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A Wildflower on the Beach

By; Ruchelle Camado

I decided to walk to the beach, feeling the

breeze while it blows my hair and hearing the soothing
sound of the sea, I told myself “life is good”. A I was
walking on the shore, I encountered a wildflower,
bloomed in the sand facing the sea and sun. It was so
pretty, with its vibrant colors glowing, everyday I would
visit it. Its beauty made me feel calm but also a bit
insecure. I wished I could be like that flower, loved and
admired by every passersby, while I was a shadow. It
made me question my life? Is it beautiful to be
beautiful?, me living in front of the amazing sea,
witnessing the sunsets and sunrises everyday. I wished
for a life like that, so perfect and peaceful. But one day,
as I visited the wildflower, I only found out an empty
sand, it was gone. Where had she gone? I felt lost,
wondering why it left. I turned around and saw a
beautiful view of the ocean and the sun ready to set and
i told myself “Beautiful”.

Beauty is fleeting, just like life. We often chase

external beauty, but real beauty is in how we find peace
and happiness in our own hearts. The sea and the sunset
reminded me that nature's beauty lasts, and that true
beauty is about finding peace within ourselves.

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