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co m/2013/09/critical-hits-classified-acco rding-to .html?pfstyle=wp


CRIT ICAL HIT S, CLASSIFIED ACCORDING T O WEAPON DAMAGE T YPE BLUNT WEAPONS (From the Equipment list: mace, morgenstern, f lail; see also axes below) 1-Head trauma: save vs. Death Ray or be knocked unconscious; f urthermore 1 in 8 such blows will destroy an eardrum and 1 in 8 of those that f ail to do so will destroy an eye; 1 in 20 of those will destroy both eyes. T hose wearing a helm and coif are protected f rom these ef f ects 3 times in 6; the helm will be destroyed 1 time in 6 af ter preventing such a blow. 2-Bone break, sword arm. 3-Bone break, shield arm. 1 in 4 blows destroy the shield instead. 4-Gut check: subject is winded, save vs. Death Ray or lose one round in retching. 5-Bone break: hambone or shank, 50% f or either. 6-Broken rib: 1 in 6 of such blows will puncture a lung, causing death in 1 to 6 rounds. T hose wearing hard armor (AC 3 or better) will be protected f rom any of the above ef f ects 1 time in 6; however, those af f ected by a critical hit f rom a blunt while in hard armor will have their armor staved in at the point of the blow and will have their f ighting capability reduced by one Hit Die. CUT T ING WEAPONS (f rom the Equipment list: hand axe, sword; battle axes and halberds use this table or the one above, 50% chance f or either, 1% roll on both tables) Roll on the Blunt Weapons table. AC 5 or better prevents these ef f ects 3 times in 6. Blows which succeed in dealing a critical injury will cause serious bleeding 2 times in 6; such bleeds to the ham (result 5) will cause death in 2 to 4 rounds. PIERCING WEAPONS (arrows, quarrels, spear, double-edge swords, pike, dagger) 1-As Blunt Weapons, but 1 in 4 will gouge out an eye, 1 in 6 will be f atal. 2-3-As Blunt Weapons, though there will be no bone break so healing may be f aster. 4-Pierced bowel: slow, hideous death. 5-As in 2-3, though the possibility of death f rom bleeding exists as in Cutting Weapons. 6-Pierced lung: death in 1-6 rounds, with f ighting capability reduced. 1 in 8 such blows will pierce the heart. Hard Armor (AC 3 or better) will prevent such ef f ects f rom piercing weapons 3 times in 6, though only 1 time in 6 if the ef f ect is f rom a projectile f ired f rom a bow or crossbow at close range.

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