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Job roles and responsibilities Organisational area

A product manager falls into marketing and managerial. A product manager falls into marketing and managerial because most the time they are guiding and commanding the marketing sector or the finance sector and the people within the sectors.

Job types
Product manager is there to guide the other part of the business .e.g in a music point of view. The product manager would guide the designs what the album should look like. Also the product manager is the main contact point for the lower parts of the business so any person who has a problem or to make sure that they are on tack then they must go to the product manage.

Skill sets
The product manager must be creative, managerial and financial. The product manager must be creative so he/she can see the point of view of the editors and make designs. He/she needs to be managerial because is guiding many people .A product manager could be ordering/ guiding 20-30 people at a time so they need good management. But also the product manager must be able to uses his budget well so they need good financial skills so they can get the quality for price.

Level of responsibility
The product manager has the responsibility of management because he is running 20 -30 people at a time so if he/she is not commanding them right then they have the responsibility for them. In the chain the product manager guides the business analyst and producer this is because the product manager gets all the details about the task the relays it back to the producer. But the product manager is order about by the account manager because that the person whom sets the budget for that task.

Working patterns
The product manager works irregular and a fixed-term contract, this is because the product manager may have to work late at night to make sure that all segments for that day has been done, but may only have to work a short day because the staff have done what they were meant to do that day. But they have a fixed contract because they have been given the set time do finished the task.

Pay range and type

The product manager would get a salary most of the time around$45,000-$75,000,but like most jobs it matters who you are a well known person or a up and coming one.

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