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Bunker Hill By Dayyn Sisson with Brian Cesson & Branden Mendoza

Based on the actual events of the Battle of Bunker Hill

High Tech High Dauntless Films Dayyn Sisson, Branden Mendoza, Brian Cesson

EXT. BUNKER HILL - DAY An empty trail, silent and eerily empty. The sound of musket fire echoes in the distance. The ground begins to rumble. There is a barely audible whizzing sound, somewhere in the distance. And then... ...the ground erupts in a shower of dirt and rock as a cannonball slams into the ground. The sound of musket fire get closer, this time accompanied by the sound of running feet. Three soldiers dart out of the cloud of swirling dust in a hurried panic. A bullet kicks up in the dirt in front of them as they charge down the path. One of them gets shot in the back. SWIPE CUT They break out into the opening and start frantically climbing a hill to the top, slipping on its steep slope, rock and dirt precariously rolling down. Near the top they both flinch in the glare of the sun as several British soldiers open fire on them killing both. The soldiers run up and take their positions. SWIPE CUT Several more American soldiers scramble up the hill, and get mowed down by the onslaught of British fire. SWIPE CUT An American soldier runs in from the side and charges with his bayonet. A group of Americans run up from the other side and open fire. An American soldier breaks through the tangled mess into an open field where all hell has broken loose. Things to include in this: Bayonet stabs Real ricochet smoke Cannon explosions Body shots Soldiers dragging wounded friends

2. EXT. BUNKER HILL - DAY The American soldiers charge the British line, shattering it and breaking through into an open field. An American soldier, Jackson, dives into a foxhole. He nervously reloads his musket. A cannon shell explodes just above him, dirt and debris raining down on him. He hears a scream and begins to look up above his foxhole, but he quickly ducks down as a bullet ricochets off the top. He hurriedly looks over and sees an American soldier lying on the ground, waving a bloody document in his hand. JACKSON Chase! Put your head down! Jackson fires absently at a British soldier creeping up on Max Chase, the wounded soldier. He stops to reload as another soldier dives into the foxhole next to him. Jackson glances up at him. JACKSON Holt, got any ammo left? Holt leans up against the wall of the foxhole. HOLT Nope, Im all out. A bullet ricochets near his head as he ducks frantically. Another cannon explosion goes off near them, covering them in debris. Jackson turns as he hears yelling from another foxhole. There, Parker is yelling and pointing at Chase lying on the ground. PARKER I can reach him! Tell me when to go! Jackson looks back over the foxhole. Holt shakes him violently on the shoulder. HOLT Now?! Jackson gives us a slight nod. Holt looks over at Parker. HOLT (contd) Go! Go! Parker begins getting out of his foxhole. Jackson begins reloading his musket then stops. His eyes open up in realization, and he mutters something under his breath. He turns to look at Parker.


JACKSON Parker get down!!! A bullet goes through Parkers body.

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