing stones in the sea and make them hop, hop, hop till they land by the horizon, ending up admiring the beautiful colors that brust out from it during the amazing sunset.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Sunshine Cabins Breeze Textures


- Golden Fields, driving towards the beach of fisherman -

- This is a tiny bay which i always admired from my car window and finally got to stop, sit and breathed the colorfull air it has. -

- This small beach is totally abandoned and always isolated, it kinda looks like mars when you walk through it...

...and thats exaclty what makes it beatiful; those homogeneous colors make all the different textures pop right out. -

- Im pretty sure those four boat friends where not being very nice to that blue one there, left all alone in the corner. -


- The shapes, the colors, the lifeguard, everything made me feel like i took a jump back into the 60s for a day -

- What a relaxing cabin view, its nothing else you and nature -



- Thank you for all our beach adventures together. You made me love the sea like no one else could have ever done - love Lo xoxo

- Lauren Gaballo -

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